Can you start punishing for dying on first hook?

Cmon more than one year has passed, and you did nothing to fix this
I think you mean when a Survivor gives up on a Hook when they are hooked for the first time.
Well, how would you fix it then? I don't see any way other than removing the unhook self button which would also be nerf to Survivors in some specific situations.
Also is not more than 1 year but more like more than 7 years.
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Well, how would you fix it then?
If nobody's dead yet, you can't attempt to Kobe.
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Sure thing as soon as they start punishing survivors who let their teammates die on the first hook.
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So this is nerf for luck offerings and luck builds.
Do we really need to nerf survivors more? Are not survivors weak enough already
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Dont gaslight this as a survivor nerf.
Its a survivor BUFF since people wont be killing themselves on hook.
The luck system should have been changed a long time ago.
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I would be agree to remove that buttin except when using liberation of course..
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And then they stand under the hook with crows anyways because they don't want to play.
What does this fix exactly?
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Can’t allow that…that would increase the survivor winrate and show a more realistic killer killrate. It cannot be, sorry.
Killer stats are balanced with all these suicides…right ?
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So you believe this survivor will be useful when you force them stay in game?
Good luck.
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They should remove the 4%, its a stupid mechanic. The fact that a game can completely be swung due to complete RNG is absolutely ridiculous in this day and age. Remove 4%, rework luck mechanic, deliverance can stay because it isn't RNG based, so its fine.
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Even if you successfully deleted the unhook attempts in stage 1, *and* and missed skill checks in stage 2, there's nothing that forces someone to play. They'll just stand afk at the base of the hook and wait.
If you want to prevent people from just giving up, you're better off targeting I dunno, any? of the reasons people lose hope early in the game. Some things you can't do much about, like people who don't like a certain killer.
But I can guarantee there would be far less of an issue if being the first person downed didn't also mean you just didn't get to play the game that match at all. Let's start with that one.
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Can we all look at the source of the problem for a second? Why do people give up? Why do people leave?
Fix that!
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The punishment is literally barely any points/exp and a de-pip
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How do you fix spoiledness
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People on these forums think that its bad to expect people to play the game and it's fine if someone gives up and leaves whenever they want.
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sadly those ppl are in every game, it's not dbd exclusive.
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i hate playing against certain killers. its just not fun for me, like blights or skull merchants. or, just a super sweaty build. like today, i played vs a legion using broken on mend addon with thana, plaything etc. and just gave up on hook. you start punishing people for suiciding on hook, they will just afk in front of hook.
a friend of mine who is a pretty damn good surv and killer put it best: "you wanna play 'this'? okay, doesnt mean i want to go against it'.
im not about to be forced to play against an extremely sweaty killer if i wanna have some fun with a niche or meme build, ESPECIALLY during an event such as the current one.
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Honestly, its a good mechanic.
I want to dodge games, where i would suffer anyway. Killer can dodge a lobby too.
Also if someone doesnt want to play, they just either run to the killer or do nothing all game. Which isnt better at all.
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So Deliverance is now useless, as would be the upcoming anti-facecamp mechanic? Rework all luck mechanics too? And a host of challenges?
I don't see them doing all that work and setting aside what, a year+ of effort to combat face-camping as well. And they really really like their rng elements.
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Tbh, I don't think there is even a good way to do this without nerfing or taking away the self unhook chances.
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I mean I don’t remember signing a Blood Contract when I installed this game. Was that in the fine print? Lol…
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“Survive alone or together.” - DBD’s tagline 🤷♀️
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People have agency, even in a game like this. If they want out, they are free to leave—however that’s going to look. Attempting to shame or condemn players for that decision is no better. And if people are bailing for identifiable reasons (does one ever really know?), it’s probably worth exploring why they dislike maps or certain killers. I was in a match today with someone who DC’d as soon as their heard a chainsaw—it was a Bubba who proceeded to slug two of us and camp the third.
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These posts have no point. 80% of the users here all endorse game ruining experiences.
