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General Discussions

Why are some streamers so salty?

Member Posts: 275
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

Went agaisnt a TTV who I looked up post match to see if he was live, and he was, to say GG and found myself chatbanned from his channel. No idea what I did; I didn't camp and tried to avoid tunneling or slugging since none of the survivors were being toxic or showing BM. 

He did boast about his time played and devotion level in his stream title so was he just salty to have lost to someone he considered less experienced than him?

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 21,210
    edited June 2023

    I don't know. Some people just don't want to take a chance at drama.

    I viewed your stream as well.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2023

    It is possible but I have no idea. I was playing the Singularity and had a Mori so that might have set him off too.

    Assuming you did I would appreciate you not sharing the name. I try to keep a degree of separation between my stream and my ID/posts elsewhere. Been harassed elsewhere due to having opinions about game balance on a different game and would rather that not happen here.

    Regardless, I don't usually go rubbing other streamers nose in it if they lose to me in their streams and I would not want it to happen to me. That is just rude and unsporting anyways. Normally if I get too tilted/fed up I just shut my stream off before I say something I might regret.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Feel like I am more likely to get struck by lightning than see any real success on Twitch. It took me like two years to earn my first payout and that was only because they lowered the threshold to 50 bucks from 100.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Surprisingly i havent ran into a lot of salty streamer, maybe one or two at best, one was KINDA warranted since i took advantage of an afk (i had a killer daily to deal with ok?), cant really remember the other.

    It was months ago.

  • Member Posts: 795

    Steamers always accuse people of sniping when they lose lol

  • Member Posts: 3,347
    edited June 2023

    Because some people are salty, and some people are streamers.

    EDIT: After watching some of your own stream vods, I can now say that you should already know this as you have some moments yourself. I liked the one where you play a normal match and call them "toxic cheating swf" after the match when I repeat, it was a completely normal match.

    Post edited by oxygen on
  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Because that's how they are. And maybe it gets them an audience. Like "It's funny to see this guy rage/see this guy making other people rage".

    One thing I find particularly irritating is killer streamers putting up channel points redeem like "be super toxic in your next game". That's literally promoting bad behavior with the deniability of "but it's a redeem, it's not who I usually am [innocent face while happily hitting continuously on hook]". Yeah, it's a redeem, and who exactly set it up/accepted it ?

    (I wasn't even on the receiving end on that one, believe it or not, I was on their stream to congratulate them after they played my favorite killer with a really cool build against my lobby, and this was their next game)

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    One reason why some TTV players are so salty, which doesn't often get mentioned (if at all!), is the fear of public humiliation.

    People are watching their games and if they are shown up - or simply just outplayed - those streamers may believe they have been embarrassed in front of others. Mostly, people who watch are courteous and can relate to any mistakes made or trials which are just a shitstorm. Yet that won't always be picked up by a streamer.

    Depending on their own egos, a streamer can act out extremely negatively, especially if the losses feed into the low self esteem they may already have. It becomes a form of public shaming in their unmoored eyes and the vulnerabilities show. So, they counter this with bravado and act out.

    The more relaxed and chilled can see the silliness of their mistakes and understands that their audience is with them mostly. They can laugh together and share similar experiences. A streamer needs a strong sense of congruence and lightheartedness.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    they might be thinking you are trying to plug your channel. people would link their channel in other games with an in game chat and the streamers generally don't like that either. idk for sure tho i'm not a streamer myself.

  • Member Posts: 295

    Just seen a terrific video of THE most toxic streamer ever. He literally reports everything in the game. He gets downed reports killer for hijacking the game. Gets chased and downed reports the killer for tunnelling. Gets chased at all reports the killer for tunnelling. Survivor running from killer towards him he reports survivor for working with the killer. Constantly calls his fellow survivors useless pices of .... and blames them if he doesn't escape.

    He hates tunnelling but as killer he tunnels survivors and if they loop and escape he reports them for cheating.

    It's hilarious.

