Killer repeat prevention...

Yes or no?
To elaborate as an example, it takes in to account the killers the four survivors you're being matched with have played against within the last 1hr to ensure you don't get the same one again multiple times in a row. Queue times would increase by about 30-60secs to consider this, but after 60 secs of waiting then any killer will be matched regardless of prevention. Basically little longer queuing, but potentially more varied killers.
Ever since wesker has been killswitched, the killer diversity has increased tenfold. I’m seeing killers like twins and pig which used to be really rare. Let’s all pray wesker stays killswitched as long as possible
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Oh right, because queue times are too short, right?
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It really depends honestly, sometimes queues insta-pop, other times they take a while. Never claimed them to be short though, just a little variety in killers would be enjoyable once in a while that's all. It just gets boring when we have like 30ish killers and we might get the same ones multiple matches a row. I'm not bothered either way, just a suggestion.
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I think this would become a problem when you reach the top 1% where survivors are so good that they only see Nurses and Blights...but otherwise I wouldn't be too against it if you add in the fact that after a while it does look for all killers again. Just once it doesn't delay everything too much.
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Why don't you play some of those under-used characters yourself and help increase the pool of players playing those characters?
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I do, but I can't or don't always want to play killer. People don't want to always play the same maps and that was adjusted, I see similarities in the two. Again not bothered either way, just an idea.
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Hmm. I don't think people play as maps though. Though if you view Killers as not actually having a player behind them I can see the similarities.
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Yes that's exactly what I meant clearly, cue the sarcasm incase you thought there was none behind it.
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Good intentions or not, that's what this change is if it's sourced simply by the survivors match history and not an opt-in feature by the players playing the Killer role.
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They could simply look at pick rates on give some QoL changes to killers with low pick rates.
So players actually play different killers, not force it with match making.
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I do what I can boss, but my Piggy does need some dev luvinz...
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We had "QoL buffs"
Pyramidhead's Egg buff and Nemesis syringe buff spring to mind when asking for QoL changes.
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The ""Killer repeat prevention"" instead should be ""BHVR fix and improve old killers to make them more enjoyable to play"".