The other side of survivor items, it's not just toolboxes that need changes.

Currently toolboxes are the talk of the town due to certain addons allowing you to get very strong genspeed bonuses however I don't believe toolboxes should be gutted atm. BNPs and commodious toolboxes are a bit overtuned in my opion but if toolboxes are nerfed what is left for survivors?
- Flashlights/firechrackers I would argue are in a good spot but not the strongest. Considering many people find them annoying and they see good userate despite not being the strongest I think there isn't much need to buff or nerf them going forwards. Firecrackers are only available in events which make them not in the game most of the time which is unfortunate.
- Medkits are good and have plently of addons that can make them very strong but I would argue need a sight change in the medkits themselves, they're all too samey and the actual choice of medkit is pretty minimal unless you're someone who values alturstic healing which many people using them don't.
- Keys with good addon are very good and I would say contest strong medkits and toolboxes however the issue is not everyone wants to bring high rarity items all the time. You have to commit to at least a green item for keys and if you only use green or lower rarity addons they're a bit underwhelming. They also require a bit more skill to use which pushes people away when there isn't a cheap option to pratice with.
- Maps are kind of weak. Tracking gens base is useful on indoor maps but generally is nothing more than a convienience. Addons allow you to track totem which is useful but good knowledge on totem spawns can almost mitiagte that, you could use the ultra-rare map to do this to however that has the issue where multiple addons just do nothing on it such as the red twine. Red twine is a yellow addon that does something on exactly one item which is outclassed in everyway by a higher rarity item, nothing more nothing less.
Here an issue is a major toolbox nerf leave few options for your average player who will basically be forced into medkits or flashlights. A lack of diversity in builds is something I hear people complain a lot about with survivor and having new ways to use your items would encourage more ways to play. Maps are hardly worth it and people don't want to commit to keys. My suggestion for some items changes would be.
- Provide a way for firecrackers to be obtained outside events. The perk flashbang kind of does this but I'd like to be able to equip them from the start a bit more. Different rarity for firecrackers or addons that give them more charges, longer blinds, larger radius or maybe even a debuff such as blindness or longer deafen could make the game more interesting. This is the change that is least likely to happen because it makes firecrackers less special and requires the most work but I'd like to still suggest it.
- Diversify the different medkits. I like the balance atm however I'd argue 90% of medkits used do not care about the rarity of the medkit used and even then the difference between a brown and purple medkit is 25% alturistic healing bonus. Give some personality back to medkits make green selfish again and purple the prime alturism tool. Green doesn't provide a healing speed bonus to teammate but you and purple loses the ability to self heal but has extra charges, maybe make one of the medkits interact with addons that consume such as "this medkit is not lost if an addon would consume it". Finally some more consumable addons could be interesting now charge addons are less useful, maybe "consume the addon and medkit for a 50% healing speed bonus for 30 seconds" or "consume this addon and medkit to hide your aura and scratch marks for x amount of time".
- Give a way to use keys cheaply. Have the broken key be yellow and the dull key green with a new purple key that specialising in having a lot of charges but not unlocking. A slight addon pass for keys could be good to, addons that persrve keys are less useful now hatch has been changed so focusing more on different aura reading abailities could be interesting. Keys can be fun as it is but people need to be encouraged to use them by having them more accessible.
- Maps need an overhaul. The effects of maps base aren't useful to good players and several addons don't work on the highest rarity map (half the available maps), I'd suggest adding more specialisation with different maps and rewards for scouting out and hunting down your tracked item. Make the current green map a brown/yellow with less charges for beginers and add new maps that special in tracking different things such as killer belongings, chests and objectives with the current rainbow map being a jack of all trades. Add new addon effects such as "the map automatically shows all tracked gens after a gen is completed for x seconds without using charges", "cleansing a tracked totem refills x% of max charges", "gain a x% gen speed bonus for each tracked, uncompleted gen" or "items from chests have increased rariy, do not lose this item at the end of the trail if you escape but aren't holding it" to encourage different ways of using maps and reward people for scouting out with them. Have the reward be not just the infomation but interacting with the infomation. Finally, currently detective's hunch and Deja Vu interact with maps but I think having all aura reading of valid items apply to maps could be fun and allow for new options, such as giving some use to perks like the upcoming Trouble Shooter.
- Another big ask but a slight flavour benefit could be having different models for each rairty of items, providing a new way for one to express themselves and allowing your teamates and killer to know more going into to match. I may be careful with where I go down if I recognise a sabotoolbox or not cleanse totems if I see a totem map on my teammates, conversely the killer then also knows to look out for this things if they're knowledgable about the different items.
I don't want people to read this and think that I think the current state of BNPs or higher rarity toolboxes are fine but we do need to look at the otherside of survivor items and survivor options at the moment and provide more diverse ways to play if we want to see more changes in the meta. Finally for my addon for item ideas take them more are concept than gossible, I used x instead of numbers for a reason, I may make a full map rework are some point however this just a suggestion to devs and to raise discusssion in the community about what should happen with survivor items. If you have your own ideas I'd love to hear them as I believe there is a lot of untapped potential here.
IMO, with the way the hatch was reworked, keys should be too.
Keys should be replaced with bangles that innately grant the ability to see the aura of other survivors while concentrating, with add-ons increasing the range, duration, or adding the ability to see the killer.
The actual key for the hatch should spawn in a random chest at the start of the trial.
EDIT: Also, in terms of item variety, there's potential for more traps than just the flashbang/firecracker. A tripwire bell would probably work too.
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A bangle could work considering the main use of keys is their aura reading right now. More traps could be fun but I wanted to focus on expanding upon existing content more than create from the ground up.
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Forgot to clarify, but the bangle is also a reference to Felix and Elodie's lore. I believe it was mentioned that the Pariahs, a little friend group of five kids of a secret society opposing the Entity, had made bangles for themselves.