Future patch;players keep endurance indefinitely

For the upcoming patch where survivors will be able to unhook themselves if a killer is proxy camping- these unhooked survivors should indefinitely keep the endurance effect if within killers terror radius. Let me give some examples why.

EX:1- a huntress is proxy camping basement,you unhook yourself and are presented 2 options;

1- Try to run out of basement (huntress throw hatchet then m1’s you)

2- hide (huntress then just rehooks you because endurance runs out)

Another example;

Bubba is facecanping you, You unhook yourself and bubba simply waits for endurance to run out so they can unhook.

Just implemenung a way to stip face camping will just make tunneling much more common as youll eliminate players from the game even faster.At least with endurance killers are forced to take chase and you have a chance of escape.
