what i think behavior has to change in dbd

here's a list of what i think bhvr has to change and an in-depth explanation below:

1. close the gap between nurse/blight and the rest of killers

2. do sth about face camping/tunneling

3. do sth about swfs using the strongest items/perks

4. listen to the community in terms of cosmetics

5. make chases more attractive

6. implement bots to replace dcing players

7. do sth about losing pips

8. make bad perks more attractive instead of only nerfing good ones

to 1. nurse and blight are way stronger than the rest and that has got a reason. instead of nerfing nurse/blight bhvr should buff every single other killer. they don't have to be op, but some minor tweaks would make totally bad killers mediocre or mediocre killers good killers. they don't have to be like nurse or blight, but they should be stronger by themselves. there is a reason why nobody plays trapper. the only thing trapper is good at is face camping in basement. there's a reason why ppl don't like playing onyro. she can't generate pressure except with a condemn build. her teleport cd is way too big. dredge always ports to the locked locker and survivors will just leave the loop when you try to place your shadow. pig has a similar problem and her reverse bear traps get removed way too quickly leaving her as a m1 killer most of the time. legion is only good at injuring survivors, but if they spread legion isn't even good at that. myers has one of the most annoying addon combinations with tombstone being able to instantly kill you entirely without having done much in the trial except stalking. the problems with such weak killers are there and have to be addressed in order to make survivors not only see nurses or blights in their lobbies making all other killers more attractive.

to 2. face camping and tunneling is extremely annoying. there is not much you can do against it except for being forced to run certain perks, but just like with being forced to run spine chill because you are deaf or hard of hearing you shouldn't be forced to run certain perks just to prevent toxic killer gameplay. proxy camping or securing a 2nd hook stage is not a problem, but you having to watch a face camping standing (insidious) bubba for 3 whole minutes is no fun for me. i want to be chased, i want to loop, i want to trick the killer and win 50/50s. i don't want to hang their on the hook for 3 minutes straight without the ability to do anything at all the entire match! that's not fun at all! there are several things that could be done to prevent camping/tunneling.

to 3. it doesn't matter if you are a beginner killer or a professional killer player. a 4 man swfs with the most annoying medkits, toolboxes or flashlights is always annoying. the only difference is how good you can handle the situation with experience, but especially beginner players have a hard time dealing with that. then they get frustrated and stop playing or turn into toxic killers. the same with survivors. if i constantly have to face a double range nurse, a blight that can instantly rush again through addons after hitting me with a rush attack or a tombstone myers who can instantly mori me without the need of kicking generators, chasing survivors or any other interaction in the match is just annoying. so items and addons should be removed entirely or let there be only base versions of existing items/addons and instead implementing certain addons or items into their respective killers/survivors. therefore balancing killers, items and addons is way easier.

to 4. so many ppl have asked for certain cosmetics and many cosmetics still haven't been added to the store. you have named haddie and i have seen many ppl asking for outfits for haddie. i personally would like it when bhvr finally added past rift outfits to the store. in the past they have said they would add past rift outfits anywhere in the near future after approximately 6 months have past, but certain perks like nea's system smasher outfit from tome 5 unleashed collection still hasn't been added after more than 2.5 years past its rift and there are many other past rift outfits that haven't been added yet. what's taking bhvr so long? these outfits are already in the game and don't have to be designed from ground up new. it's good that they constantly add new outfits for killers and survivors, but outfits from the past shouldn't be forgotten either!

to 5. make chases more attractive. i guess nobody who plays dbd just wants to press one button on a generator the whole game never seeing the killer. there might be survivors who are insecure with being chased and that's alright, but i'd assume that even those survivors would prefer being able to do something else than just pressing a single button all game long. this game has turned into a gen kicking meta especially because certain other perks like ruin got nerfed and some perks are stronger than others.

