Why can Hag place traps near hooked survivors?


Hag is an interesting killer with plenty of potential. Nobody however tries to master her. All the do is spam traps near an hooked survivor, preferably in basement, leading to very stale gameplay.

Why is it an Artist cannot set up birds next to an hooked survivor but an Hag can? Makes no sense in my head.


  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Hag can teleport anywhere on the map. The key is to place traps strategically and defend an area. Not simply place traps at hooks and proxy camp. Her lower speed is negated by her teleporting abilities. It just boils down to lazy players abusing her power to put minimal effort into player a killer like the Cannibal standing next to an hook. I think it would be much healthier to remove her ability to set traps next to an hook.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,330

    She can teleport to her traps which theoretically can be placed anywhere on the map, but she has a distance restriction on how far away she can be from a triggered trap before she can't teleport to it.

    You also can put down a lot of traps, but you don't necessarily want to spend time placing them everywhere, only where they are most useful to you.

    Press the Active Ability button to teleport to a tripped Phantasm Trap located within a range of 40 metres, taking the place of the Mud Phantasm

    So you put some at loops and a few near the hook.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,214

    Where would you suppose are survivors more likely to be caught in a trap? In proximity of a hooked survivor or at a random spot at the outer walls the hag would need to walk to first? Don't answer, it's rhetoric.

    I'd say it's pretty strategic to place a trap where survivors would need to walk through, like somewhere near a hooked survivor.

    The lazy ones are the survivors who bumrush the hook like dolts without ever imagining that a trap killer could place a trap near a juicy bait.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Trying to shame people for being "lazy" because they're playing to a killer's strengths is ridiculous. When I drop a yellow bottle at the end of a loop in conjunction with a purple one in order to hit a survivor, am I being lazy because that helps me get a down? Course not. That's why it is the way it is.

    You wanna know the difference between artist and hag at hook? Survivors can do stuff about hag traps. You can crouch through them. You can wipe them away for free. Survivors have zero counterplay to birds. You get hit and you die. That's why artist has the restrictions she does.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    How is that an issue when she was nerfed already? Survivors can remove her traps. Just remove it before unhooking.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Camping is lazy. If you find it offensive…well, that says more about you than me, lol.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Yes, that is what you’re supposed to do. However, the average Hag proxy camps and places a minefield in the vicinity of an hook. Meaning, you have to crouch a good end leading to another hook state.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    then it's same as with any other killer proxy camping, you either need to do 1 for 1 (hope killer will be nice and not slug you + tunnel), or there need to be second survivor.

    Against hag you should have player (good looper) that will basically follow her and remove her traps.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    But what is different about her than other killers?

    So what she can go back? She is m1 killer, she can't insta down you, she can't down both of you fast enough. Just don't get grabed and you are fine.

    Mainly it's not hard to see what area she is trying to defend, you should do you best to not get down anywhere near it.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited June 2023

    Is not even needed in most cases, I play a lot solo queue and I am able to keep a Hag pretty busy just by triggering traps under purpose.

    You do not even need to be a good looper, you just need to trigger the trap on max distance and run away after triggered, Mostly she ports but you have enough distance already to reach a save spot. And when she wanna chase... well.. it's a 4.4 m/s killer, when she is chasing in a zone without traps... Have fun....

    Traps near hooks can be disarmed. That's not a big deal either in most cases.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Yeah, I really don't mind playing against her. Except while using Rusty shackles, I hate that addon so much.

    She has like 1,26% pick rate, only killer that has worse pick rate are Twins. Even Freddy has better pick rate... Freddy...

    Yet people still want to nerf her. Leave grandma alone