Do NOT nerf Made For this



    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Yeah you do. It's a nice bonus. Made fur this precludes it entirely.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    I dunno, I feel like you only get hits with Knight's power if the survivors mess up, I really don't think Made For This is taking away something you'd get against more competent opponents.

    Even if it does, that just pushes you to use his power in different ways, it doesn't remove it entirely.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389
    edited June 2023

    What different ways? To kick gens? It's not like he's got a lot of options

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    That statement doesn't even connect to what I wrote? You don't use his power primarily to deal damage, not from what I've seen + experienced. You use it to...

    Kick generators, break and deny pallets, and most pointedly, push survivors towards you by putting a guard on their other side, which is the main use that I've been able to surmise. Survivors still need to run away from the guard whether they have MFT or not, and that's the thing you can most consistently capitalise on.

    Also, drop the guard at a loop to make them run away, but that's boring and I'd prefer not to endorse it. Just technically another use.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2023

    it is free but takes... hella lot of works to activates, let's be real, you won't be wasting 35 seconds just for a hit without breaking pallet or using powers, that's unrealistic and plain stupid in basically any chase.

    even 15 seconds are already ridiculously big, to the point most of players didn't even bother to complain about it.

    made for this, on the other hand, it works all the time and there is no way to stop it... I wish killer could slide the pallet and force survivors to break the pallet, which gives them exhaustion status effect for random seconds.

    I mean, the one side (made for this) activates no matter what kind of match, then other side (bloodlust) doesn't even activates in lot of practical games, it's quite the big difference.

    Post edited by fulltonon on
  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    MFT does not work all the time. it works when injured and when not exhausted.

    how does that perk combination take a lot of time? you walk around as killer playing normally and hit people. When survivor get to a pallet. you follow them normally looping tightly like you always do as killer and when survivor drops the pallet, you get stunned on purpose. you see that the loop is safe so you break the pallet. The survivor hold-w to another loop. you will naturally gain 5% haste from the stun and pallet break. you do not need much input as killer.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    By that I meant there is no games where you won't get injured or is always exhausted, there is games you won't stack bloodlust at all.

    So basically for some reason I confused that this is about the bloodlust, sorry for confusion lmao.

    I think I've already stated the flaw of that "counter" just in the response he quoted, basically it's entirely on survivors, extremely easy to counter just by pre dropping , and then you have to purposefully lose a chase to get one token, and then pallets are limited.

    Like if a perk is only counterable by intentionally losing a chase every time you have to deal with them, that's quite... funny I think?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    The pallet are limited? Do you have trouble downing survivors when 0 pallet are on the map? that is news to me.

    Your not intentionally losing chase. you legit cannot mindgame the pallet and your forced to break it. 3% haste ensures that they will get to the next pallet in combination with your 2.34 seconds of being stuck in animation to break the pallet. I am just providing suggestion if you want to counter the perk.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    Honestly I could very well have trouble even without pallet against MfT boosted survivors and certain godly windowed buildings...

    Not sure what you really mean with that, breaking pallet is natural thing in the game but getting stunned isn't, especially when you get stunned AND breaks pallet, are you trying to say something like "MfT makes survivors to reach next pallet even if you respect the pallet, so you should just get stunned too to activate the counter perks"?

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I can have fun as killer, it’s just a mindset problem and that’s fine! :)

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    So is your "issue", if you don't have "mindset problem" you can very well have fun without any perk, and definitely not with MfT.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    If I have fun and you don’t sounds like it’s your problem. I enjoy playing survivor with MFT and I enjoy going against it, the same way I enjoyed using and going against 2022 dead hard over other exhaustion perks. I enjoy the variety of the game now too and it’s definitely the healthier it’s been and the more variety it has provided for survivors. If you can’t enjoy the game… Sucks for you, idk. Hope you learn to enjoy it too!

