The Hate For Wesker Is Very Ridiculous

I really don’t understand the hate for Wesker at all. I understand that facing the same the killer can be boring. But I don’t try to complain every time I face a certain character I don’t like.
I swear I get so tired of this mentality. Just let people enjoy things. Don’t go bullying and go yippie your favorite is not available to play lol. How would you feel if your favorite was broken? I keep seeing this mentality on Twitter. I know I should just ignore them.
It’s just getting annoying and frustrating to seeing this type of behavior everywhere. If you don’t like Wesker that’s fine, just don’t mess with people.
Edit: Putting this here but I fully get why some people think Wesker all the time is boring. I understand variety is good to have sometimes. I probably should of looked at the situation differently.But I was just tried of the consent bad behavior towards others. Cause looking at it I should take the opportunity to level up my other favorite characters.
I feel the same way. It's very bad for the game overall to have the most popular killer be unplayable.
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I can't stack anni cakes anymore that's over all thanks to bugs by daylight.
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I know right and I know he will be back since he is very popular after all. I mean I will admit I am shocked that he’s not fixed right away. I mean I get things take time. I would of also love to have been able to level him more up during the anniversary event.
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Oh I’m sorry to hear that and yeah these bugs are definitely annoying for sure. Hopefully they will fixed them but we will see I guess.
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I don`t face Wesker that much on a regular basis but I like seeing him every time.
Sadly this game community is full of sour grapes who have to tell everyone they hate everything and everyone.
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I mean. It's sad for the Wesker mains and people who like facing him that he's disabled during the beginning of the event. That's completely understandable. I'd hate if Legion was disabled, especially at this time. If it makes you feel any better, BHVR knows this is a very popular killer, and they'll probably try and make him available as soon as possible even if it means reintroducing him halfway through the event. I'm sure it will be all right. =)
That said, people who don't like him also have a right to say they're happy about not facing him. So long as no one harasses anyone, everyone has a right to their opinion on a video game character.
I can be both sorry for you and happy for me.
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The variety is so much better now that he's kill switched it's great, I've been seeing trappers, bubba, hags, I honestly forgot there were over 20 killers and that these killers even existed because well over half of my matches are Wesker. He's way too overplayed it makes him tedious and boring it's not the killer himself tho...
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I get it and I do and variety is good sometimes.
I totally get it if we’re for personal reasons. I understand that variety is good sometimes. I know it will be okay, I was just a bit annoyed over the toxic mentality towards him at least from what I seen. But yeah I understand people can different opinions and that is fine too. :)
I understand that he can be boring sometimes. It’s just that well to me and others, he’s one of the most balanced killers. I get variety is all good, but other Ms should play who they want.
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Thank you and I appreciate it. I hope you get better games and more variety here soon too.
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Hopefully they nerf him since he’s overused, we gotta keep the meta changing. His pick rate is too high
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funnily enough i never got more than two or max. three Weskers a day, altough i would gladly gone in more games against him :D its either my survivor mmr or maybe the region and daytimes i played
i get it though that it can get tedious if there is no variety in your games, personally i wouldnt miss certain killers, but i go through those games anyways, if i get them
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You shouldn't want things nerfed just because people enjoy them. It's healthier to buff things that are not used instead of breaking the popular toy.
That being said, I hate wesker. His map mobility is very good, he has the terror radius doctor should have which makes me feel bitter, his second corrective dash is impossible to miss with and he's in every other game.
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It's been refreshing to see other killers like Artist, Trickster or Plague however I do feel bad for the people who main him.
Post edited by GolbezGarlandGabrant on2 -
Wesker for President!!!!!
Can't be worse then what we've had.
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I get it, variety is good sometimes. Hope you get more variety for your games too. :)
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It's nice to actually see variety than Wesker every match. He's extremely annoying to face and is overused.
However, I can understand where you're coming from. I'd be upset if Artist was disabled for a long while. Especially since you can't level Wesker up during the event, which is kinda unfair.
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The entire mo of the recent nerfs was for overused things, killers shouldn’t be exempt
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Yeah, and that's bad game design. Nerfing toy sword and Marvin's blood was a bad move.
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I understand that having a your favorite killer being disabled does suck for sure.I also get that facing the same killer can be boring. I should know I had my share of that lol. So yeah while would of been nice to have him for event. But I know he will be back soon since he is super popular and from a famous franchise after all.
I totally get that having some variety every once in a while is good. I also should probably look on the bright side it gives me some more opportunities to level up my other favorite characters in the game. Don’t know who I will level up more maybe Dwight, Ghostface, Nea, Michael, Feng, who knows from me lol.
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Dwight, Ghostface, Nea, Michael, Feng who knows.
When did we have a survivor named Michael?
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I don't hate the man, but it has been nice to not see him 3700 times a day. I just wish Wesker mains had as much fun with other killers as they do Wesker, which isn't their problem really it's a killer design problem obviously. It sucks ya'll can't spend BP on him though, I'm sure they are rushing to fix him though as they know how popular and well liked he is.
