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The MMR ranking isn't even close. I'm working with survivors that are terrible and a killer that's too advanced.


  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    As long they won't reveal exact number for each player, you can't really prove it's not working.

    Survivor could get carried by teammates.

    Survivor is altruistic and gets lower than should.

    Killer can lose MMR on purpose.

    Survivors can increase their MMR only by escaping, so basically most soloQ survivors are in MMR hell.

    Even when you are good survivor, if you are altruistic, you will die for it -> lose MMR.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Wait you don't want a pubstomper prestige 100 Blight in your solo queue games?! 🤬😡

  • Göch
    Göch Member Posts: 113

    Seeing streamers on their 400+ winstreak going against players that dont even look back ONCE in chase tells everything you need to know about how bad the current MMR system is.

    Newer players should not be the little toy for some max mmr players that just happened not find a match instantly. Sacrificing match quality over a few seconds in the queue is bad IMO. Nobody enjoys 3minute stomps where you get 3k BP, sadly it happens way to often.

    Constant lobby dodging from Killers because of survvors prestige level is also very bad for the matching. I stopped playing my p100, suddenly almost no more killer dodges in the lobby and the match quality significantly increased. WHY IS SURV PRETIGE EVEN SHOWN TO THE KILLER BEFORE THE GAME?!

    For me it feels like there are not more than 3 brackets of mmr, either u're brand new, average mrr or high mmr. But it still feels like average mmr players can still be matched with brand new and high mmr, i can get a killer with 100hours, die in that match and get a 7k+ hours comp player from one of the top EU teams in the next match, this should never happen. Give us more MMR brackets or, if there are already more than what it feels like, match them more strictly together instead of these heavily missmatched games we regularly get, nobody enjoys those matches.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    The MMR system doesn't even remotely work.

    I have 1500 hours of play, I'm a PH main and, almost always, I finish games with a 3k or 4k. Lately, I end up in lobbies with players who have yellow perks, 100 hours of play, have no idea what to do and it shows, and honestly, I feel sorry for them.

    Last night, I was able to made a kill when not even one generator was finished and the survivors were running desperately without logic. I swear i felt sorry for them so I started showing them which gen to fix and I accompanied them to the exit gates because, really, it wasn't remotely a challenge for me.

    Things like that are happening way to often and it's not fair for anyone, it's not fair for me because I want to a serious challenge, is not fair to them because they have no hope of winning

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    It usually works the other way around (and it's the reason why soloQ is such a hell). If you get 3 very good survivors and 1 bad against mediocre killer, my bet is on killer's win.

    Said killer will probably easily tunnel out the beginner for quick and easy 3v1. MMR needs to give just one weaker survivor and it's done deal. But if you are swf and you are all 4 mediocre, you will suddenly get an even match that is challenging for both sides.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Well, I always thought best thing about SWF is ignoring match making. You choose who you play with.

    But your theory expects killer to always find weak link as first target and killer has to tunnel and survivors can't help.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    Yes. You are right. Some killers don't tunnel even if it's easy. Some killers tunnel first person they can find. Most killers I meet actually first try to chase everyone a little and then decide who needs to go out. But you are actually right - this is not a rule. This is just something that happens more often then not.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,397

    It's so hit and miss. I took a screenshot of a recent game - see Jonah? He was the last survivor standing 😑 you can tell by his bloodpoint total exactly how useful he was to the team. I was third survivor to die, on my second hook of course because Jonah (zero hooks) had no plans to unhook me, and I made sure to struggle to the very end to give the killer time to find him (he did) because no way did i want him to get hatch. People like this are why solo queue sucks.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Well, killer simply needs to get someone out of the game before there is 1 gen left to have good chance of winning.

    Most killers/players are not able to get that with 9 hooks.

    So options are tunneling or 3-gen, when you get low on gens. I am not sure which one is hated more.

    Tunneling since first hook sucks for sure, but I haven't seen that many killers do it.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,735
    edited June 2023

    To be fair, on console the camera is much slower to swing around with the controller sticks. When playing surv I learned to both listen to the killer and watch for the red stain behind me.

    Unless the killer had unethical ping I usually could gauge how close they were to me. Usually.

    I agree noobs never ever look behind them.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257
    edited June 2023

    But that's not what we were talking about :) The debate was about how soloQ is actually bad BECAUSE of MMR "working" too loosely. And it's true you can sometimes get carried, but chances are high it's the other way around and you being weaker will result in dragging your whole team down.

    As there are 4 survivors and MMR is kinda random and 1 bad player drags everyone down, for that soloQ is nightmare.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Well, I play both SWF and soloQ.

    I enjoy both, but I just go into those games with different expectations, which I think more players should do. On both sides.

    I have learned this as a killer main and just use some logic on survivors.

    If I play weaker killer / soloQ, then I don't except to win / escape all games.

    As soloQ my goal is to finish / get progress on my challenge and get a decent chase. I couldn't care less if I die.

    While playing my main killers / SWF, I will do my best to win that game, because I know loss is caused by my mistakes / players I chose to play with.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    And yet again. I can agree with that

  • Youhadabadday
    Youhadabadday Member Posts: 19

    That's a damn mood. Even as a Killer Main, I consistently get matched with God-Like Survivors with thousands of hours on the game, and I literally get stomped so hard it's not even funny. For changes to the matchmaking, I propose that the system needs to consider the following criteria:

    • Hours spent on the game
    • The amount of characters you've prestiged and at what level
    • The prestige level of your current character
    • (For Killers) The ratio of how many successful sacrifices you've got compared to how many survivors escaped.
    • (For Survivors) The ratio of how many times you've escaped compared to how many times you've been sacrificed.

    This way, the balancing would be more fair, and put players at similar levels of progression to one another, and I won't have to deal with survivor and killer matchups that end with a steamroll, something that I bet the Entity would absolutely hate to see.