to 6. as you have already stated bots should be implemented into the live game asap! it's not only frustrating, but also totally annoying having a teammate dc mid game or having a killer dc ending the match entirely. sometimes these dcs have a valid reason, but most of the time ppl are just frustrated or want to annoy other ppl. the moment two survivors dc for example the two remaining survivors are pretty much death sentenced especially at five generators remaining and the killer can either instantly kill the two remaining survivors risking to lose a pip due to the lack of interaction in that match or let the remaining two survivors farm some points while the killer can also farm some points. i prefer the 2nd option, but most killers will just try to end the match as quickly as possible which is especially annoying for me considering the 7th point. so bots should replace left players and maybe even an option should be implemented that completely new survivors have the opportunity to join a match already in progress. that could add fresh wind into the match and also give the remaining survivors an actual fair chance to win still. maybe there can be a certain time frame on which the previous survivor could rejoin the match because they maybe didn't want to dc and rather had a power/internet outage, but after this time - maybe one or two minutes have past in which a bot has replaced those players either the bot will remain in the match entirely or a completely new player could have the opportunity to join the match in progress.

to 7. that leads me to point 7. bhvr should finally do something about losing pips in dbd. yes, you can't lose pips past the main rank like bronze 3, silver 4, gold 1, iridesent 2 or whatever, but you can lose pips on the way which still makes reaching higher grades hella annoying! i can't even count the numerous matches i had in which i was face camped for 3 minutes straight or got tunneled out of the match early on to then be faced with a lost pip. that's extremely annoying because it wasn't even my fault. if i had played bad and would have lost a pip due to that then that would have been totally understandable, but being punished for something you can't control is totally dumb! being punished for dcs you can't control is annoying thing. if my internet dies or i have a power outage and dc due to that not only my team is punished by that, but also i'm punished by that because i will lose all the progress i have made in that match entirely or didn't even have the opportunity to gain any points whatsoever from the beginning. both situations suck extremely! gaining bloodpoints is the most important thing in dbd after having fun due to the ability of prestiging your character 100 times each requiring around 1 to 1.5 million bloodpoints per prestige level. so reaching a high grade at the time of rank reset at the 13th of each month is even more important.

to 8. there is a huge amount of perks in this game, but maybe only 5 to 10 % of them are actively used because the rest of them are way too bad or can only be used with certain playstyles or in certain situations. there is a reason why dead hard was the most used exhaustion perk. you could use dead hard in all kinds of situations without the need for a window/pallet, without having to 99 your exhaustion perk, without a chance to drop from a height, without facing an instant down killer, without having to set up and wait in a locker or without having to pallet stun a killer beforehand. previously you could even dead hard for distance or dead hard through traps from the trapper and shocks from the doctor. this has been changed and that was a good change, but all of these restrictions were the reason why ppl were mostly using dead hard as their exhaustion perk. there was a reason why ppl have been using iron will so long. you could lower the volume of your coughing juking killers at loops and even bamboozle killers like spirit in chase. that was changed and it was a good change though the restriction of not being able to use it while exhausted was a bit overkill in my opinion just like the recent nerf to dead hard and pain resonance. self-care used to be one of the most used perks because u didn't have to rely on your teammates to heal yourself at 100 % healing speed. that was first nerfed and then nerfed again. the recent changes to gearhead for example were good, but they aren't good enough in order to be a most used perk. there are perks that have more usage just like dead hard used to have compared to other exhaustion perks. the old ruin could literally be cleansed 5 times a match or sth and even had the extremely annoying skill checks paired with it. that was changed and it was good, but that led to other regression perks that were better. now some of these other regression perks like overcharge or call of brine were nerfed quite significantly leading to other regression perks or a different approach in a match. i have seen more killers run sloppy butcher or other chase perks now instead of generator regression because healing or rather medkits were nerfed. that was a good change in my opinion because this led to more chase oriented playstyles and i think this is much more fun that sitting on a generator the entire match. some killers could abuse perks like overcharge and call of brine as the knight or the skull merchant for example leading to frustrating matches, but again if certain killers were buffed generally and instead had their addons changed would lead to much more pleasant matches i'd say.

i hope that bhvr will change these things and also listen to opinions of other ppl because diversity is what makes a game playable. toxic situations like face camping and tunneling etc. should definitely be addressed though no matter the opinions of other ppl. i only had bad luck with the old match making btw and i'm glad the new sbmm was at least a step in the right direction.


