Please add more than 3 presets for killers and survivors. I will literally pay for more preset slots

thrawnpariah Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

I love the ability to have saved presets and that they are adding a way to search for perks.

However, only having 3 presets is very limiting. Especially playing as survivor where I want an adept slot (same on killer honestly), a sabo build, a gen rush build, a blind build, and a stun build. Right now I alternate my 2nd slot with adept or sabo build.

I hope that we can have more presets in the future, I would also love to be able to build more killer loadouts especially with my favorite killers where I run stealth, adept, and expose builds and would love to add aura reading loadouts or the like.

I think we can all agree we would pay for more slots or a drop down box where we can name builds and that we would all pay for it if we have to. Would be awesome if it was free, but I figure if you can make more money off of it then it has a higher chance of happening.

Warmest Regards,



  • SpiritsHusk
    SpiritsHusk Member Posts: 169

    Honestly seems a bit pointless, considering the search bar is coming up it shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to just switch between builds, could literally be done whilst you are getting into a game.

  • thrawnpariah
    thrawnpariah Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    More than aware it is a convenience, thus I would pay for the convenience of not having to search through perks and having more than just 3 presets.

  • Aaronseuk
    Aaronseuk Member Posts: 77

    I wish they would have clone presets, whereby I don’t have to keep setting the same preset for multiple characters. Sometimes I want just play with someone different. This would of course need to filter level and availability of perk. Maybe 4 variable and 2 clone presets.

    The problem with search bar and selecting perks etc., is more pronounced with console users over PC.

  • thrawnpariah
    thrawnpariah Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Honestly didn't think about that, but I remember playing dbd on xbox in 2016 and it was an absolute pain then from what I remember. So I can only imagine your pain on console now that I play on PC.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I also would like this. I take screenshots of my weird builds so I don't forget them. There's no way more slots takes up significant space in the database.

  • thrawnpariah
    thrawnpariah Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    It really doesn't, it's all based in the UI. Which is prime monetization territory for behavior if they just add this already, also some other UI improvements that I think could earn them money but I'll be happy if they just add this. Again, I will pay for the convenience of not having to remake the one floater build spot I have.