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    I can very well enjoy it thanks, except I don't defend unneeded broken perk like this for marginal "variety" that doesn't even exist.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Then if you still enjoy the game there is no issue! Let people play what they want and both have a good time :)

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I enjoyed mindgaming 2022 dead hard (of course original dead hard was boring) on both roles, even when I did not use it as survivor. Hope you too start enjoying the game!

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504
    edited June 2023

    Your OG post just happens to be a bad idea and you attempted to bs me cause your don't like disagreement. I mean, you could at least have addressed the problem I brought up, but no you went on with "mindset problems". A weak fallacy if anything.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723
    edited June 2023

    Why would I address the problem you brought up when I don’t see it as a problem? Looks like you want me to agree with you that bad. There are plenty of things in the game I don’t like and you probably do see them as normal and even healthy, and that’s fine! My point stands even more now because I have played more games against that combo as killer, and I still got consistent good results. If you don’t like it, more power to you! Hope you find a build and gameplay that allows you to have fun. Cheers!

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504

    Asking people to address point is not asking them to agree, I address points people make to me all the time on these forums because that is how you have a productive conversation. It allows me to give a perspective on the point, one perhaps the developers have not heard before thus giving more feedback.

    Its also courteous to the other person you are speaking to, but idk you don't seem the type to want to have a productive conversation here if all you do is dismiss it as "mindset problem" Yet the feedback from this thread and other threads are undeniable to bHVR, made for this is quickly becoming overused and hated by the community at large, luckily bHVR does not dismiss issues with their game as "mindset problems", they do game changes.

    I am here to have a productive conversation cause that helps bHVR the most and pointing out why "mindset problems" is a bad accusation excuse for a problem was an extraordinary pleasure. Even though its easy pickings, bHVR is smart enough for that.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    If you really wanted those kind of productive conversations you would not start psychoanalizing the counterpart of the conversation like you have been doing since the first post, so let’s get down from that high horse a bit.

    Your argument of this perk being overused and hated can be applied to Wesker, who is the most played DLC character ever and that’s fine because he is strong and fun, what a character is supposed to be. People just hate him because he is every other game, same that you say is the case for MFT. New content are supposed to be fun and strong, if not nobody would buy or try it and will just stick to the same 4 perks for survivor for 7 years and Nurse/Blight with 4 slowdowns.

    Again, find your way to have fun and counter what you find unfun if it bothers you that much until it gets changed or a new flavor of the month arises. There are already counters to MFT in some killers addons, and definitely in perks, the main problem is how most maps are designed what leaves the point of this discussion. I’m sure more perks soon to come will work well against MFT, the same way they released Reassurance to band-aid the complaints on camping (people were also being catastrophic and dramatic and you see how the game is still perfectly playable, consistent good results for killers as well, handshakes all around). Acting like the game is unplayable and impossible to enjoy because of a new perk that can make its ay in the meta every 3 months if lucky enough to get a good perk is just delusional.


  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,090

    Let's try to keep the discussion civil and respectful.

    Thank you.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504
    edited June 2023

    Me stating my beliefs about your attitude based on what you say isn't psychoanalizing.

    Additionally that post was not even my first response, in fact it was you who first suggested the problem was in the mind to me.

    Other than that, looks like you finally have decided to address the point, so lets run through that:

    • In an attempt to dismiss the point about Usage and Feedback you refer to Wesker because if usage numbers and feedback mattered then Wesker would get nerfed.
    • However that isn't necessarily the case, while Wesker is indeed used a lot he is still reasonably balanced.
    • IS the escape rate for Made for This Survivors better or worse at certain MMRs? bHVR will know this.
    • It is also easier to nerf a perk over develop changes to a Killer.
    • So they are very different in caliber.

    So no, it isn't hypocritical to have Wesker be Wesker. Perhaps arguments could be made that older Killers needs to be shined up to compete with Wesker, Trapper anyone?

    There are already counters to MFT in some killers addons, and definitely in perks,...

