New killer is just a worse Skull Merchant

leviivel Member Posts: 280
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Singularity feels so lackluster to play as. His counterplay with the EMP’s is an extremely fun gimmick but taking the EMP’s is extremely boring.

I have a multitude of reasons as to how singularity is just a worse Merchant:

  1. limitations; the fact singularity has too look inside the camera’s meanwhile Skull merchant. Gets information immediately and doesn’t have to manually look at the survivor. Additionally, she also gets info if someone removes her drone but for some reason, singularity can’t tell in the aura’s if the Camera is hacked, WHY???
  2. Utility; Skull merchant has infinitely more control over her drones, she can recall them, she can do manual activation making them unhackable shortly and her drones don’t require LOS meaning you can place them without having to perfectly aim your camera, and perfectly aim your camera you should because the smallest things can block the LOS. I am aware that you can shoot the pods to remove them and that they cycle when there’s 8, but that can still lead to awkward moments especially if you forgot what order you placed them in.
  3. Close to zero pressure; EMP’s completely shut down any gen defence you have, it’s very easy to get an EMP (especially since they auto craft) also, survivors can wait until you infect them with the pod, then just EMP and remove the infecton plus get more value from the cam disable because you did it much later. (Easy solution: infected survivors can only use EMP to cleanse). Atleast if a survivor has a clawtrap with Skull merchant, they can’t get rid of a drone so during gen swarm scenarios, she can actually do something.
  4. Chases; Merchant has more consistency, she gets free speed boosts and pressure at pallets because of her clawtrap, while Singularity’s teleport is never guarenteed to grant you value and the teleport’s location is always extremely awkward and you get a slow, so it usually doesn’t matter if you vault faster,.

both killers are built for gen defence, one just does it 5000 times better (and BTW merchant is way more fun because it’s way less frustrating).

My choices to change singularity:

-change the EMP spawn locations, place them in the corners of the map to hinder survivors as much as possible without a gen just being right next to it.

-dubble the auto print time but ALSO dubble the accelerated printing (mainly so the auto print is less effective).

-the block the EMP boxes in the first 30 seconds of the match (during which they don’t auto print) just so survivors can’t immediately get one.

-survivors that are infected using an EMP cannot hack biopods.

-hacked biopods are seen in a different aura color

Singularity is in an okay state but the EMP’s are way too effective, especially considering how mediocre his chasing capability is. I don’t want another 3 genning killer, but Singularity is so painfully mediocre, there’s no reason to play him over skull merchant unless you have a design preference or you really like camera’s.

also please nerf/rework Forced hesitation and Made for this. Forced hesitation encourages slugging and is extremely anti-gameplay. Made for this rewards survivors for doing nothing besides be injured, i like the endurance when healing with made for this so try and balance the perk more around that.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    you can play him as setup 3 gen killer but he is suppose specialize in the chase. Its little bit like demogorgon with portals where he has shred but also has secondary mobility. camera are like demo portals and overclock is like shred, a chase tool. My main issue is still EMP. EMP is massively unfun to play against as killer. re-applying infection 3+ times per chase vs strong teams is drains my stamina as killer.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited June 2023

    EMPs really is the only real issue this killer has i've noticed, i imagine that as soon as it gets nerfed next bugfix patch, the killer is going to feel better to play as.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Indoor maps are hell...

    He is quite fun for me on open maps even with EMPs.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,095
    edited June 2023

    They're actually working really well on indoor maps in my experience.

    He works best in chase with his bipods and the information they provide are an added bonus as well as when you can use the cameras to teleport on top of Survivors too, bipods getting EMP'd during chase won't mean much since you can just place a new one immediately.

    Placing them in random areas helps alot of times as people tend to circle back to those same spots more than once, which means easy infection or slipstreaming, especially on narrow hallways or really open areas with more than 1 bipod placed.

    The only problem is the EMPs being overtuned, which brings his power reliability down too often with bipods scattered around the map, however once the EMPs gets nerfed next bugfix patch, that won't be a problem anymore.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I don't understand how anyone sees him as a setup killer. Everything he does is focused around Chase.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 614

    So much this. He sucks as a 3 gen killer or set up killer when his power really shines in chase. And to add to that, even if they use an EMP in chase you can quickly reinfect them in the same chase and then teleport, to catch up very quickly, depending of course on maps and placement of the pods. It's a killer that NEEDS map knowledge to be good at, and a lot of trial and error on how their power can be used and where - but that is realistically something that is inevitable with any new killer that has a decent amount to their floor/ceiling/kit/whatever you want to say.

    I'm personally having the most fun with him than any (new) killer since I started playing over 3 yrs ago. I love love love him.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    Oh hey, we haven't had a good old fashioned "this killer is just a worse [killer they have very little in common with]" for a while. Last was Knight and Artist, then before that Trickster and Huntress...

    A proud tradition.

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 420
    edited June 2023

    I think people fundamentally misunderstand how the Singualrity's power is meant to be used. Yes, it's excellent information and when survivors don't make use of EMPs it can be used to proxy gens. But ultimately, their power is meant to be used proactively- in chase, so that you can capitalise on the power of Overclock mode.

    Your suggested EMP changes (spawn regions, and print times) would make the Singularity even more map-dependent - take the amount of investment it takes to head to the edge map of Midwich Elementary vs Decimated Borgo, as a clear example. Survivors being able to Hack Biopods and cleanse themselves simultaneously has clear counterplay - replace pods that are hacked. Simply shooting a hacked pod to remove it and putting a new one down creates an unhacked pod, ready to use.

    I think Hacked Biopods displaying as a different color (white, maybe, given yellow is already in use for your last used pod) could be interesting, but only after entering them and seeing that they're hacked, it would help ascertain where best to head to replace pods.

    But back to the comparison of Singularity to Skull Merchant. Skull Merchant's reception was incredibly negative, and it was incredibly negative for a reason - her capability to lock down specific areas of the map with middling counterplay enable her to, instead of participating in normal gameplay, hold a game hostage by usage of powerful 3 gen setups. It's clear that players do not want that style of killer in the game, and turning a killer who is, currently, well-recieved with a clear learning curve, into a duplicate of a killer we already have, especially one who is not well-liked by the community, doesn't seem healthy for the game as a whole. You said yourself you don't want another killer that holds 3 gens like this, but your suggestions still push Singularity in that direction - and, notably, move them away from playstyles that are more proactive.

    As for Made for This, it's not the only perk that incentivises players for being injured. Resilience grants a 9% buff to almost every aspect of gameplay, and Lucky Break paired with Iron Will makes survivors difficult to find with only Iron Will hosting a tradeoff out of any of those three. Beyond this, setups like Boil Over, Power Struggle and Flip Flop reward survivors for going down, a step beyond injured.

    Finally, as for Endurance when healing, both a version of that perk when healed and when healing already exist - Soul Guard for yourself, from Cheryl Mason, and We're Gonna Live Forever for others, from David King. Focusing more heavily on this aspect of the perk may step on the toes of perks that grant similar effects, and a simple numerical buff whilst nerfing or removing the 3% speed boost would make it difficult to justify bringing a perk that is so situational - you need to pick someone up whilst injured yourself and then take a hit to get value. A healthier change for Made for This, I think, would be to either disable it in endgame entirely, preventing it from stacking with Hope for 110 survivors, or to rework the Haste effect to only benefit from the highest source, which both would prevent it from stacking with Hope, but would also allow for buffs to perks like Boon: Dark Theory, as they no longer have to contend with the power of stacking Haste effects.