  • Member Posts: 136

    Given you've taken this chance to advertise yourself, I thought of checking out your content to see that TTV you were talking about, but instead I ended up arching a brow.

    I mean you could answer the question yourself. Why do you call SWF's that act cheeky 'cheaters' in endgame chat? Why do you DC in a game you're losing and writing 'Gen rushers' as if it was a negative? Why do you report people for waiting for you at the gates under the guise of hostage taking when the game will inevitably end soon with EGC? All of this behaviour is pure salt due to bad experiences.

    There are very unpleasant TTV's that definitely overdo it, but given your own not-so-positive habits, that could've been answered easily with some introspection.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean for a lot of streamers being toxic or encouraging toxicity just increases engagement. Tbh sounds more like this streamer simply didn't want drama from you.

    There are some nice streamers about.

  • Member Posts: 1,871

    "Do what you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life." is more like "Do what you love and you'll learn to hate it."

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2023

    You've never seen a hypocrite before? Yes, I know I should live by my own advice and not get so tilted but sometimes it's easier said than done.

    Especially when you go up against a very well coordinated full SWF or survivors so coordinated you swear they are SWF and how much of a struggle it is to feel like you are accomplishing anything, struggling to get a single down. Then they inevitably wait in the exit gates to tea bag you rather than just leaving so I can move onto my next game.

    That above is why when I do play DbD with friends or am giving advice to one starting out, I tell them to just leave: if the gates are open and you've made it there, just leave. There are few reasons to wait until the Killer shows up to leave. The only time I'll hang around is if someone I'm grouped up with is dashing for the gate and might need a body block

    What got me puzzled in this instance, however, was that I wasn't tunneling, I wasn't slugging, I wasn't camping hooks or any form of 'BM'. I would leave hooks to give them a chance to get off the hooks and if the first person I ran into after getting unhooked was the guy just pulled off the hook, that's bad luck for him but I'm not going to turn my brain off just because they just got unhooked.

  • Member Posts: 275
    edited June 2023

    You've never seen a hypocrite before? Yes I know I should live by my own advice and not get so salty but it's easier said than done sometimes, especially in the heat of a match or just after when your emotions are still likely running high, particularly if it was a bad match.

    Especially when you're playing as Killer against either a full SWF or survivors so coordinated you swear they are a SWF just for them to all be competent survivors. You're struggling to get anything done and get a single kill to salvage a bad match, it starts feeling like they are just yanking your chain and almost inevitably when the gates are opened they refuse to leave and instead wait in the gates until I show up so they can tea bag me. Just leave FFS; you won. Leave so I can move onto my next match.

    The last bit above is why if I'm either playing survivor with friends or giving advice to a friend who is starting out, aside from warning them that DbD is rough when you are new, is to just leave if you can. There are few reasons to stick around once the gates are open. The only time I stick around is if a friend is still in the match heading for the gates and might need a body block to get out. That's the only time I will stick around; even then, if someone gets downed and NOED is in play I usually apologize in comms and just get out.

    This match though? I wasn't playing toxically as Killer. I wasn't tunneling, slugging, camping or the like. I would walk off after getting someone unhooked and if someone got unhooked while I was still nearby, I would return to the hook. Since I was playing the Singularity, I'd generally put enough distance between me and the hook to view my cameras without triggering the anti-camping delay that kicks in when returning to the main body.

    Yeah I'm trying to play fair but I'm not going to play dumb either and since the Singularity is undetectable while checking its cameras, they probably figured I was further away than I was. If person who just got unhooked is the first one I run into on my way back, that's just bad luck on their part. So not sure what exactly I did to tilt this other streamer beyond "I killed him with a Killer/perk combo he didn't like".

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited June 2023

    Closing this thread here. We do not allow these kind of threads regarding content creators here on the forum as they more often than not devolve into vitriol towards content creators in general, and users breaking our Forum Rules when commenting, and that is not something we condone happening here.

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