Lightborn has become a must have for me

I just can’t go a game without lightborn. I need it!
*input SpongeBob needing water meme lol*
seriously though, most of my games have either flashlights or flash bangs. I’m so glad lightborn exist it almost feels like a cheat lol
Yeeeeeees, come to our side. 😎
All hail our lord and saviour Lightborn.
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I don't use it as much thesedays but sometimes if I see 3 or 4 flashlights in a lobby I might decide to bring it, ruining survivors fun is always fun.
Also there's quite a bit of Blast Mine thesedays because of the 'Blind the killer 10 times' archive so you're screwing over survivors even more by running it, win-win.
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Oh yeah, tru
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Same here. Welcome to the club! 😙
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I love lightborn, it’s one less perk I have to deal with when facing killers!
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Oh but you do need to deal with it. Once a survivor is picked up there are no saves except sabotage (which wastes tool boxes rather than using them on gens). Body blocks are barely viable. Also every pallet takes less time without a stun with a flashlight. And .... all survivors who brought a flashlight or looted one just wasted a tool and gen repair speed.
That is fairly a lot of things that just one perk disables.
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Wdym, if I have a flashy and notice a killer has flashlights I just stick to gens like normal. I’d I wanted to sabo, I’d bring a sabo build not a flashlight, the people who have flashes generally aren’t running that. Also, if they blind you at pallets, they are losing distance in a chase, it’s generally a bad thing to have happen in chase lap I’m pretty lost on what you mean with that. I’d I brought a flashlight, and that caused a killer to bring lightborn instead of a more useful perk, that’s a big W imo
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You would stick to gens but there is a flashlight in your hands rather than a tool box. A point for the killer. Also every pick up is now a near certain hook , no saving survivors. Also a big point for the killer. Gaining distance after a pallet will only burn through more pallets in the map faster , instead of stalling the killer as much as possible at each pallet , one more point for the killer. Looting chest might give you one more useless item beside a key, a flashlight. Another point for the killer. A single perk doing all this is decent considering a lot of times perks see no usage in matches.
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I don’t see how a lot of that is relevant. I typically don’t bring items personally, so I’d be doing gens regardless without a toolbox, and you can still finish all gens regardless without items or toolboxes. that’s also not indicative to how a lot of lightborne users say they play, being they pretend they don’t have it, so therefore they are still probably looking around, which is really a smart thing to do regardless, because you can get a lot of pressure and multiple downs from survivors trying to save. But it’s pretty obvious imo when you don’t see the flashlight thin if you have a basic grasp of timing and then you lose that pressure you’d have gained if you didn’t have the perk.
I don’t really see the correlation of not blinding at pallets making it faster to burn through pallets faster, because that just is not how looping works. Take the scenario of me, stunned and blinded at a pallet. The survivor tries to blind me, the distance they lost going towards the next loop means I’m catching up to the survivor quicker, and possibly downing or injuring them than if they started heading towards the next loop. It’s literally a hinderance in looping and I love when survivors do it. I can’t count how many times I injure or down people at loops who don’t realize I can hit them while blinded, because with headphones it just really isn’t that hard.
but all this to say, I think people should run whatever they want, if they think it helps them, and maybe it does. I just think you lose A lot of pressure against decent survivors who are running flashies, and lose a valuable perk slot if you run this perk. But again, run whatever you want. Shrugs.
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Still a perk I don’t have to deal with, if me bringing a flashlight means killer brings a perk to counter it, I consider it a win.
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For a perk that prevents a method of freeing a survivor from the killer's grasp, it sure doesn't get enough love. Just make sure to avoid mixing it with Shadowborn, thats a cocktail you don't want to experience.
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I mean sure you can bring Lightborn, but I'd recommend actually learning how to deal with flashlights because they're really easy to counter.
Its probably the worst perk in the game, as the moment they realize you have Lightborn they just stop going for flashlight saves which means they'll just spend more time on gens. So now you wasted a perk slot on something you could of easily avoided by being more aware of your surroundings, or looking at a wall
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lightborn is fun but I think the reason why most of your games lately are involving the flashlights and flashbangs is due to the tome challenges lately.
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It’s not so easy as you paint it. If that were the case then nobody would bring flashlights period.
survivors still bring flashlights because they are still good. And there are some scenarios where you can’t just look at a wall (Coldwind farm)
so the perk definitely isn’t useless
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I mean FL are brought because theyre fun and feel rewarding when used correctly.
Also, yes it is that easy. Been playing the game and been maining killer for years now. I dont think theres a single time that Ive been FL saved and I didnt think to myself: "Oh I could of avoided that." I also tend to run Shadowborn on a few killers which makes me easier to blind
Even on maps like Coldwind or maps that are pretty open, you can still avoid a blind very easily. Either turning at an odd angle where if there could be a Survivor hiding then they would most likely not be able to blind in time, or by faking a pick up and make the savior reveal themselves from their hiding spot, scare them off quickly and then pick up the survivor while turning the complete opposite direction.
They really are easy to deal with once you know how to, its just a matter of learning how to do so.
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thanks for confirming it wasnt satire either i started getting worried
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“Ruining survivors fun is fun” is a weird mentality.
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Like he said, flashlights are easily counterable. Lightborn is a waste of a perk slot and forces the survivors to actually do their objective. If you’re out in the open and worried about getting flashlight saved just fake the pickup and bait them out, that way you get more pressure and still have four perks.
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Dealing with flashlights isn't as easy as many here are acting like it is. Good survivors know when to go for the save and aren't gonna fall as easily for baits. People are also gonna make sure they don't go down right next to a wall. As far as I see it if you don't wanna have to deal with flashies or flashbangs then Lightborn is a perfectly good perk. If you personally don't have much of an issue with it then don't run it, it's really that simple.
Certainly don't need this thread dredged up every few months and people hating on lightborn users calling 'em bad killers :p
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And just like good Survivors knowing when to go for a save, good killers know to take the necessary steps to avoid a blind that isnt slapping on a perk
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If there's multiple survivors with flashlights there isn't always something the killer -can- do, that's the thing.
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If there are multiple survivors going for flashlight saves that means at least 3 of the 4 of them are doing nothing to progress the game and it gives you an incredible opportunity to snowball. The amount of games I’ve seen teams and my team throw by trying to get saves like this is wayyy more than the times it actually works out.
There’s always something you can do as killer in this scenario.
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Yes it means the gens aren't being done, or at the very least they're being done slowly, but so what? It isnt always about whether gens are getting done or not. Some people just don't like getting flashlight-blinded or losing people to flashlight saves. Having the survivors following them all game may well be benificial to a killer but if that killer just doesn't like dealing with flashlights then it makes sense to run Lightborn.
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To each their own, if you like running lightborn by all means run it. All I’m saying is that a lot of people don’t realize that people going for saves can be just as beneficial if not more for killer as it can be for survivor.
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I'm so glad people are starting to respect this perk. The amount of survivors I've hurt and even downed because I'd equip it and pretend I didn't have it is so high.
Plus, I can't be bothered playing around flashlights.
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I totally get that. I myself rarely run lightborn and usually just deal with flashlighters well enough. I just know some people who hate flashlights and for them Lightborn makes perfect sense.