You can fix the problems and people will still give up at the drop of a hat, removing hook suicide will definitely have a larger impact than any of you think.
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Or the classic dropping a pallet and repeatedly vaulting it until the killer comes and hooks them
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Lets be honest, you're the one gaslighting with that dogmatic response. And you know exactly why.
You won't be able to stop people from not wanting to play, killer or survivor. Trying to do so is not only asinine but unreasonable.
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It’s a nerf in several ways:
- If the killer is camping me and only 1 other survivor is up, I can’t opt to give my teammate better odds of finding hatch. Especially if they’re being stubbornly self-sacrificing.
- If a killer is steamrolling the team, I no longer have the option of not being there just to help the killer rack up BP score events.
- If a killer is using me as bait and I’m not running kindred, I can no longer decide to counter that. Flailing wouldn’t even be an option since the action that initiates that movement would be gone.
- It removes all player choice as soon as you’re hooked. You can do nothing but sit there and admire the scenery.
- If I see no one is coming to get me and no gens are about to pop, why have me hang there for the full time?
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If anything needs to be punished it is people running luck builds and the persons who thought it was a good idea to make luck a stat in the game. It legit does one thing and it does it poorly at that.
Whenever I see someone running a luck build I know that is a teammate who is gonna kill themselves trying to get a kobe for the content.
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Well having a free dc is not healthy for the game.
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I have no idea why, as I'm not gaslighting. Taking away the ability for a survivor to turn the game from a 4v1 to a 3v1 is a buff.
The only option for leaving the game manually should be via dc, which should be penalized for severely. Also, how are you ok with people killing themselves on hook? The game gives points to the Survivors / killer when a survivor DC's to help people from de-pipping. Survivors circumventing this hurts 4 players, while letting 1 leave the game scot-free.
I believe they will be able to do more good in the game then dead on hook. Even if they are trying to get the killers attention to get killed, they are at least a distraction while the other survivors do gens.
An AFK timer would work wonders. 3 birds over your head is an automatic DC. Other games such as Overwatch, Call of Duty, etc. have afk timers. If you don't move or interact, a countdown starts. Once the countdown expires, you are kicked from the game and penalized.
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I'd argue that luck builds are more consistent at kobeing than Deliverance just given the nature of the Deliverance Curse.
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This. If I'm left to get to second hook on first hook and I can clearly see they aren't even trying to get me, that's a paddlin.
Also I've managed to unhook myself and escape or grab hatch so many times due to trying to escape off hook.
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Does it really matter how much or little you care about the experiences of others when it comes to something as inconsequential as a video game? I don’t see you crusading against camping/tunneling playstyles; two given reasons why players try to leave trials quickly. I guess the compassion goes out the window then, huh?
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
While I don't want to force people to stay in games, that's a pretty crappy attitude to have.
They've turned on DBD and went through the process to get into the game and by giving up they're actively ruining the game for others. If folks aren't willing to commit to playing a game out they should consider whether or not they should be playing the game at all. Perfect example happened to me last night, I play Skull Merchant and down a Feng and they dc the moment I pick them up. Didn't tunnel them, wasn't camping, didn't even attempt to hold gens, just play regular m1 killer chases. They threw their toys out of the pram and dc on their first down which hurt their team.
Why even play this game specifically if you can't handle playing a game out? To me it just seem like if you're just gonna give up on first hook or dc maybe you don't actually want to play dbd. People playing Knight, Artist, Spirit, Nurse, or Skull Merchant doesn't absolve them of blame for being bad players.
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You cant fix entitlement
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Let's remember to keep the discussion civil, please, and to keep the Forum Rules in mind when posting and commenting. Thank you.
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Just remove the Attempt Escape option unless you have Deliverance or Slippery Meat. Boom, fixed.