  • Hex_TunnelBait
    Hex_TunnelBait Member Posts: 36

    Agree with a lot of points, but definitely not #1. I've never understood the "dont nerf Nurse/Blight, but buff every other killer to their level" argument. People making this statement always seem to have high MMR 4-SWFs as their reference point when saying that, but solo queue exists and so do casual/unskilled survivors. If every killer were suddenly on Nurse/Blight level, solo and casual survivors are going to get steamrolled constantly and stop playing.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    well with this i didn't mean that every killer should be able to teleport through walls and i have even described what i meant in the 2nd sentence. the gap should be closed. other killers don't have to be as strong as nurse or blight, but they shouldn't fall behind completely. it feels like there is a huge gap between nurse/blight and every other killer. if you take them on a side-by-side comparison with everything the same except for the killer the results will be tremendously different. so imo all other killers should be buffed in a way this gap is closed at least a bit. even if they were just a little bit stronger generally this would make playing every other killer more fun and less frustrating.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Holy moly, this will take a while...

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    1) they should start with weakest killers. Issue is that you will never get them on equal level. Their design won't allow it (killer power).

    Top killers are getting away with it, because they are not easy to play -> lower kill rates. Freddy was nowhere near is good as top 3, but he was really easy, that's why he got on over 65% kill rate and look how it went for him. Same with Pig, in reality she is one of weakest killers, but she has power where even bad player can be lucky and get free kills.

    There is lot of killers that wouldn't be hard to fix with just number change, or some addon partly basekit, but that will never get them on top killer level.

    2) they are working on face camping fix, but based on what you said you shouldn't mind tunneling, you basically get only chase while being tunneled. Tunneling is also something you can't fix right now. It's simple: most killers are not able to go for 12 hook game, they need to get someone out before they get on 2 gens, unless they go for alternative and that's 3-gen. Every anti tunneling system I saw could be either abused by survivors or useless.

    3) that's boring to have only base-kit everything.

    Some addons should get nerfed for sure, or reworked.

    Spirit and Blight add-ons, BNP

    Myers and Sadako can't really get nerf to add-ons right now, because they suck basekit. This is their redemption. But I think most players wouldn't mind basekit buff and add-ons reworked.

    Double range nurse is not a thing anymore.

    5) nah, it's not really bad thing to have limited skins. You can flex if you have them. It's not DBD specific thing.

    6) they will do it

    7) just remove it, wouldn't really be an issue with monthly resets imo. It's just reward for playing decently and lot. Depip is outdated mechanic. It's dump when you stomp the game you get punished.

    8) pain resonance was one of best reworks in long time. It's trying to get BBQ effect and give killers reason to focus different survivors.

    Self-healing was broken, it's good it was nerfed.

    DH was most used perk because it was easy to use it. That perk is not designed well. It basically disables killer's lunge attack. Lot of powers were free DH.

    Watching survivor for several seconds waiting for DH was not really healthy counterplay.

    It's basically same thing why I think healthy unhooking grabs should be removed.

    They are working on changing bad perks, but lot of perks are basically beyond saving by their effect from start.

    They are also slow with changes, creating new bad perks faster than buffing already bad perks.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    1) freddy and also pig were and are good especially at lower ranks at which ppl don't know how to counter them too much yet. the kill rates published by bhvr count every mmr. even otzdarva has made this a topic in one of his videos once being a problem because this doesn't really reflect their actual ranking. addons basekit and general changes is exactly what i have said myself just like that the weaker killers have to be addressed (closing the gap towards strong killers). it's not about making those weak killers op, but rather closing the gap.

    2) who do you think suggested the anti-face camping changes? i was one of the persons constantly writing bhvr about anti-camping and anti-tunneling changes that had to be added to the game and even made suggestions on how they should look like. i care more about equality than most players do.

    3) i have never said to add ALL addons basekit. so it wouldn't be boring. that's the third time now that shows me you didn't read my post entirely or word by word. bhvr could remove all addons and keep brown addons which they could change in a certain way to give killers the ability for different playstyles. then they could buff killers generally partially by implementing some of the nerfed addons as basekit. also i was once again one of the persons who wrote to bhvr multiple times that double range on nurse is a huge problem. after multiple support tickets and months they have finally addressed it then. removing addons except for brown versions for variety and buffing those killers by default would make small tweaks to their power a piece of cake. simple changes like lunge speed, stalking speed, pallet breaking, recovery and all the important things could easily be changed killer by killer with small changes.

