Next tome

Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

Is anyone really excited about the next tome?

The fact that newly released chapters get tomes next just doesn’t work imo. New characters already come with a huge amount of lore and adding stuff so close to launch gives no leeway for the devs to figure out the issues with their lore and how to fix it. Tbh Hux’s lore is mid but nothing special and Gabriel seems a bit confused on what the devs wanted him to be

Not just that but it gets repetitive to see the new killer played a bunch at launch and then a bunch during the archive. The archives are an opportunity for lesser played killers and perks to get a spotlight.

Only good thing to come from this is getting new perks in the shrine fairly early if you didn’t buy the characters. Will be doing that for made for this (if it doesn’t get nerfed) and forced hesitation

Just feels like a bad decision that probably won’t be changed. Also doesn’t help that I main one of the forgotten few who will need a licensed chapter to get a tome
