Is Hag overall better or weaker then before?

Nerfing Med-kits and CoH + removing flashlight interactions with traps.
But also giving her base kit Counter on her traps to everyone.
Would you say it was overall buff or nerf to her?
definitely a buff imo
the wipe thing doesn't matter much.
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Buffed. Good trap placement eliminates a lot of the trap disarming. They can't consistently disarm what they can't find.
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After boon COH rework and medkit nerf (Hag Buffed)
All people can interact with trap + New perk Made For This hugely affect its lunge and chase (Hag Nerfed)
Conclusion, if you still able to keep everyone injured, you should have the game. Otherwise, just accept the 3/4 escape from survivor.
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Made for This doesn’t affect Hag traps. You still take the hit.
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guess i will never know! still never see her and I'm definitely not gonna play her to find out.
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I would say the Made For This + Hope combo can probably be insanely strong against a Hag (I say "probably" because I didn't have a lot of time to play this week and haven't faced this combo as the Hag yet) as it makes a survivor run as fast as her. That means that, if a survivor runs to a direction where there are no traps, you can't catch up to them, and even if you place new ones, it will be hard to push the survivor towards them. Don't forget there are some who manage to imediate leave the trap's hit range after triggering them, even with the camera flick. On those cases you usually just walk a little and hit them, since you appeared so close to them, but if they have Hope and Made for This, the distance between you two will not decrease and you won't get a hit from that trap.
Of course, that only happens if survivors manage to do all the gens, and most survivors rarely get to that point against a good Hag, as she is great at protecting gens and applying pressure. Also, survivors with Made for This don't have Sprint Burst, which is one of the perks that causes the Hag the most trouble when used efficiently. So I think this new perk should not be a problem for her that often.
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I do t play her if I do t have the perks for my jump scare Queen build.....severed Ear and slave them near Gens and normal hiding spots and watch them jump in terror.
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Nerf. Good survivors are able to disarm your traps without you having the chance to teleport it. However, it's not really that bad. Hag's in a good spot imo
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Another point to consider, Sprint Burst usage increased when Dead Hard was nerfed (Hag is one of the few killers who has more trouble against Sprint Burst than Dead Hard), but now it might decrease due to Made for This. However, since CoH is also gone, she is still better against the current survivor meta than she was against the previous one. The only actual nuisance caused by trap wiping is that it gives you no sound or visual warning like the flashlight burning did, but you can sometimes just pay atention to some crucial traps you placed on areas you wanted to protect and check if they disappear. Also, placing traps in unpredictable spots so survivors can't find them and waste them was always part of the Hag's gameplay. It's way better to face trap wiping, which takes time and can't be done mid-chase, than those flashlight users who could instantly eliminate placed traps.
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I'll take your word for it!!
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lunge attack, dude. Made For This made survivor have more speed to outrun killer lunge attack, more noticeable on killer like hag / hunter etc.