Who Is Your Killer/Survivor Main and Why, and What Prestige are They At Currently?

For killer, its always been Spirit. She's fun to verse and to play for me, I love her outfits, lore, and everything about her. I have Spirit at p86 currently. Mained her since I started playing the game.

For survivor, I main Thalita. I'm also Brazilian and she is very relatable to me I feel, I also have a younger brother, seeing Renato players makes me feel happy in a way just because I love the "sibling" aspect to DBD. Thalita seems like the caring, protective, and tough sister and I feel exactly the same when it comes to my brother. Also her and Renato's lobby music is so catchy I sometimes stay in lobby on purpose without playing just to listen to it. I have Thalita at p44 currently.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I rotate my Killers. At this point in my DBD career, I get bored quickly, so I have to rotate out my Killers. I used to main Legion, Myers, Wraith and Blight; all in their own times. I'll usually devote a couple of months to practicing with the new Killer, unless it's SM who got 2 weeks.

    As for Survivor, I don't play a ton but I do have Steve to P100.

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 377

    I don't really have a main. I play both roles fairly equal and play a lot of different characters. Everyone is between P3 and P11.

    I guess the survivors I play the most are Zarina, Hattie, Nancy, Steve, Elodie, Feng Min, Yun Jin, and Ace.

    For Killer, it's Knight, Artist, Wraith, Trapper, Clown, Nemesis, Michael Myers, Pig, and Demogorgon.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    For survivor I recently switched to Zarina, but she’s only P3 at the moment. I’ll get her leveled up once Spirit is P100.

    For killer, I’ve mostly been playing Artist lately as she’s P16. Obviously I still play Spirit though, and she’s P97. Very close to P100. 🙂

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    My main 2

    the reason why I’m not doing the p100 journey is because I wanna p3 every survivor so I have every perk unlocked except originals of course

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 961

    Killer wise it's Artist for me at prestige 21 Dredge at 17, survivor wise it's Jonah at 10. Between work and having a baby, i don't get as much play time as i used to. That's if i'm not playing other games too, as of now it's Diablo 4.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283

    I have P 100 Meg, and i will always be a Meg main. Now i'm leveling Ada who is...P28 i'd like to say can't remember exactly.

    Killer is Spirit but i stopped playing killer 3+ months ago. Got burned out, and i'm not sure when im going to go back to that side so she is only P 21... ( i think )

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    I alternate between Wraith, Doc, Clown and Shape who are all level 8. My survivors range from 4-6 while Ashy Slashy is level 12.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,771

    Survivor is Claudette, at I believe P20. I've been working on getting everyone to P3 but at the same time I can't resist levelling her. The Queen of DBD deserves nothing more. Next closest is David at iirc P16?

    Killer is Pyramid Head at P13. Same as Claudette in that I'm focusing more on every killer P3 before really levelling him. I toyed with the idea of being a Sadako main but Dorito Daddy won me back over in the end- these forums need a resident Pyramid main after all. His kit just clicks with me and I find it really fun to play as him. Sadako sits at P12.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    Main Survivor has almost always been Meg, she was the very first Survivor I got to P3 back in 2017 and despite always having other Survivor mains, Ive always found myself dropping them to play Meg again.

    As for killer Ive gone through several phases throughout the years. Last year I would of probably told you Billy and Trickster, nowadays I would tell you Trickster and Dredge. How ever I find myself playing Trickster less and less these days, as Dredge is kind of taking over

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    both of my mains (mikaela/legion) are p100

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089
    edited June 2023

    Survivor Nea P67. I just like her Skins the most.

    Killer, I dont really have a Main. All my Killers are P10-P12 with the exception of Hag, Knight and Skull Merchant (those are P9 and will never be higher). I mained all kinds of Killers over the years, but none of them after the Prestige-Change, otherwise some of them would be a lot higher (mainly Billy, Nurse, Doctor, Piggy, Demo and Nemesis)

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 310

    Survivor is Kate at P3 killer is nurse at p46

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    The billys are always looking for more brothers. Especially when he gets the next changes (hoping they remove overheat and pass the addons again besides engravings)

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    Survivor: David King because he's best boy and also gay like me. P100.

