Singularity is a D tier.

CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Not joking, his power is so fragile and overclock is 90% useless.

I might as well play clown.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    I mean even with the stronger EMPS in the PTB he was still oppressive and I played in a custom with people that actually felt like playing. It's just his most effective playstyle is chasing with overclock rather than setting up multiple cams around the map but might have changed with the EMP changes. I still think you shouldn't be able to run while charging and emp and go from there.

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619

    I can see that, but why not play any other killer that can 1v1 better then?

    I might be high, but Skull Merchant's kit is way better that Singularity right now.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    What is sad is, everything people are saying now has been said in the PTB but, as usual, BHVR don't listen player's feedback

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I don't think he's D, looks like huge potential in him, but for me PERSONALLY he is F tier (but don't take this into account, Blight and Oni is F tier to me)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I legit made a thread explaining my experience playing Singularity from game to game and the outcomes mentioned in this thread are exactly what I experienced. This killer's gonna be extremely niche and hard to play for not much benefit.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Another boring tri-gen killer with power worse than Sadako's.

    When you think developers can't surprise you anymore they strike again.

  • Zaydin
    Zaydin Member Posts: 275

    He could be so much fun but the EMPs are just too good what they are intended to do and shut the Singularities kit down. THey spawn too fast, there are too many cases around the map and Biopods get disabled for way too long once EMPed.

    Honestly, EMPs should short out and self-destruct 30-60 seconds after being picked up if they go unused by the survivor to keep them from hoarding it.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658

    Can you slap the EMP out of their hands with Franklin’s? How does the EMP work? I’ll have to play when I get home.

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 679

    I wouldn't say he's as bad as The Trapper, but he's definitely below average. When you're fully locked onto someone and in chase he takes way too long to secure a down, even when using his power efficiently. He really feels like he lacks sustained pressure.

    Another thing I've noticed is that he struggles on maps with low environment or trees. He feels significantly better with areas with buildings and walls.

    All in all in not very impressed to be honest. He feels pretty lackluster. Probably give him a few more games here and there but really not that impressed.

  • CrowVortex
    CrowVortex Member Posts: 968

    Maybe it'll be better if the biopod cams functioned on there own, at least for applying slipstream. I mean you still have to place them, and can still look through them and teleport to a slipstreamed survivor.

  • Digfish
    Digfish Member Posts: 140

    From what I've seen, he's a killer that can be very very good with practice. Everyone here seems mad they aren't getting 4ks with him in their first few games

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    Reading this thread was a trip.

    I've been playing nothing but Singularity since he came out and have won almost every single game with him. Since I'm a Knight main, I started playing him as a pressure tool to keep survivors occupied across the map since that's what came to me naturally when I saw how his power worked.

    It turns out that being able to survey most of the map with a click of a button and instantly teleport to survivors who don't constantly pop EMPs is really good. Whenever someone EMP'ed one of my pods it was always really quick and easy to replace it and keep forcing survivors to get off gens if they didn't want to get chased by a killer with permanent Spirit Fury most of the game.

    His biggest weakness is actually the same as Knight's; terrible map design. The new map is horrible for him. As is most indoor maps. But he's definitely not weak if you get something like Wreckers Yard and have your camera micro-game on point.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Wouldn’t know. My first match with a face camping Huntress. Second match was a hard-core tunneling blight. My third match was a knight with a no Mither teammate.

    I am playing monster hunter now ######### that

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414

    That's not true at all.

    When I did get a game where survivors kept going for EMPs I focused on keeping people infected with hit&run tactics. If they popped an EMP to get rid of a bio pod near a gen I came back, easily replaced the pod, infected the survivor with a 2nd pod that I usually removed afterwards, teleported to them to almost always land an easy hit, then leave them and check my cams for other survivors.

    The Singularity is a killer that requires you to perform lots of small actions in a short period of time if you want to do well with him. As well as good map knowledge. Kinda like Knight. He is a very good killer with a high skill ceiling. And people just haven't practised enough with him to judge him fairly.

  • Digfish
    Digfish Member Posts: 140

    I've seen streamers who have been fairly effective at working around EMPs. It's just his playstyle is more complicated than it seems at first, and everyone is using the pods as remote monitoring devices, when they are much better in chase. Most people just haven't figured out the best way to play him yet, but from what I've seen he can be very good if you get down how to chase with him.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    The Diagnostic Tool and Iri crystal seem to have lots of potential for aura reading

    Cremated Remains is a budget Fearmonger

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,061
    edited June 2023

    Certainly not the worst killer but he is without a doubt one of the weaker killers for sure.

    The Singularity is another one of those killers that looks good on paper, but gameplay/execution wise he falls short because one of the main issues is map designs, some can be awesome and some can be a nightmare for him.

    EMP’s are another main issue because they guarantee a free Bio-Pod escape instantly at times and when used during chase it basically makes the killer waste their time. They first got the Bio-Pod on you, then it gets removed from the EMP, then they got to waste time setting up more cameras to attach another, which can be the key for a survivor to hold W, and the others would be completing generators, so much pressure is lost at that point. Not to mention that survivors can now hold on to their items to hold special items so its pretty much a lose-lose situation for the killer.

    Overclock is held back by EMP’s, and when you do manage to get it active it is only active for around 5-ish seconds, which is a mediocre amount of time for all the work your putting in for it, sure the increased breaking, vaults, etc is nice but its situational at times.

