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Legion is able to down in power - another kill switch needed?

SlowLoris Member Posts: 288
edited June 2023 in Bug Reporting

Platform: PC

Issue: Legion is able to appear as if they are still in power and down you, even if you're the first hit of frenzy. I am UNSURE if this is the skin that causes this, or it is an actual bug with Legion, but it's obviously very unfair. I did not experience this before this update. It also seems that they keep any speed they do have while in frenzy, so being able to attack while faster than normal depending on add-ons.

Repro: Play Legion? Or, equip the skin in my tweet below and see if the same thing happens. The Legion came to my stream chat afterwards and confirmed that the animation APPEARED normal on their side. You can see the second time it happens they appear to slow a little when running behind me. This made it obvious it would probably happen again, but I let them hit me to confirm. So, if they break LoS when they "leave power" there is NO WAY to tell that they aren't in power anymore.

How often: Unsure - but it happened for every down on every survivor in that match. Everyone was basically dead on hook at 5 gens, because it was so ridiculous.

Edit: Based on Twitter replies, this is very common since last update and is not skin dependent. The sounds continue to play as if in Frenzy and there is no fatigue sound making it impossible to tell if they are bugged and break out while LoS.

Post edited by SlowLoris on
11 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited June 2023

    It's a visual glitch ! On their side the killer cancels Frenzy (it's why you can hear Julie's grunt and see the Legion slowing down) but the animation from the survivor perspective is still the Frenzy one.

    Still very weird and seemingly out of nowhere !

    It doesn't seem to be linked to particular cosmetics, I've seen clips of default Frank still looking as if he's in frenzy.

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Yeah, the biggest issue I see is that it is also a SOUND bug. So, if the Legion is LoS when going into fatigue, you do not hear the fatigue sound and you still hear frenzy panting and assume you're completely safe. This seems to be a very common bug since the last update and definitely needs to be addressed.

  • VadersRage6
    VadersRage6 Member Posts: 68

    I believe wesker and legion have the same bug but weskers is more game breaking because how his animations work when wesker uses his power he puts it away after using it my theory is when he uses power the game thinks your still in the animation which then leaves the clone and cause the invisibility glitch with legion he uses his power and the game thinks your still in the animation or your power when your not which then causes the glitch I'm pretty sure it's the same issue with both and hopefully both are resolved this upcoming update

  • Jhei
    Jhei Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2023

    I am a Legion main and I have all but three outfits (90 pieces of gear). I will test this in custom and see if it's just related to the costume or what. I can already say without a doubt it does not happen with the Head over Heels Susie skin and the Never Stop Slashing Frank outfit

    Update: I'm nearly positive it's lag dependent. I've tried with 6 different outfits, no perks, no add-ons, and I've tried every combination from cancelling frenzy manually, running out of time, hitting a person twice who I've already hit, and on both of our sides it's normal and the audio is normal. The thing with the Wesker bug was it was super easy to reproduce (Hold power, move around, the end). Considering I'm on the same wifi connection as my wife, there's no lag and therefore no visual/audio issues. With the video you showed, you can clearly see Julie lock into animation during the time her frenzy is deactivating, which means it's a server lag issue.

    Post edited by Jhei on
  • CaptainHustles
    CaptainHustles Member Posts: 184

    Had this happen to me, default legion on Father Campbells Chapel. Scared the crap out of me and I thought I was tripping!

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Thanks for all of the responses! It appears that a lot of people in my Twitter replies are also experiencing this and it's having the exact outcome you'd expect. When not visually seeing the killer slow down/lag, people are basically insta downed, because they've been trained that Legion must force fatigue first, and they can't hear that happen if they aren't in front of them.

    I agree, it might be related to server desync/lag. Over the last year it has gotten so much worse and it's not uncommon to see the animation bug for Wesker/Nemesis/Blight, etc. It's much rarer on Legion, perhaps, because of the type of animation it is and doesn't require instant precision like the others, it's more gradual. Whatever happened in the last update is causing A LOT of problems, but Wesker was very obvious with it, because he moves so fast upon activating his power and the server just could not handle it, I'd assume.

    No hate to the dev team, but I really wish we could start focusing on server stability / desync. I wish beamers weren't given a buffer to make up for it and instead the core issue was addressed, because it PLAGUES the rest of the game. The amount of times I'm stunned nowhere near a pallet, or unable to drop a pallet, because I never receive the prompt, etc. It seems to be much worst for some than others. For example, I was never able to use Dead Hard after it's original nerf from a distance perk, because I'd have to spam the button 5 times for it to recognize that I had pressed the input. Made it unreliable / unusuable, because if it DIDN'T make me spam it 5 times, I wasted it, etc.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Can confirm I've experienced it as a survivor. Still can't believe Legion hasn't been kill switched.

  • VadersRage6
    VadersRage6 Member Posts: 68

    I just wish the devs would let us know if these bugs will be fixed in the next update especially wesker because of the event and I want flans on him but who knows there willing to let us know about singularity buffs coming but no information on these bugs getting resolved especially for wesker

  • SlowLoris
    SlowLoris Member Posts: 288

    Yeah, while I am happy they are communicating more, I am surprised that they haven't just up front acknowledged that server desync is a huge problem right now. If all they did over the next year was balance maps, work on server desync/stability, and balance perks, I'd be so happy. Without Resilience I will almost always get hit through the window even if I've fully cleared it unless I manage 3 or 4 steps away first. Honestly, I'm West Coast and that was what i was used to all the time if I played on East Coast, but now I experience that on my own servers.

  • Jhei
    Jhei Member Posts: 76

    I want them to fix this desync stuff ASAP because I want to be able to get the anniversary cakes on Legion and actually be able to play them during the anniversary without feeling like a horrible person.

  • WMBunt
    WMBunt Member Posts: 15

    Just had this happen to me on Coldwind Farm with a Frank in default skin. Hit me in frenzy and continued to chase in frenzy and down me without it ending.

  • VadersRage6
    VadersRage6 Member Posts: 68

    I agree I just want confirmation that wesker will be back this update cause it will be really frustrating if he isn't and I can't get the anniversary bloodpoint offerings on him I was planning to get a bunch of them on him I'm p61 and ik if I grind and get a bunch of them I could get to p100 very fast from were I'm at

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Had this happen to me and some friends as well

  • Jhei
    Jhei Member Posts: 76
    edited June 2023

    I'm 50/50 on the kill switch thing because more and more killers are turning out to have this animation lock every day and I'm scared we'll lose the whole roster eventually if they don't fix this fast enough. I honestly don't care if they delay the anniversary a whole week, we want to be able to play our favorite killers. I want my fellow players to be able to play as and against Wesker again, he's fun as hell. I want to be able to play Legion and not feel bad about it because I can't guarantee who I'm playing against won't have this bug. Heck, I don't even like playing as or against Blight, but I still want people to be able to use the characters they love to play. As weird as it sounds, since this likely won't be fixed for two patches, just let us use all the killers and I can cope with invisible Wesker for a week or so.

    I know this is a trash/unpopular opinion, but eh, it's faster than waiting for things to actually get fixed and it means we can get cakes on our main killers.

    [Super radical solution, developers officially down patch the game and things function pretty well for the most part without resolution bugs and constant server conflicts during the anniversary, and we just can't use Gabriel and Hux.]

    Post edited by Jhei on