    Killer: Nemesis because he's what got me into the game to start and I exclusively played him for my first like 200 hours. Only p9 though,

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I'm afraid I haven't touched Billy since he got his nerf in 2020.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    Survivor - P75 Haddie Main.

    Ever since she came out I love the style! I just finally got all of my killers / survivors to P3 for the perks. Once I do that with singularity/new survivor on Tuesday, ill get her to P100.

    Killer - P5 Bubba and P3 Pig.

    After playing frustrating survivor games, I play killer and go straight to Bubba. Huntress Lullaby, Deadlock, Lightborn, and No Where to Hide. 3K/4K's are stupid easy to get. Once I get bored, I go to pig. Survivors get so cocky when they see an M1 killer. Once you have a few helmets on survivors the team falls apart. I'm lucky and get horrible survivors when I play killer lol. To be fair, I'm a survivor main but killer is an easy way to destress after bad survivor games and have fun again.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,473
    edited June 2023

    Feng p76

    Trapper P33

    Cant wait to p100 ol Trappy Boi and keep Feng at p99

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905

    Dweet is at P100.

    Mikey is at P45.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    75 Mikhaila

    30 Oni

    20 Hillbilly, Wraith

    16 Trapper, Artist

    15 Deathslinger, Knight

    14 Nemesis, Haddie

    13 Plague, Spirit

    No killer is below P10. I play more killer than survivor but I would like a bunch of P100s for both sides over time.

  • Silasy
    Silasy Member Posts: 228

    For survivor i dont have a main but play as Dwight more. My Dwight is P6 right now.

    For killer i main P10 Billy and P11 Freddy.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    For killer, I'm on break from Hag, so it's just my trusty Legion at the moment ! Prestige 6 I believe.

    And Haddie as survivor, also Prestige 6.

    I've been using my bloodpoints to prestige characters for perks and give addons to killers I wanted to try out like Nemesis, Spirit and Billy, so my mains are not very high. I don't really want to push them to 100 either since people would inevitably comment on how low skill I am for a high prestige. ^^'

  • AlphaYandere
    AlphaYandere Member Posts: 66

    My main Killer is Artist since release, she is at Prestige 20.

    My Main Survivor is Feng Min , she is at Prestige 69.

  • ACleverName4Me
    ACleverName4Me Member Posts: 450

    Wraith, Legion and Wesker are p12. I do enjoy Knight but he's only p7.

    Dwight was my first main and I love him. He's p15. Next is Leon (Chris) at p10. My favorite female survivor is Yun-Jin because she was part of the first chapter that arrived when I showed up to dbd.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Knight for me. At first I thought he was the worst killer to ever be released but, then I gave him more of a chance and kept playing him more and more after he launched and realized he's actually decent if you play your cards right with him. Then Skull Merchant dropped and now she's my least favourite killer to play as and against.

    Survivor for me would probably be Jill and Laurie because I really loved Laurie's character in the recent Halloween trilogy and Jill won me over with her character in RE 3 for how skillful she is at getting her job done.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Blight, because of his skill expression and he deletes the most boring part of the game (holding W).

    He is p100

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Pig: p12 I think

    Fang Min: p7 I think

    I play almost all of the Killers but Pig is the highest... huge SAW fan

    I don't play Survivor all that much... she was the first one I leveled up... plus I have cosmetics for her (barely any for the other Survivors)

  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    While my main killer is Pyramid head, I have many others that I really like. My favorites are Nemesis and Wesker, the Artist, Sadako (yes I know it's funny, but Sadako is one of my favorite killers), the Spirit, the Plague and the Blight (although I suck at using it since the last time I used it was about a year ago). I have them all around p10, as I don't see the point in prestige beyond p6.

    My main surv is Jill, as I'm a huge RE fan and Jill was my childhood crush XD

  • MasonOliver123
    MasonOliver123 Member Posts: 255

    Wesker - P98

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Survivor: Meg P98

    Killer: Bubba P12

    I play every killer except for Plague and Hag. Yes, even Twins.