wesker's voice lines

So imagine this situation: you try to have fun in the game, but sometimes you think that you terrible in it. But still try your best. And then after a not so long chase you can be told that you're "worthless".
Why? Just why? Yes, maybe it's fine for this caracter in RE, however we're not playing RE. Why you made this bully voice line for Wesker?
- "You disappoint me. Is that the best you've got?"
- "You are nearing the end of your meaningless existence."
- "You would last if you were worthy."
- "Worthless Humans."
Why would a killer say anything else...? Is he supposed to shower you with praises or something?
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That's just Wesker being Wesker
*Run Wesker for 3-4 gens*
*Wesker finally downs you*
Wesker: You never stood a chance
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So imagine this situation: you try to have fun in the game, but killer hits you.
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Of course not. However I don't what to hear how bad I'm too. He has different voice lines (like about 7 minutes. "Your time runs out") and those are fine. But I'm talking about bully ones.
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And what? Killer supposed to kill and hit. But I'm talking about humiliation in these phrases. That's not about that killer hits me, thats about bulling after a chase, no matter how good/bad it was for both sides.
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Because we're playing Wesker, who's entire character is like that? Stop trying to turn this into another leatherface situation.
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If you let random voicelines said by a character in-game get to you...well. Those lines are just to give personality to Wesker.
Hux calls survivors "inferior" or "worms" as well. Trickster also insults survivors. Killers insulting survivors is becomming a thing, and it is fine.
But if you are offended by these just stop playing. Normal people know that Voicelines are not meant for them and that they are random. Noone is saying that to them.
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So you want to hear about how worthless you are? Or that you're a disappointment bc you fall or didn't get -4?
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If you're in a bad mood and want just to play a game just to relax this lines will trigger you.
Also Trickster didn't humiliate you.. Didn't head a lot things from Hux ether because haven't played a lot against him. But if game (which tried to fight against toxicity) gonna keep this way... well, that's terrible.
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I don't care. It's in character and adds to the atmosphere. It's also funny when you do outrun him and he says the lines.
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This is a game, if it gets to you stop playing. DBD is not meant to be chilling , it is competitive, not casual. And in the past it was not chilling either, it was tense with some scares.
If you want to chill out DBD is not your game.
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Really expresses his arrogance when this happens, like if he were saying "I did not loose, I merely failed to win"
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I played this game for about 3-4 years. You can't tell me that DBD is "not my game". It's also more casual then competitive. It can be chilling for both sides, I played both sides and I have a lot of fun (with the exception of this one). So you always play competitive game, it's your choice.
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I read in postgame chat almost every game that I'm bad, no matter did I win or lose, I just know that this is a way to vent their frustration and weak personality. And I don't care at all.
And you allow yourself to be upset by a preloaded phrase, which, as you know, is played by a trigger. Just take it easy, it's not even a real person talking to you.
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It isn't, it's just a high mmr thing.
Anyway, then there is a simple solution: do not get caught by Wesker. Simple.
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That's the problem with humans. How can you compare players in chat whith the games voice lines?
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It's just how you perceive a game.
If I and my teammate gonna not get caught by Wesker thats gonna mean that something wrong with balance in game. Killer should catch and kill, it's not possible to not get caught.
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Actually it is possible. In fact its the only way for a survivor to obtain an Iridescent Unbroken
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Then, with all due respect, the problem is yours and others should not pay for it. People like voicelines, have been asking for killers with voicelines for a looooooong time and just because you are a little bit depressed they should not remove something the community wants.
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Even a best player can be caught. And Iridescent Unbroken don't show good or bad you're.
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I'm fine with regular voice lines. Fine with other Wesker's voicelines. But my point of view that such a humiliating ones should not be in a game who raised again toxicity.
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because its in character, what else should he say?
- Finally downs you
- "Fantastic effort!"
- proceeds to tunnel you
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- "Too bad you won't make it much further."
- "Is that all you have?"
- "I expected more of a challenge."
- "Your time runs out."
- "You never could last seven minutes against me!"
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These Voiceines are not even adressed to you personaly, they are adressed to your ingame Character and are spoken from another ingame Character.
And they are random, these are References to RE and they add much personality and immersion. Even some more Killers really should get some, like Freddy. Sorry, but it's ridiculous the call these or some of them "bullying".
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If you are in a bad mood then maybe go out a bit, watch TV or something.
If voicelines trigger you then you should not play games when you feel like this.
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It's not like the player can consciously trigger them they are random. So they can't be toxic against you anyway. Toxicity comes from the players NOT the characters.
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You can't tell me what to do. If I want to play a game when I'm in a bad mood - I'm gonna play a game. Anyone can relax as they want to. And in this game that's the only thing which trigger me.
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Then play killer? Idk. These are just suggestions. I don't force anything on you.
Just saying that if you get triggered that easily by a voiceline which is directed at your CHARACTER and NOT YOU AS PLAYER, then maybe you should try something different.
But see it like this: you can punch Wesker in his pretty face too. Always very satisfying.