    Perhaps there is, but that isn't a good idea to do balance. You cant ask people to be forced to bring a perk incase some other player brings another perk, indeed you bring up Reassurance later, but I think I dare say bHVR has learned that is not the way to balance around things. Indeed as well with borrowed time and reassurance, measures have been and are being undertaken to have that be a solved part of the game instead of playing Perk Uno.

    So I dont buy this argument as being bHVR's intention at all.

     (people were also being catastrophic and dramatic and you see how the game is still perfectly playable, consistent good results for killers as well, handshakes all around). Acting like the game is unplayable and impossible to enjoy because of a new perk that can make its ay in the meta every 3 months if lucky enough to get a good perk is just delusional.

    I don't really believe in assuming people are liars when it comes to feedback, I doubt bHVR does.

    I also don't really have big problem with hyperbole, if a person is saying the Killer is unplayable. It does not literally mean they unplayable. That is fine, because we can understand what they mean or we can ask them.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    We are not going anywhere so agree do disagree and let's move on. Cheers!

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,504
    edited June 2023

    Dont worry. We might not go anywhere that is fine, but I'm still going to address the points you bring up in hopes to inspire bHVR to consider it another way. Especially the accepting of "Perk Uno gameplay" which I think is very worthwhile addressing and I hope that nugget is noted by bHVR. I really don't want to play a game designed that way.

    Even so Agreeing to disagree was always the default. There should be no hard feelings between us here, just the points, the feedback and our feedback to the feedback. I am also Sorry for saying I think you a troll, I see now those ideas run a bit deeper when you clarified them for me. Still 100% disagree with the underlying ideas.

    Have a good one.

  • jeffkillsyou96
    jeffkillsyou96 Member Posts: 249

    A voice of reason finally maybe the most MFT needs maybe is the endurance time reduction to 6-8 secs at most

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    I am also surprised people are not complaining about this part instead of the speed, especially with how hated old dead hard was and endurance is in general lmao. It even has instant interactions with syringes!

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    That's just being disingenuous, Say, I can very well have fun with play as a face camping bubba with rancor and NWO, does it makes them fine or anything? I'm afraid it definitely is not.

    "if you still enjoy the game there is no issue" is pretty much being purposefully ignorant because you don't want to actually look into the game health, I'm not sure if that is good way of thinking.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 723

    Then more power to you until they implement the anti-camping mechanic, and there are plenty of perks for survivors that help to counter it still anyways, same way there are killers that counter this perk in particular with exhaustion addons that some of them have, and there are perks that also have this effect to give exhaustion (for sure there will be more to come really soon). I don't really care. The hyperfixation people are having getting mad over MFT should be looked into how haste works, not this perk in particular + how maps are designed, but this is just another complete different discussion.

    Let the flavor of the month shine before another one arises with the next set of perks that will get reworked + new upcoming ones in the following chapters. If you don't play survivor or you play it but don't enjoy the new combo of haste perks, there are really new fun combos for certain killers with the new perks, but maybe you are not just the target audience and that's fine!

    Everybody freaks out every chapter about new perks and then everybody sticks to the same ones after 2 weeks in the majority of their matches. The problem is not even in the core game or game health anymore, it's in the community and the conflict it has in its own. People don't want stale metas, but people don't want new fun/attractive perks and combo possibilities to last even 2 months so everybody has to go back to their old reliable loadouts.

    At the end of the day is a game meant to give joy and allow people to have fun + it's asymmetrical so its nature is to be unbalanced and will never be perfectly balanced. In fact, it's the most balanced it's ever been, and so do show the stadistics from last year showing that in all MMRs, especially in the so called bloody TOP MMR that people always claim and bring up, the kill rate is around 60%. If in an asymmetrical game you don't see this as being balanced, I don't really know what can be expected from your part. Both parties being able to draw on average is balanced for this kind of game. If you think that either 4man escape or 4k should be the average and regular every game, then that's wrong. The game is fine as is, and it's just getting better in balance regards. Hope you enjoy it soon!
