Future patch;players keep endurance indefinitely

For the upcoming patch where survivors will be able to unhook themselves if a killer is proxy camping- these unhooked survivors should indefinitely keep the endurance effect if within killers terror radius. Let me give some examples why.
EX:1- a huntress is proxy camping basement,you unhook yourself and are presented 2 options;
1- Try to run out of basement (huntress throw hatchet then m1’s you)
2- hide (huntress then just rehooks you because endurance runs out)
Another example;
Bubba is facecanping you, You unhook yourself and bubba simply waits for endurance to run out so they can unhook.
Just implemenung a way to stip face camping will just make tunneling much more common as youll eliminate players from the game even faster.At least with endurance killers are forced to take chase and you have a chance of escape.
sorry bub, but no. that won't work. We already saw stacking endurance effects before, and that was VERY powerful. Camping and tunneling are a tactic, nonetheless a less well perceived one by the survivor side, but effective for certain killers like Bubba.
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@JackOfTrades this endurance effect is only lasting under the impress the killer is face-camping;Which the developers are obviously against as their implementing this feature.And while killers should feel free to tunnel- survivors deserve a chance to retaliate against the unfair playstyle.
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so when 2 survivors unhook in the basement and the killer happens to be there (not camping, necessarily), the survivors can lock him in there for the rest of all eternity?
Or the survivors, after unhooking, just follow the killer and he can no longer hook anybody because they all have infinite endurance?
Ever thought about how a bubba with insidious counters your idea? or blight with his addon? or wraith? or onryo? or pig? or ghost face?
And how about, in your first example, just dodging the hatchet? you know? gettin gud?
You can not build a mechanic around indefinite endurance like this without some way to abuse it. Time based endurance is enough to counter this.
this endurance effect is only lasting under the impress the killer is face-camping;Which the developers are obviously against as their implementing this feature
not the devs are against face camping, survivors who get face camped are.
I dont get why so many people are so winy about face camping. Sure, its a boring tactic for killers who are to trash to chase but its a free escape for 3/4 survivors. When you see some one camping just do gens and escape.
And if YOU get face camped, just hang in there and laugh, laugh about the guy who is to bad to play the game properly.
Keep calm and Live, Laugh, Report.
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The point of post-unhook endurance is to dissuade the killer from going for them, because they have an additional health state.
If survivors get infinite endurance so long as they remain within the terror radius... they will simply not leave the terror radius and USE that endurance to tank a hit for their team mates. This will just force the killer to attack them right away, in order to avoid this harassment, and that will negate the purpose of the endurance and lead to more tunnelling.
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I dont get why so many people are so winy about face camping. Sure, its a boring tactic for killers who are to trash to chase but its a free escape for 3/4 survivors. When you see some one camping just do gens and escape.
And if YOU get face camped, just hang in there and laugh, laugh about the guy who is to bad to play the game properly.
Because it's not fun. The same way not getting downs as killer and survs completing gens quickly isn't fun.
Playing another game after getting camped doesn't sound like a fun idea either.
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In my opinion this is a mental problem and not a game problem for the devs to solve. There will always be some mechanics on both sides that take the fun from players from the other camp, its inevitable.
And honestly, not getting at least 2 kills, even while survivors are gen-rushing, is a skill issue. And if some one is bad at the game they cant blame the devs, or for that matter anyone/anything else for it.
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getting hooked once or even twice is not a skill issue. The survivors are only dead on the third hook for a reason. They are balanced this way because that you get hooked at least once is almost inevitable.
And i think you missread my post there, maybe read it again.
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What is an absurd claim?
That you are bad when you dont get kills? for me that seems pretty reasonable.
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it does and if you dont notice that, it should tell you on which end of the scale you are
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getting many kills does not mean you are very good at the game
but getting no kills does mean you are bad at the game
thats my opinion on this in a nutshell
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Camping isn't reportable
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It's not unfair just because it's hard and you don't like it.