    4) seems to be missing

    5) time limited skins create fomo on ppl who aren't able to get them in time just like the skins in the game at the current event time. you would have to wait a whole year for the masquerade outfits just like the waterfront massacre outfits if you aren't able to get them now. if you are poor and you can't invest 100 € or more to get all the cosmetics at the moment you will have to wait a whole year until they are in the store again. some outfits from past rifts haven't even been added to the store yet just like nea's system smasher outfit from tome 5 unleashed collection for example. this cosmetic was in tome 5 that was in the game almost three full years ago now. this outfit still hasn't made it into the store yet. the never stop slashing outfit for legion is another one that was only added after ppl like me have complained many times to bhvr that they should finally add it.

    6) once again who do you think suggested bots being added to the game? correct! me! i was one of the person who wrote to bhvr multiple times about bots that should be added to the game for ppl who constantly dc either on purpose or for reasons they can't control, but still leaving the rest of the team at a high disadvantage or ending the match entirely because it was the killer that had a dc. i can't even count how many times i have suggested bhvr should finally add bots.

    7) exactly! losing pips serves no purpose at all and just causes frustration!

    8) once again...you can already guess it right? i have also suggested changes to the meta because everybody was constantly using the same boring perks. it was getting boring and annoying at the same time. the changes to pain res were only partially good imo though. of course this change was needed to make it kinda unattractive, but only being able to use it 4 times a match makes it kinda useless just like dh. you have to be lucky on map rng to have good scourge hooks and good coordinated teams can even deny you getting these little 4 scourge hooks once they realized you have this perk.

    self-care was okay to get nerfed, but not past 50 % healing. the 33 or 35 % it now has makes it totally trash and just one of the many useless perks. what do you think so many ppl used the "meta"? it's because those "meta" perks could be used in many different situations vs many different killers. you didn't have to take perks that only worked vs certain killers like dh for example. dh was a strong perk, but once u got an endurance status like from legions stab or deathslinger's shot it was useless. you can't heal with self-care anymore not even when the killer doesn't run sloppy butcher because it takes ages and ppl even proved how stupid this perk now is on the ptb when bhvr tested out general slower healing speed for survivors. it took like 1 to 2 minutes to heal yourself with self-care. who can sit at a spot healing themselves 1 or 2 minutes in a normal match? nobody!

    dh was totally easy to counter post nerf by many killers. wraith's bell, freddy's dream snare, pyramidheads m2, demogorgon's shred, huntress'/trickster winding up animation, doctor's shock, clown's bottle switch animation...many killers had an animation to trick the survivors into swinging and therefore wasting their dh. at the beginning when dh was used for distance was a problem because it could extend a loop entirely, but even pre-nerf now it wasn't op. u can't use dh at windows or pallets because you just have to wait one second and if survivors don't vault or throw the pallet they are hit or wasted a pallet. if they carry an item you can even see if they want to dh when the item disappears...totally easy to counter. only when survivors fov tag you around a corner if you lost line of sight dh can still sometimes work. at all other times dh doesn't rly work especially now.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited June 2023

    You believe they did those changes because of you? It's not like it was suggested b dozens of players, right?

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    i have never said it was only due to me, but i played a leading role on suggesting these due to the amount of times i have requested these changes.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Requested where?

    For fun, show me where you suggested self-unhooking mechanic as anti camping feature.

    Rest of them are generic suggestions, where tons of people asked for it, so 0 credit for you.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92

    you think i save all of my support tickets in a text file for record or what? also if the rest is "generic suggestions" made by "tons of people" where do you have got this from? any proof on that? did you check everybody's account and their support tickets to know how many people and who suggested all these "generic suggestions"? i highly doubt it! once again one of these people who criticizes somebody for something they then did themselves.

  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205

    Maybe because I am active on this forum? You can use search engine for that.

