4k slug

can the match just end when all 4 people are slugged and dying? let the killer auto mori the last man down and match is over.
had a match where we all got slugged and killer didnt hook anyone untill everyone bleed out it was unnecessary and unfun.
I'd prefer a forfeit button to an auto mori. Otherwise it's just going to promote slugging to get the mori.
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problem with that one though: the most efficient way to win then would be to just never hook anyone --- which is made easy and efficient thanks to perks like knockout.
Mass slugging for kills (and imo any kind of prolonged / strategic slugging) is unhealthy for the game and the mechanics should simply not allow it to be viable in any form. Either survs need the ability to pick themselves up and/or the more survs are slugged the more the remaining get buffed to be able to pick them up under all circumstances (even if endless T3 Myers is for whatever reason camping slugs).
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Cypress mori already does that, it doesn't "promote" slugging any more than that offering.
If that is efficient, people are already doing that 24/7 because 99% of survivors don't have capability to pick themselves up.
Mass slugging is certainly not consistent or "most efficient" method of win, not a problem.
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Nope. There is no reason to buff slugging.
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It's literally just a QoL though, not even killer side one.
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Nah, it's not QoL. It's just a buff.
There is still hatch chance for the last survivor even all team slugged.
And sometimes when your teammate downs at near to escape, you can take 2 hits with heal-tech. But if they add this system, game will just over automatically and you will just lose for no reason.
So... There is no reason to add this system. There is no reason to buff slugging. There is no reason to reward killer for slugging.
Just add button for bleeding-out faster when you slugged longer than a minute, this will be QoL.
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No to the auto mori. It would just incentivate killers to do it and also there are a few ways for survivors to get up/escape in these situations, like specific perks or hatch.
Either add base kit unbreakable (abusable by swfs), a forefeit button (but personal choice, not team based choice, otherwise it would probably not work) or the ability to increase the bleed out rate, which is the option I like the most
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Basically an unneeded SWF buff, two glorified disconnection without any penalty.
The only thing that makes sense in those situations are literally just killing everyone and declare it as win, because that's literally what it is in live server.
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Perhaps someone had the Horse perk or broke hooks, and the killer was too lazy to hang you. Maybe it was me, I very often leave survivors to die from blood loss, if I'm just too lazy, or one of the survivors abuses the lack of hooks, or asks to kill everyone from the ground, because he has a challenge
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So, because ONE person have a perk you don't like? You punish everyone?
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That would make no Mither meta, finally a use for this perk.
Joke aside, I participated in the PTB with this feature and no thanks.
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Was the PTB insta-mori OK or did you see a lot of abuse there?
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This was how the finisher mori worked
It wasn't really well received
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With a feature like this, it would negate the effects of things like No Mither and Unbreakable, which in my opinion is not a good thing. Keeping the perks viable whilst also not giving away builds is part of the fun for me, even if it's a game where I'm slugged.
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Just make it happen after certain seconds (30 seconds, 60 seconds or even 90 seconds), so people still have time to activate perks (and killers have the capability to deny it by hooking) while not wasting people's time as much as today.
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I thought that the devs confirmed the finisher mori feature was still coming to the game but with basekit unbreakable scrapped?
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It was one package. If one is scrapped, both are scrapped. That's what I remember devs said.
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The combination of "everyone slugged = mori" and "basekit unbreakable" was scrapped. I don't think the devs ever said basekit mori would never be in the game, because there's still a chance it might be in the game from some other trigger.
For example, maybe the mori feature will unlock if the killer hooks survivors 6 (or 7 or 8) separate times. This would encourage killers to go for hooks instead of kills, and if it unlocks on 6 or 7 separate hooks, they would be rewarded for playing for hooks, which is what everyone should want, right?
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It would be still survivor nerf.
Let me explain - my SWF group verses tunnelers all the time. But we actively try to combat it. My specialty is sabotages - and if you know how, you can still force a trade quite reliably (provided you are not on saloon with it's 1000 hooks per 10m2). This is good idea if you have 0 hooks and killer clearly tunnels someone with 1 hook already. Other teammates play more for flashlights/flashbangs/pallet saves/bodyblocks. But the end result is the same - we force killer to spread hooks + hooking survivor is always something that poses risk.
BTW when I played soloQ (which I don't do any more - as soloQ is just nightmare in conditions the game is in. I rather play killer then going soloQ) - I played exactly the same. The only difference is, that my other teammates a lot of times did not spread hooks the way I did (lowering our collective chance to escape) - but some actually did and the chances were higher if I already made a good play.
However ebony mori and your suggestion rob us of that chance later in the game - which basically makes tunneling that much harder to counter
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I can't find the post now, but someone had posted in General Discussions the Q&A transcript, where the devs said that basekit Unbreakable was not coming, but they were still working on the finishing mori. I think that's a terrible idea. I believe I've seen others point it out before, but it would only encourage Killers to slug everyone as fast as possible for the mori.
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No, we are not planning on making that part of the base game.
If you are referring to the Finisher Mori, we tested that in the PTB but it was an early prototype test. There was a lot of feedback and we are still working on that feature, but again - we are not planning on putting Unbreakable in the survivor base kit.
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Honestly agreed. Finisher mori system was fine on its own, getting 4 slugged is a survivor mistake and is easily avoidable
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That is not what was said, the mod right now just confirmed basekit unbreakable is scrapped but finisher mori is still being worked on.
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Sure, but tbh I have no idea how it will be implemented. Will just have to see. But we do know that basekit unbreakable is not coming to the game thankfully.
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I had older information
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Anything that could speed up the process of winning after a 4 survivor slug with no perks to get back up would be real great.
I often slug people in end game and go close hatch to prevent someone from leaving to it while I hook but by then, survivors bunch up in corners with no hook and then they show up here and complain I leave them bleeding out.
Not to mention those who purposely do it because they combo Flip-flop with Boil over thinking they are smart or something.
honestly, if you run the aforementioned combo, you deserve to bleed out on the floor every games.
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It was also confirmed in the reddit QnA.
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I only play survivor and I play a lot and quite honestly, I hardly ever see 4k slugging. I think I might have seen it twice, so for me it is not that much of an issue.
And one of the only times I did experience it, the second to last player died and I had about 5-10 seconds of life left, and the hatch spawned basically underneath me and I escaped. That was so satisfying that I'd go through a thousand 4k slugs just to see that killer's reaction again.