    His pros though are his add-ons, which in my opinion hard carry him at times if your running the correct ones that are very good, another pro is that his ability to 3-gen (Yes Another 3-Gen Killer) is actually really strong. 😭

    Overall Singularity is just a heavily map reliant, add-on needy type killer that can only do so little if the players know what to do against him. If I had to rank him in a tier list, 100% in C tier with add-ons, without is probably high D tier.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 707

    Dog build ( Enduring, Bamboozle, SBFL and Dead Lock ) is what allowed me to go 3 or 4ks with him. It's the only time his power is somewhat useful because survivors waste time collecting and using EMPs thinking you will be using pods only to find out you actually don't do that ( maybe only on some short loops ). As the result, EMPs become secondary objectives for survivors, which is great, but also means you can't and shouldn't be using your power most of the time. Something like Cenobite's power where it makes little sense to use it for slow-down and use it either for scouting or with very specific addons.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,183

    I feel like the design has potential, but this killer just feels like they came nerfed right from the factory.

    First, the EMPs are way to useful and way too easy to get. Survivors have them almost all the time and they have a really big range which allows to deactivate the killer's power in a huge area without much thought. IMO they should just deactivate one biopod at a time, prioritizing your own, then your closest teammate, then whatever biopod is stuck on the environment. Either that or reduce the time the biopod stays inactive from 60 second to 20 seconds. 60 seconds is basically killing the biopod, so the devs might as well just use the EMPs to kill the biopod.

    Second, fix his hitboxes. His hitbox is so confusing, like, sometimes you see survivors almost full body on your line of sigh but for some reason you can't get them slipstreamed. This is such a detrimental, especially since most of the times you will need to put two biopods on each gen, because even if you get the perfect angle, you might still not be able to get the shot.

    If those two issues were fixed, I think that the killer would be way better. His teleport ability isn't bad, the fact that you can keep spamming it and getting the overclock is pretty nice to avoid survivors holding shift W. Also, the overclock is good, but it works better if you get stunned than if you have to break a pallet or vault a window.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    People really will look at a killer marked "hard to master" and complain within less than 24h of it coming to live servers that they can't use its power consistently well.

    Snarking aside, Singularity doesn't need nerfs or buffs, just time to learn to play and play against it, and some QoL to make it a bit less disorienting.

    For example I'd love for the camera to lock onto the direction of the last pod you surveiled from when coming back to your own body, instead of the first one. That would already help not have to search where those survivors you just saw were when you don't know the map perfectly well.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Not agreeing nor disagreeing about the strength of this killer, but historically the "killer is still new" argument has been for the better...I think pyramid head is a great example with how everyone thought he was extremely weak yet now he's A tier despite not having really received any buffs during the period.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,520
    edited June 2023

    I said recently as there have been exceptions, but honestly, it doesnt take 200 h of playing a killer to identify flaws in their design, specially if you have played dbd for a long time, and as much as yes new mechanics being introduced can skew the perception of balance, some very experience players have shown to be able to identify issues with new content that ends up being true.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    This. Let’s be honest, people don’t want to have to actually put brain power into being a killer. They just want an overpowered killer that they can go smash people with. But if you practice, actually think about how best to use his power, you will get good with him.

  • Spectralfx
    Spectralfx Member Posts: 605

    I find that hard to believe.

    It's a cool story that I would like to categorize in the fantasy section at the bookstore.

    Survivors just spam EMPs and you are playing a strictly M1 killer.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,285

    My 3 games against singularity perfectly sums up the experience. First 2 were snooze fest, because people didn't know how to play him. 2nd killer was even so bad, he tried to shoot me with gun when not even slipstreamed. First one just tried to create web of pods around the map and was surprised, when I destroyed them.

    3rd killer felt uncounterable though. He was chasing, he was creating pods as he was running, there was always some pod from the opposite direction and there were never enough EMP's and they were just not printing quickly enough. That one was a stomp and I felt there was nothing I could have done. As a 4man SWF team...

    The killer is very difficult to play. But when he is played right, he feels much closer to C33 blight then to trapper. People that struggle with him are just clueless (which is not an insult - the killer is difficult and literally brand new. Watch some streamers that already have huge success with him, before you judge him)

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    I really cant blame them. If they accidentally made emps useless or not enough then the hux 3 gen would be crazy

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    You don't need time to evaluate killer strength in DbD, because with PTB and how simple this game is, there was pretty much no time day one killer strength has changed.

    People throw same "this is day one" argument all the time yet literally none has been changed, people really aren't as dumb as those forum guy thinks.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'm a bit more optimistic because one of the killers I main, Hag, is one that I think if she was released as she is now, today, people would riot day 1 that she's inconsistent, has too many counters, is map-dependant and that she's not worth the grind.

    However, some people who are really, really good with her can be extremely oppressive without needing to 3gen, and apparently according to BHVR that's a good space to be in as killer, despite her pitiful pickrate.

    I just don't think all killers are supposed to be extremely strong or easy to pick up, and seeing a new killer that actually requires skill to use is not a bad thing in my opinion.

    Having played Singularity a bit more since then, I do think that EMPs are a little busted and could take more time to print/block for less time, but they're still a very necessary counter. Singularity's real good at late game gen pressure, and can be really strong in chase with Overclock.

    What bothers me the most is still the QoL of biopods switching. People would have less time to get EMPs and I'd get more hooks in if I didn't have to guess where the biopod I infected people from is.

    It does need a little more attention in the next hotfix, but all in all, I think it's mostly fine, and I'm afraid rushed buffs will make it overpowered.

    It's okay if we have different opinions.