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Feedback: Please do something about the homophobes ruining the game

naweyn Member Posts: 17
edited June 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi. I would like to briefly touch on something that has bothered me and my friends greatly during the month of June, and it's how rampant homophobia is in the game. My friends and I almost all use the pride charms, and I'm honestly upset at the amount of times we have met killers who specifically target us, hit us on hook after nodding at our charms, openly admitting to being homophobic in endgame chat. Many killers have said they would have let us go, but saw our charms, and one even went as far as calling us racist because the LGBT charms offends him and his family. We have of course reported every instance, but it's hard to know if anything is being done about it, and it doesn't feel like it considering we are still being targeted by homophobes almost daily. This is really ruining the game experience for me, and I would hope the developers want to do something about it, and ban these people. It's really not a good look for BHVR to have homophobia running rampant in their game like this during pride month.

Note: this is specifically on EU servers, I don't know what it's like on other servers.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    Yes, I think that update will be a good change! Still hard to feel like anything is being done about it at the moment though, when I don't know the outcome of the reports, and I still keep running into homophobes

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    Targeted harassment needs to be looked into as a whole because it happens more often than people may think in Dead by Daylight, and sexual and gender identities are one of the reasons why some players get targeted and that's not okay at all. It's really easy to tell when somebody is getting targeted because of whatever reason, because the experience goes further away from just gameplay (tunneling, etc.) and it goes into actual BM such as hits on hook, leaving somebody to bleed out on the floor just for the sake of it, flashlight clicks and tea bags in order to annoy the enemy side, and of course there is actual verbal harassment in end game chat. Hopefully once the reporting system will be improved and report feedback is implemented this summer as they said they'd implement soon all these situations will become less common and will get their proper punishment.

    Hope you have a happy pride for what's left of the month and you and your friends enjoy the game!

  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    Yeah, the targeting in game can end up feeling very personal. My friends and I faced a trapper about an hour ago, who was staring at our charms while we were on hook, hitting us then nodding, and he did this to the 3 of us who had the pride charms, but didn't inspect anything on the one survivor who didn't have any charms. So we all felt like it was targeted homophobia, and it didn't help that the killer was then harassing all of us in endgame chat.

    Thank you for your kind words. <3

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I made all my hook charms pride charms to spite bigots. I've never received a single homophobic remark in endgame chat, just the usual survivor to killer abuse wishing harm on me and my family.

    So, I've gotta ask: how do you know someone hitting you on hook is due to a charm? There's no real way to indicate it.

  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    They were looking directly at the charms before hitting us, but didn't do this to our one teammate who had no charms. Then harassed us in endgame chat.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Just ignore it and go next. It’s no different than the all the other toxic stuff in the game that everybody faces.

    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    So this is like.... Once? What do you think BHVR can do about it?

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    Don’t tell somebody to ignore a harassment they face especially if you don’t share the same identity they say they get harassed for. Ever.

    If it’s ignored it will never be addressed therefore it will never get fixed.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    That sucks and again I am so sorry, luckily there is a big side of the DbD community that are part of the LGBT community as well or they welcome it even if they are not part of it. If you need more friends to play with DM here and we can play anytime, I am from EU too! :)

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    It’s not once, this happens more often that you can probably think. I invite you to see on Twitch any openly LGBT content creator for 10 minutes only, it will open your eyes. Not even that actually, you can watch the Drag Queen stream they did last week and see the comments of the players under the stream and on social media. Those comments are from players that play the game and when they meet LGBT players they try to make it miserable for them. Educate yourself before coming here trying to sugarcoat a serious situation of bigotry and harassment.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I mean unless you report them with proof that they did it because you had the charms, there's nothing bhvr can really do about it

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    We all deal with toxicity in this game. I just got facecamped and hit on hook with nodders, same as OP. I died, hit next, and moved on to my next game. It’s that simple. It’s not a big deal.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    I think all of the toxicity should be addressed but we’ve seen many instances of racism and homophobia in this game and it’s a major problem. While we all deal with toxicity within this game not all of us have to deal with it persistently in our real lives because of our race, sex, gender identity, etc. Any form of bigoted harassment needs to be taken seriously and addressed.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    You are completely missing the point and you lack empathy. A person is being targeted because of their identity (which is probably not the same as yours, therefor you don’t know how ir feels nor know the background of the harassed person) and you say it’s not a big deal like you can decide how this person has to feel. Don’t ever do that and instead listen, try to understand and support or don’t even bother interacting. This person does not need anybody’s “ignore and move on” cents, that’s not how you fight these situations. If you don’t see a problem in any of this more power to you, hope you’re happy being privileged, but not everybody is and they have the right to speak. It’s like when Blackface Bubba was a thing and it was used to target black characters and content creators, and then when they spoke up about it non black people were lecturing them on how to feel about the situation. Listen, learn and do better.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482
    edited June 2023