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majority of cases are entitlement but not all
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I mean, I have to agree with this. There are some killers I hate playing against. However, I don’t feel like punishing said killer or my teammates just because of that. I play to have a good time and I want others to have a good time as well. When teammates abandon or suicide it sucks. That being said… I do believe in players having agency and if they’re not having a good time… I don’t know. I do think people can be too entitled and selfish. I’ve seen many players DC on first down and I just don’t get it. I don’t get why a lot of people in these games behave the way they do…
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If 1 out of 20 games are not fun why would I play it out when I can go next and get to a more fun game?
I'm not sure why people get so tilted if someone dc's.
Not encouraging it, but I personally just detach myself from the game emotionally and try to get good chases before I die. The games are like 5 minutes on average.
It's a very overblown issue imo, and if we're going to have a real discussion about it then we will need to discuss how killers cause the overwhelming amount of dcs and self hooking due to their playstyles and how said playstyles need to be taken away.
The solution isn't practical, punishing self hooks isn't practical, so I'd imagine in bvhr's eyes it's a very low priority topic.
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It's not overblown though, people regularly do this all the time and it used to be worse before they added DC penalties to the game.
Like you're statistically harming 3 other players by not playing out the match. Everyone wants to have fun and no one wants to do things that aren't fun, but people in DBD has a bad habit of just throwing a fit when things don't go their way. It's a team game at the end of the day and if you can't handle doing the bare minimum of being on said team even when you're not having fun you probably shouldn't play this game. If you want to get the maximum benefit of fun without having to deal with the responsibilities associated with playing as a member of a team go play single player games or multiplayer games that are actually more forgiving on all parties involved if someone decides to leave.
It's not that hard. Also I'm not even in favor of punishing self unhooks cause that is literally insane, but people should consider whether or not they actually want to play DBD before they queue up. The folks just dipping outta the games are the ones being overly emotional, not the people who actually are trying to play the game only to be screwed over when people act super selfishly. I say this as someone who actively benefits from people leaving since most of my time is spent on killer. The game is worse off when people suicide on hook or dc just because they don't like something.
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People take games way too seriously here
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If the game wasn't serious and all in good fun people would play games out.
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Most of the 'problems' that people say this idea would cause are easily addressed:
1: There are times trying to escape is the best idea. Agreed, thus escape attempts are only not possible until X occurs (that could be one survivor dead, a certain amount of time has passed, or something as simple as the first survivor can't try and escape).
2: It would eliminate the luck mechanic/builds. Again, easy fix. If a single person increases luck, escapes are viable from the beginning of the game.
3: Won't allow survivors to communicate with their hands. No problem, still allow survivors to control their hands, but they can't actually complete the action.
I really don't disagree with the idea of players not having to play a game they don't want to, but if so why even have things like DC penalties? It's so strange that BHVR has an 'approved' way of disconnecting and a punished way of disconnecting.
With the upcoming idea of bots taking over for DCs, BHVR should just go one step further if they are intent on allowing people to skip out of the game - just give an option to exit under certain conditions and let a bot take over.
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^ person who has only played dbd their entire multiplayer career. Geez.
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Nobody is forced to do anything
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You can't force someone to play that has given up on hook.
Five gens no one is working a survivor goes down put on hook killer is camping.
That survivor on hook knows the match is more likely a loss their getting camped team isn't doing anything.
Why should they be forced to say in the match?
Someone giving up on hook because they don't like the killer is no different then a killer lobby dodging because they don't like the group of survivors.
Punishing isn't the answer it's fixing the reasons why players are doing theses things. Lobby's ,gens, camping, hooks tons of other reasons why someone would give up.
Make the matches more fun for both sides to play.
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DBD is the exception NOT the rule.
You don't get penalized and forced to wait out a timer when you leave a game because of incompetent teammates or low-skilled opponents. Killers cried, like they do with everything else and that is why it is what it is.
BHVR made it so you can see us doing practically anything during a match. They've nerfed, gen repair speed, healing, decisive, dead hard how much more do they have to do before you all learn how to play?
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Because some people give up easily, how do you want to fix that?
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you never blamed any other survivor for anything? well, I simply don't belive you ;) im sure u had some complaints about ti