    You really used ticket system to send suggestions?

    Those tickets are saved under your account so that would be easy to prove. So doubt that.

  • Mytea
    Mytea Member Posts: 92
    edited July 2023

    Of course i used support tickets. that's what the "feedback & suggestions" function is for! i don't know why you are suprised about that if you are so "active on this forum".

    well it took some time to go through all of my support tickets, but here are some quotes:

    "first i had to play vs a hook camping and tunneling wraith which resulted in a 4k. then i played vs a hook camping and tunneling pig with both of her toxic op purple addons to reduce the death timer by 20 secs and increase the time to search pig boxes. we had 3 head explosions and the 4th died normally. then i had a match vs a hook camping and tunneling nurse at ormond. all of us 4 died in the end because jonah gave up after i risked my life to rescue him even though the nurse was hard camping. the nea, claudette and me had no chance even though i prolonged the game as long as possible. the game resulted in a 4k."

    "addons are carrying killers through games and it's especially annoying when they are already immensely overpowered like nurse. both nurses could just catch us because both of them used both range addons for nurse."

    "it's hella annoying to see 4 toolboxes (with brand-new parts), 4 purple medkits or 4 flashlights."

    "losing pips because of this ######### on both sides for either gen rushing toxic survivors or hook camping and tunneling killers is extremely annoying. as i have stated already multiple times killers should be punished for hook camping and tunneling. the new anti-camping perk won't be enough. almost every single survivor will run this perk because it's definitely needed. i didn't have a single normal match vs a normal killer today that didn't camp or tunnel. the tactic of just doing gens while this one person being camped has no fun is also totally lame! i'm altruistic and i don't want to leave teammates hanging or dying for nothing. this new perk will help some, but won't change this because there will always be one person needed to refresh the hook timer. that will only work in a swf and swfs mostly don't have problems in this game because they can't perfectly coordinate each other's actions. the problem is for solo queue players like me whose teammates mostly don't know what everybody else is doing. killers definitely need to be punished for hook camping or tunneling and the icons plus more for solo queue survivors is definitely needed as soon as possible!"

    "i have just had yet another match in which other survivors and me were camped to oblivion. especially the artist and bubba are extremely good on it. my last match was vs a hardcore face camping artist on the garden of joy map. she could literally hook somebody up the main building and there was nothing others or me could do. i took a hit to unhook and went down at the exact same hook upstairs. i have tried to use reassurance the (ANTI-CAMPING perk), but it didn't work because it's ######### limited to only 6 meters. who in hell can get close to 6 meters without at least taking a hit or going down vs bubba for example?! increase the distance to 16 meters at least so basement camping or face camping situations like this in which the killer has to do nothing except camping the stairs the whole game long doesn't work! you should be at least able to use reassurance for 16 meters and from upstairs the shack while the killer is either camping downstairs or the pallet/stairs/window upstairs. you should be at least able to prolong the hook phase for this exact scenario! what else reassurance is for if not something like this? wasn't reassurance intended to be a anti-camping perk? i barely get any use out of it and you wanted to get the players into using perks they like instead of perks they were forced to play due to the meta. now i'm using reassurance and i can't make use out of it 99 % of the matches due to its range limit."

    "not to mention that face camping and tunneling reached its personally high recently. i have got almost no match without a face camper or tunneler. the match before the face camping artist match was vs a hardcore tunneling onryo on the artist map!"

    "i got camped and died 1st hook just like another person in my team and the killer got away with this."

    "campers are still there. tunnelers are still there."

    "you still lose pips even if you had a dc or got camped and died 1st hook."

    "when will you finally do something about hardcore camping and tunneling in your game? you seem to not care at all."

    "i depip due to hardcore camping and tunneling."

    "i have lost a ######### pip due to a hardcore camping and tunneling."

    these are some of the support tickets i have created in terms of player feedback & suggestions!

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    edited July 2023

    and you think they did any changes because of this...

    those are not even suggestions how to fix anything, you were just complaining about your games :D

    You really believe you are only person in dbd that complain about camping? Those are such generic comments. Nothing constructive.

    You want award for participation or what? :D

    Post edited by EQWashu on