    I lack empathy? You know nothing about me. I don’t know how it feels? I’ve seen people executed in the Middle East for their identity and beliefs, with my own eyes, so no, I don’t think somebody being mean to you on a game is a big deal. Don’t talk to me about “privilege”. You again, know nothing about me.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    All that yet you are telling other people you don’t know anything at all about how to feel about the harassment they receive for their identity in a game or anywhere. A game for a lot of people is meant to be a safe space, and them experiencing harassment for their identity does not help them at all. Why ignore it when it can be punished? This person said they got insulted in chat as well. Those words mean nothing to you from your outsider perspective? Sure you lack empathy if you can’t be in this person’s shoes. Again, do better and support people to feel safe.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,232

    On US West I use the basic pride charm ever since they were introduced and people claimed they were being targeted for using them. The closest I've got to any recognition is a point/nod from either side. I wanted to get more chases and I got more people meming instead lol. That's just my experience though.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Guess we are just different. I grew up in old cod lobbies..

    I get insulted in chat all day lol. Brush it off, move on. We can agree to disagree.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    Because there is people who react like that to seeing somebody using the charms and want to be friendly, which is as fine as just ignoring their charms at all. What we are talking about here is harassment and toxicity that some people are unlucky to face because of miserable and sadistic players, which needs to be punished. Just because you don’t face ir doesn’t mean it does not exist. Lucky you! If you watch any of the content made by LGBT content creators (especially trans), it will open your eyes how people go out of their way to harass them.

    Let’s try to make this game safer for everybody, it costs nothing!

  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    I don't give a ######### if I get facecamped, what bothers me is when I get specifically targeted and harassed because of my identity.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    Sadly it’s not a matter I’ll be fine disagreeing on like it’s chicken burgers vs beef burgers on what’s the best kind of burgers, this is a serious topic. I don’t care being insulted for my gameplay or being called names like my mother is this or my mother is that, those I’ll ignore, but once you attack somebody’s identity or throw it into the mix of reasons to harass something, now there is an issue and it can’t be allowed. Not everything is valid and nobody’s identity should be attacked.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I don’t wish that for anybody, but what can you do? It’s the nature of multiplayer games. People are mean behind screens. Just report them and move on.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Although, I don't agree with the sentiment, @HugTechLover isn't exactly wrong. Suffering and conflict are as natural and inevitable as death. After a certain point, a human can be and should be ready for/unfazed by such things.

  • naweyn
    naweyn Member Posts: 17

    I'm not going to be unfazed by people telling me I don't deserve to exist because of my sexuality thanks

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    We are asking for the reports to actually be taken seriously, which will likely happen once the report feedback is implemented. Definitely it becomes natural if it’s not fought against, it’s part of the process to erase these kind of behaviors. It feels good when you report somebody for these reasons and get feedback of them getting punished. The more serious people take this with time the harder the penalties will be and more than one person will think it twice before risking it. Leaving people unpunished will definitely not help the cause. If you want to provide actual help as an outsider, report these situations when you see them even if you are not the target, it helps and reassures people more than you think. If not just move on, but please, never tell others how to feel on the harassment they receive because of their identity through their experience. Cheers!

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I agree, reports should be taken seriously, and I do report hateful speech, but I still stand that you should not let it bother you.

    Does your identity change because somebody said something mean to you? Do you need affirmation in yourself about who you are? I do not agree with letting words have so much control over how you feel. You should be comfortable and confident in who you are, who gives a damn what other people think about it, whether you’re LGBTQ or not.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    I'm not telling you to be. I am speaking from an objective view on the human race and my own experiences. Humans are incredibly adaptive in rapidly changing social environments. Given enough occurrences of a specific event in a specific social environment, a human would adapt to said event.

    I'm not going to go into detail about my personal life, but I used to be exposed to an event that would devastate me every time it happened. But after being exposed to this event over and over and over again, I eventually developed a mindset that made me largely unaffected by said event. It went from devastating me to an annoyance

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    As far as I know the only instance you could report them for this is if they say something bad to you in the chat and admit to specifically targeting you because of this. I don't think this is "running rampant" in the game. I've never seen anyone admit to playing like this after the match as far as I can remember and I've been playing since before any of these charms were ever added to the game. It happens, but I think most players just mind their own business.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited June 2023

    @adaw0ng we all agree that the reports should be taken seriously and something should be done about the people that think other people as lesser due to something like religion or sexuality. We just disagree on the affects that said people should be having on a person with their words.

