BHVR & Singularity Changes


BHVR, please, I beg, do not change the singularity's kit. You have not had enough time to understand the dynamics of play and counter play with this killer. It's been only a few days live and yet you've decided to make major changes before players have a chance to learn how he works and how to counter him. Besides jumping the gun on changes, you've also noted multiple changes happening at once. This is not the way to balance a killer, it needs to be slow and steady tweaks otherwise you're just going to turn this killer into an absolute mess and it wont be good for killer players or survivors.

Y'all should be learning from your past mistakes on making unnecessary changes without actually having an understanding of gameplay.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    They're buffing him tho because EMP spam makes him weak...

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,612

    bHVR does not need much time to make a determination on how many of the Singularitys's attemtps at using their power should not work by Survivors. its pretty clear by anyone who has played them that Survivors have quickly understood how to use the EMPs and how to disable the Killers power effectively.

    If bHVR didn't step in the Killer would just die out, Imagine that a Killer dead on release, nobody wants that.

    It isn't a question of skill, its a question of usability and access to power right now.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Dude, his power is unusable. He needs changes. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist and 6 months time to see that.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,381

    The situation is something that we will monitor very closely. We are aware of the issues around EMP's in particular which is why the decision is being made to give a nerf to these and we will monitor the results to see if it ends up within the area that we are looking for.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    Hux is really awful. I've only seen him three times and I've escaped every time. I am not good at survivor. Bodes poorly for the killer.