The Plague

And PS: Thank you BHVR for releasing all this info PRIOR to the PTB.
I am SO READY for the PTB. I can hardly stand it!
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Horny for some murderous, plague-ridden woman, are you?
To each his own I guess :)
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Finding something beautifully rendered doesn't equate to sexual attraction.
Nice try. 🙄
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So The Plague is a new mechanic in the game??.. Doesn't look like it is her special power..
nice this was my 666'th post... until I edited it.. doh.
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well i would be excited if i knew the killer could be GOOD. but she's probably C tier just like hag and doc and other ######### killers since devs said they are gonna do "fun" killers not good ones. cough legion is very fun cough. Legion is the killer they nailed cuz i'm really having fun playing against him Kappa. If i had to say how many faith i have in killer actually being good and game being balanced i'd say i have Legion faith in them. (0)
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I'm probably projecting.
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Cosmetics dont make a killer.... reserve your hype for the stream^^
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What realm do you think the new dlc will be in?
A new one or will it be added to asylum or huntress realm?
Temple of purgatory sounds asylum or new realm.
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Hag C Tier?
Do you watch Tyde or something?
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You should read up on purgatory; how the belief in it originated, how it spread, and so on. It's a new realm.
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Looks like some sorta plague doctor. im excited to see her power I smell something like doctor and clown mixing to make some sorta scary tracker
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Which era do you guys think this new killer belongs to?
The plague happened in the middle ages but it looks like she wears ancient Greek clothes like Medusa. Also it is a temple and architecture looks like old ancient Greek/Roman buildings.
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Plagues go back thousands of years. It's written in the bible and in other ancient texts... so it can be from any era really. The trailer doesn't talk about plague being the black death that we think of that decimated Europe in the MA.
I'm hoping she's older than that...
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Eh. I am not too excited about it all, to be honest.
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All this whining
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I'm assuming you have never faced a good hag or even better you follow that idiot known as tyde time who's list is so biased on how well he plays that certain killer that its not even funny *cough cough running around with 2 traps placed as hag cough cough
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But... I am pretty sexually arroused by the render too
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I am even more hyped now.
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I saw the stream, I now have a reason for hype
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Aha It's Red Forest. Remember the entity pulls in the killers and survivors. Map looks really good as does everything else about this chapter.
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Important question. What exactly does the sickness actually DO to the survivors?
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She's surprisingly pretty tbf, kind of like Huntress.
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Why would I be? Hype is a dangerous thing. The gaming industry would be a better place if people didn't explode in excitement over things. That's why pre-order bullshit works so well.
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I like the look of the new killer, will she replace Spirit? No, but she is something worth P3ing.
As for the new survivor, i really like her, not because i think she is "Thicc" as most of you would say, but her perks are pretty good and pretty balanced. And would probably go for semi-confrontational type build for her.
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Speak for yourself my guy ;)
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I don't care who swears by Hag, she's not that good in comparison to the other higher leveled killers.
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Can you imagine calling someone biased while ignoring the points that were made? Peak performance arguing.
It's pretty obvious that the list is based around how well a killer does in the chase, which that Hag doesn't do so well at. On top of that her 110 movement speed isn't helping her. Yeah she can find survivors, but what matters the most is the chase, because if you can't catch up to them, what's the point? All of killers who are above the Hag in the list either has 115 movement speed, or has a power that helps with the chase. Or both.
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It is her power. She vomits on survivors and objects and infects them. Infected survivors spread the plague to objects and other survivors while infected.
Healthy survivors contract the plague from the killer, infected survivors, or by using infected objects.
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I'm really pissed off that she's called 'The Plague', it basically reduces the chances to make a plague doctor killer.
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She is definitely mid tier.
Has no chase potential. Nothing to help end chases.
More of an annoyance really. Like docs shock therapy inflictions. Exhaustion, blindness all that. They don't really affect you. Just make it more troublesome to do objectives.
The attack itself is more like novelty. Fun for a while until you get bored of it. It was pretty darn quick with legion. It was fun jumping pallets but his power is trash....
I will probably by the DLC she looks really nice as a killer and the vomit projectile feels like L4D zombie. So it will be fun playing her but I don't see her as top tier. Which the devs made more top tier that's that...
Perks are really interesting. The terror radius one. Imagine that ######### on the nurse or billy.....the mobility and the temporary zero terror radius is gonna be great.
Gen block. Also amazing. So basically it's an easy find survivor perk. Time is the essence for the killer and finding survivors quick, really helps.
Last one, probably the new meta for me. ######### my pants perk. A mini BBQ and also anti flashlight perk. No more hiding or running behind me to flashlight save, you are gonna scream. Guaranteed. Much better than Doc static.
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I think they are going to have a Plague doctor outfit for her. I'm almost certain they will.
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-Gets a plague doctor skin-
You happy now?
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Legion is good, but doctor and hag are ######### killers?
You have weird opinions...
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"Hype is a dangerous thing"
Umm, no it isn't. If there was no such thing as hype for video games, then it would mean less interested people in playing a game, devs with less motivation, and less money.
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They haven't even revealed her full power, so quit judging a killer you haven't even played or seen yet
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Sounds like you need practice and patience, then. The Hag is always a treat for me to play, almost always getting RK, and Legion and Spirit are my new double-pippers. It's a shame people can't just figure out how to play instead of rage quitting and saying that the new killer is "garbage". The Killers aren't necessarily garbage, it's more than likely using a Wraith playstyle on the Spirit or something. smh