As for hating him, again it's just annoying to see him in more than half your matches. If there was a bit more variety, he wouldn't be complained about nearly as much IMO.
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More people need to pick up Nurse and Blight. A few games in a row with those killers and people will be begging for Wesker to come back.
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I've actually had an uptick of Blights. I don't mind facing them but in most cases the rest of my team gives up too fast.
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The "problem" with Wesker is that he is a strong + fun killer to play as, not too hard to get the basics. If people hate seeing Wesker every match, they could ask for buff on others killers, like Billy (which had the reputation of being the strongest and the most fun killer to go against) or in other weaker killers, or even some balance on Blight (which can be quite fun to face when not using busted addons).
I don't like that much to play as Wesker, but i can clearly understand why he is overused.
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I dont like Wesker because they suffer from the same issues as Nemesis... being really buggy... it just seems like a trend with the RE Chapters.
His power is fundamentally fine as a concept, but there are times where I should be hit but Im not, and times where I shouldnt be hit but I am. It can feel frustrating to go against and play as at times.
I personally prefer Demogorgan's power over Wesker's power since it feels like I have some level of consistency.
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Or we just buff other killers to match him?
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Then tell BHVR to make more then 1 good killer a year.
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It kind of highlights how bored everyone is of playing all the old killers and how poorly designed most of the newer killers are if they have to killswitch the only well designed killer in the past 2 years for there to be any variety.
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be carful what you ask for nurse and blight will be the only killers you play after wesker get nerfed
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balancing around pick rate is idiotic and is what leads to garbage like billy's engravings getting nerfed. Him having a high pickrate means other killers need more love not that he needs nerfs.
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Are players still complaining about Wesker? He’s pretty good but I haven’t really seen any grumbling about him lately. Normally it’s just Nurse/Blight & the odd Spirit whom I see complaints on.
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They arent exempt and its still a horrible way to balance things. If you think something like Dead Hard was nerfed exclusively because of pickrates though then you are very wrong.
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I mean he's boring to face. Largely due to seeing him every 3rd game. So honestly I can see why people would celebrate him being gone for a bit.
Post edited by thrawn3054 on4 -
That's exactly how I feel. Since he's been kill switched my survivor games have been a breath of fresh air in terms of killer variety. Its been quite fun actually.
I am sick to death of seeing Wesker in over half of my survivor games. So him being out of action has almost felt like a new lease on life in the survivor games.
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I legit saw on twitter one skull merchant main celebrating wesker is killswitched, we can already understand who is happy with his killswitch
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I think people don't hate going against Wesker, they hate going against the average type of person who plays Wesker. It isn't the mechanics they take issue with, but the playstyle and unenjoyable matches that are more frequently tied to that. If you play 100 matches and consistently get jerks only playing one character, you start to associate the jerk status to be equal to the character selection, be that Killer or Survivor (I hate Fengs and Mikaelas personally, when playing both sides). I would love personal bans because when I go with/against a jerk, I could just not play with them individually as long as they are on my list.
The other facet is definitely variety though. If one Killer is more than double the average rate (1/31 being selected more than 2/31) than there is certainly a problem. The problem could be the other Killers are too weak, or that one is too strong, or cool/uncool, or a plethora of reasons. A killer ban system for Survivors at a rate of 1 per 5 released would give people enough Killers they could avoid, while still having the rest of the game playable. At the very least there should be Killer repeat prevention just as there should be map repeat prevention.
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Not cool enough obviously since he's barely played
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It's really not.
I was playing a few weeks ago and went against a Weaker, no problem.
Match ends and I go into another match, it's another weaker. I sighed and said "okay".
No word of a lie, the third game, was another Weaker. I was done at that point.
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Literally same, every other round for me is a Wesker, when I hear his terror radius or see his spray box for the third time in a row I honestly just want to be out of the round.
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Wesker is fine for me, his popularity sometimes makes him boring but most times i like to go against him. He is fun. And he is not unbalanced which makes him okey.
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Agreed. There's nothing wrong with him as a killer aside from maybe a few hitbox issues but I think the source of the issue is just how popular he is
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Same. Never forget when he came out and 9 games out of 10 were against him.
When he gets switched back on, god help us all
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He is Resident Evil character tho. Nemmy and Wesker will be always popular killers. Both killers have very fun powers as well.
And Jill, Ada, Rebecca, Leon are gonna be popular survivors as well. RE is crazy good license we got.
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well, thats what is likely to happen, if you want to run a valid chasekiller Blight and the other usual suspects are the way to go
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Absolutely agree.
I'm not a fan of RE but I understand it's appeal and Nemesis is one of my favourite killers.
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It really does seem like his hate came out of no where all of a sudden
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I mean... These past couple of months there were weekly posts about how people were sick of facing Wesker multiple games in a row, so it's not that out of nowhere.
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we should be able to trade our lobbys :D
i ll take all of your Weskers, if you take some of my Wraiths, Doctors, Clowns and Spirits
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I volunteer for all your Doctors ! I don't see a lot of Weskers but I'd gladly trade them for my guy Doctor =D
(my friends might curse me for this though ! =P)
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