    To anyone who reads this, I apologize in advance for my very cynical takes on the subject. It's just the way I work

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693
  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    ohhhhkay.. lol

    I fully get what you’re saying, I just don’t agree. There is no “point” to get.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    It’s almost like everybody is different, not everybody have the same background, some people have traumas, insecurities and just want to play the game they enjoy in peace without being called slurs or anything offensive against their identity because there is literally no reason why that should happen. If you lack the empathy needed to understand that there is no conversation to be had. If you really want to learn and do better, re-read everything that was said here, I repeat you to check on LGBT content creators (especially trans ones) for no longer than 10 minutes on stream and you will understand maybe the limits this situation can reach just for having the identity they have and why this is so serious to a lot of people.

    Have a nice week.

  • adaw0ng
    adaw0ng Member Posts: 693

    You clearly never experienced any of this kind of harassment and that’s fine, lucky you!. Re-read everything and think about it for a minute, also check content made by LGBT (especially trans) content creators to get a sneak peek of how far the harassment can reach. Not everybody wants to be oblivious and don’t play videogames to have to deal with an extra side menu of bigotry added to the one they experience on the regular elsewhere. If you think these attacks are fine and won’t hurt anybody, empathy won’t hurt you as well! Cheers :)

  • uganda_calm
    uganda_calm Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2023

    I myself am not part of lgtbq but you and me still have to understand.

    There is a big difference between a toxic killer and a person that is living out his unreasonable hatred against lgtbq people in a video game. No one blames you for just being an ######### but if you target people just because of who they love or because of what they think they are, thats just proof of an unintelligent and unaccepting human being with no empathy or any common sense.

    Post edited by uganda_calm on
  • uganda_calm
    uganda_calm Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2023

    I understand your viewpoint but do you understand that what you are saying is just plain ignorance?

    Saying things like:

    I get insulted in chat all day lol. Brush it off, move on. We can agree to disagree.

    It’s the nature of multiplayer games. People are mean behind screens.

     I just got facecamped and hit on hook with nodders, same as OP.

    is naive and ignorant.

    Saying that something is "ok" just because it always has been like this is not an argument. Times change and we as humans need to improve and overcome our ancestors flaws. Just brushing off attacks against who you are is not as simple as you think. When you got insulted in cod lobbies it was most likely not because of who you are.

    Just because something is the way it is does not mean it is good or not has to be changed. If the nature of something is bad, would you just leave it like that or at least try to change it?

    Being face-camped because someone hates who you are is not in any dimension the same as being face-camped because the killer is mad. One is hate the other is toxicity. One is a crime against human rights the other is just proof that you are an #########. And saying you suffered through the same thing is just ignoring the impact that hate has on your mental state.

    I am not part of lgtbq nor am i part of poc, but i still try to understand the struggles that most peoples of those groups have to go through in there lives and i hope you really understand that saying things like "i get face-camped, just like you" or "just brush it off" or "i too got insulted once" can really hurt.

    Again, i get were your points are coming from but pleas try to change your viewpoint some times.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    That’s naive and ignorant? No, it’s cynical realism.

    Where did I say it was ok? Please show me where I said this hate was ok because it’s been that way?

    No, it really IS that simple. It’s all about perspective. Should you receive hate for who you are and who you want to be? Absolutely not, you don’t have to agree or believe in some of the choices or lifestyles people live, but everybody SHOULD respect each other. But it’s going to happen no matter who you are, so why even give the time of day to the people who are trying to put you down if you know it’s going to happen?

  • uganda_calm
    uganda_calm Member Posts: 125

    You not literally said that hate is ok, i am sorry if i made it seem like that, but you said that its ok to ignore it, thats what i meant. And ignoring a problem is not the solution to any problem.

    And by saying "it has been that way in the past, so dont worry about it" you make it look like you think that its a problem that we dont need to change. But maybe thats just me.

    But it’s going to happen no matter who you are, so why even give the time of day to the people who are trying to put you down if you know it’s going to happen?

    and thats the problem, that everybody just says it is inevitable and going to happen anyway so we just should ignore it. War is also inevitable, but should we just say its fine and we just should leave that behind us after it happens? No, we need to try to stop it in the future, by spotting the problems, pointing them out and getting rid of it.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,684

    I'm sorry you had these experiences, but I assure you the reports have always been taken seriously, regardless of the fact that the feedback system has not been implemented yet.

    If you encounter this kind of behaviour, please report them, for verbal abuse only the in-game report is necessary, of course if you want to give more information you can also open a ticket here.

    Just a small personal note here: please let's not ask people to "get used" to harassment or to dismiss it, they have all the rights to be upset.

This discussion has been closed.