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Switch - Needs optimizing BAD

Steps to recreate: Play a match as any killer or survivor, handheld or docked.
When playing as any killer or survivor, the game will randomly freeze for about half a second. This is incredibly frustrating, as it can happen during a chase, working on a gen or even just standing still. The switch already struggles with DbD, as framerate can chug and not reach 30 fps sometimes.
But this is just unfair when you miss a hit, get downed or miss a skill check because of it. This has been in for several months now, please look into it.
I could've sworn I posted this before, but I cant find it, so I'm posting it here.
Edit: The freezing whenever a survivor leaves the match (not killed, sacrificed or DC, but when returning to the lobby) has been fixed. However, the framerate is still so bad its sickening.
This is still occurring as of 6.7.0.
Additionally, the main building area of Shelter Woods has SEVERE framerate issues. It will chug down to the low 20s. It feels awful, please fix the switch port BHVR.
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New bug/performance issue - During the scoreboard screen at the end of a trial, survivors with run in VERY low framerate, almost like a slow flipbook.
Also, when playing as The Dredge, this same thing will happen with VARIOUS animations such as survivors running and The Dredges own movement. This feels awful to play.
Steps to recreate: Play The Dredge on Nintendo Switch with any cosmetics on any map.
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Severe framerate drops on Haddonfield in basement of house (not Myers house, the house with a gen downstairs) going way below 30 fps.
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Still occurring
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Still occurring. PLEASE look into it.
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Why is my FPS reaching into the low 20s when I play TRAPPER of all killers on RPD?
Can you guys put an option to decrease the graphics even more or something because this is kinda ridiculous.
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I uninstalled then reinstalled, as well as cleared the cache on my switch. Thought it was worth a shot. Problem still persists. PLEASE look into and acknowledge it.
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I think the problem is that it cant be optimized on Switch. Hardware limitations or something.
Its extremely frustrating playing on the Switch. Very hard time with any ranged killer, or even non-M1 killers in general. the joystick controls and aiming just feel so bad.
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There have been some amazing ports to the switch that run beautifully. Games with way bigger environments and more action going on at once. The low power of the switch is a huge factor, but I also think BHVR could just do way better. Maybe they could one day hire external help to optimize the switch port if they dont think they can do it themselves.
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My thought is that with the numerous interactions between 4 sets of survivor perks, 1 set of killer perks, and the killers power + addons is too much for the systems hardware (as well as BHVRs servers) to handle.
Are there other multi player games on switch like this one? I have a very limited awareness of other games.
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One example I can think of as a good parallel is Doom Eternals multiplayer. The singleplayer campaign contains huge arenas with multiple demons and particle effects. Its asymmetrical multiplayer has 1 player going against 2 player demons. The player demons can also spawn in other demons, along with a bunch of smaller demon zombies that spawn passively. After every round, each player can also select an effect like a perk in DbD, to apply.
Multiplayer can get pretty intense, but it holds up very well. However, Doom Eternal was also MADE with the switch in mind. And the engine it's made on is very scale-able.
I've also heard from friends that Risk of Rain has very reliable and well running multiplayer on switch.
I do sadly think the problem mainly lies with BHVR, and DbDs spaghetti code. I just want the game to run at stable 30 fps. I hate when on certain maps, or in a specific area of a map when the game just dips to the 20s.
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I have found one of the possible causes of the freezing. When playing in a public or custom match, once a player or bot leaves the match the game will freeze for a second. This only happens when they have actually LEFT, not escaped or sacrificed. I hope this can help.
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Still occurring. PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE.
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Yo, as a Vet Switch player, I feel you man. This gets bad on The Red Forest realms (with all the rain).
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Definitely. The absolute WORST performance for me is the main building on Shelter Woods. It is so bad its nauseating. Framerate on almost every realm feels so bad right now. And with the event and all the spawning in items and effects... can't wait to play the event on PS5.
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I have a PC, but I've waited for a cross progression that will never be, it seems, so I am in a dead end here.
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In a similar situation here. Hopefully either they fix the switch port, or cross-progression comes out. Doesn't seem like either will happen soon, or even at all.
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In the Q&A, they said cross progression wasn't on them, (and it's not) so they cannot give a timeframe of release, if there is a release, and I made a post and got basically the same answer not that long ago.
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In the older versions of the game, I was considering getting a Xim, but with 20 fps, it's not worth it.
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My niece plays on the switch and it's not good. She can't see anything, it lags and needs to be optimized.
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Still occurring. Glad to see its being acknowledged, hope theres a fix soon!
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Still occurring.
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Maybe tomorrow will be the magic day? 😁
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This area is unplayable on Switch. I reported it to support when the map came out. It is almost impossible to hit a skill check on the generator that spawns there.
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I just left a report about this and it got denied as a “tech support” issue even though there’s nothing we can do on our end about poor optimization. Like thanks guys. 💀
Also the Nostromo map has crazy frame drops, so add that to the list of issues.
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Yeah, played it for the first time last night and omg it was sickeningly bad. Everything dropped so much that I was struggling to play.
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Still occurring. Really bad performance on new maps and areas. Played on Nostromo once last night and I was really fighting the urge to DC. Nearly the WHOLE map plays in 20 something fps, the only area that plays fine is the little shipwreck in the corner.
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I believe Spirit is straight up unplayable on Switch at the moment. When playing as her, handheld or docked, the framerate tanks massively. Please look into this.
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The same issue is happening on PS4 unfortunately.