What is going on with survivor gen spawns?
Seriously, almost every game I had tonight, at least one or two survivors are spawned right next to gens. I run lethal and discordance so I can see this is happening right away.
Survivor spawns make a huge impact in how a game goes.
I’m a firm believer survivors should at basekit, all spawn together and have to split off if they choose.
When you have 4 survivors all spawn on different gens off rip, you can have a tough time keeping up.
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Talk about a massive buff for lethal pursuer.
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Those types of spawns can happen now. So you think it would be better to keep lethal pursuer being OP based purely off of RNG? or do you think maybe they could make that change so it isn't RNG anymore, then adjust LP accordingly?
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Unpopular opinion, but Lethal is a problematic perk. I think it should only keep the extended aura reading and not the beginning of game aura reading.
Strong killers like Nurse, Wesker, Blight, huntress get too big of an early game jump when they really don't need to. "Just run distortion". True, but perks as counters to perks is just more RNG and it doesn't really address the real issue.
Perks that significantly aid strong killers probably need to be toned down. And Lethal would be near the top of the list for me.
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And leave all the other not so strong killers to dry? C’mon now.
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Lol it would instantly become one of the top 5 worst perks in the game.
At best you get 1 down and maybe an injure value from it. At worst you get looped and maybe a few pallets and then get nothing and gens pop anyway.
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And what would be wrong with that? Not like there aren’t survivor perks that killers moaned and cried about that got nerfed to the ground. It happens.
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Yeah overused perks that are clearly strong & are detrimental to the game. At most you get 1 hook & an injury value from lethal pursuer.
I would hardly call lethal pursuer an overused meta perk that everyone is running.
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You can't have 'gens evenly spaced' and 'survivors spawn away from gens' at the same time, there's simply not enough space on the maps, especially as bigger maps are worse for killers. If gen placement is balanced, then everyone is going to spawn somewhat near to a gen.
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Two weeks ago I'd have said nah. But after seeing killer mains lately arguing that survivor perks should have more conditions attached, it does make me feel like the very popular perk that simply requires you to spawn into a game might also need more conditions.
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It's not new, survivor spawn ALWAYS near a generator... In a way, you have 7 gen, it's pretty rare having a zone without generator
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Ey, I love lethal, plus, it's not like overpowered... The perk is fine
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Us vs them is strong in this one
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But doesn't it already have that with only 9 (11? I don't know if it works with itself) seconds runtime and a secondary effect that needs another perk or addon to do anything at all?
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This is prolly what's going on.
With all the hate for 3-gening, I bet in the background they're messing around a little bit with generator spawn locations, and without also looking at surv spawns the gens are being pushed more into likely surv spawn locations.
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That spawn is possible, but a system where survivors always spawn in clusters is clearly a large buff to the perk. I don’t believe the perk is OP as it is now. But it would certainly be OP if survivors always spawned in a way that maximized its efficiency without any killer involvement.
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After the implementation of the new Killer, I feel that the spawn of Survivors has changed. It's kind of a training wheel for players who probably can't find Gen and don't have Dejav yet.
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This has been the case for quite a long time. Though usually whenever my friends and I spawn next to a gen, it's immediately corrupted anyways, so I always thought it had to do with Corrupt Intervention.
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Lol. I love it too as killer. With the tunnel meta, it kinda sucks when you're playing survivor and you get a Wesker, Nurse, Huntress, or Blight that decides to eliminate you from the game in four minutes (or less) though
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So change the perk? The game shouldn't be balanced around a single perk.
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If it makes you feel better gen spawns are pretty killer sided usually. There is almost always 3-4 gens in view of each other. If you wanted you could set up a 3 gen... or you can get the teams I do and the survivors will do it for you.
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It isn’t.
There is also an offering that compels survivors to spawn together.
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Correct, and it is a survivor offering. The offerings for spawns are actually on the wrong teams. The survivor one makes them stay close together (what they do not want) and the killer one makes them spawn separate (what they do not want)
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Incredible that those are still backwards af
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I’d guess the thinking behind those offering assignments is that survivors start together, get on a generator, complete it quickly & maybe do it again? While the killer’s offering was meant to weaken this effect. But it’s always more efficient for survivors to split up at the start of the trial. And it’s probably just best to remain split as this pressures killers.
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They could just spawn all survivors and the killer in neutral zone boxes added to the edges of the maps or spawn the killer in the map directly and then spawn the survivors in a neutral zone box. That's a quick and dirty way to solve the problem of survivors just hopping on gens right out of spawns.
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They aren’t wrong though. Every other post I’ve seen lately has been “I’m having a hard time dealing with this survivor perk… it should be nerfed.”
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But then the killer would be able to tell exactly where the survivors have spawned (without a perk), they just go to the 'neutral zone', or the area without gens.
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I didn't do a great job explaining this so let me give more detail.
The neutral zone box isn't meant to be a place that is accessible but just a place where survivors start. Since it's neutral it isn't affected by perks or killer powers and while it is attached to the edges of a map it doesn't have to be a static location. It doesn't even have to be at the edges of the map it could be above the map. You would need to restructure lethal pursuer and start of game addons that affect survivors to only proc when survivors enter the map. Now you'd also need to keep people from trying to cheese the benefit of having this neutral zone by all survivors being shunted out of it after a short period of time or when one survivor enters the map.
The goal is to get both the killer and survivor to roughly either start moving at the same time and limiting the ability of survivors from spawning in on separate gens.
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I... Don't think you can really blame how the perk gonna be use
What I want to say is, when a perk is in the game, it give, technically, some advantage, but how people gonna use it is not really the fault at these and, you can punish everyone in the role were this perk is (for exemple off the record and survivor who bodyblock the killer, not everyone use this perk like that, juste a bunch of)
So yeah, with some perks, people gonna use it to play a way where you gonna not have some fun (here, killer and tunneling) but not everyone use this in that way... And I'm pretty sure, it's probably 1% of the user who use lethal in that way