Surviving really that bad?

I keep seeing all over social media and even have friends that say their survivor games are nothing but slugging, camping, and tunneling. I primarily play solo queue and play it A LOT and rarely encounter these things in matches and if I do they're even more rarely super egregious cases.

Tonight I played solo queue for almost 5 hours, and had some light camping in a few matches during EGC, no apparent tunneling, and only one instance of slugging. I never understand why people say solo queue is so bad when the majority of my matches are fine. Even when I have days of almost no escapes, the games are still mostly fun.

Is the problem really that bad and I'm just a rare exception? Curious to hear from others.



  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited June 2023

    I haven't seen proper slugging in months. Sure i've seen killer slug the last person for 4k once in a blue moon and sometimes slug a person if they see someone near the downed person, but i havent seen 4 survivors on the ground at the same time and killer never hooking them.. well maybe 2 times in 2 years.

    Tunneling happens quite often, but its also result of many things. People also take this game tiny bit too serious. I say move to the next GG if you get tunneled. Not a big deal take few minutes to queue up to another. Newer killers might use this tactic a lot. I've noticed looking at the hours that killers with less than 300 hours tend to tunnel quite heavily.

    Camping. Sure happens sometimes. Quite often when i get bubba against me first thing i do is check where the basement is so i stay away from it. Literal facecamping doesn't happen that often in my games though. Proxy camping is more common. End game camping to secure 1 kill not sure why people get upset about it. Some survivors think killers should just admit they lost and let everyone go. In my opinion face camping ( if its not bubba) is quite commonly used by newer killers.) Experienced killers know its a horrible tactic to win a game.

    Biggest issue in this game is unbalanced maps (some perks) and OTHER SURVIVORS!

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127
    edited June 2023

    No, my solo games are the same. I had a slugging Oni just now but that was the first slugging killer I've had in a couple weeks (last one was a Condemned Sadako). I record my game stats and I see a tunnelling killer maybe once every 12 games, and a camping killer even less. Games are usually sucky because of team mates in solo.

    Edit: actually it was a Wraith last week who was slugging

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    Yeah, usually if I have really bad solo games, it's because teammates can't run the killer very long or aren't able to use common sense to go for saves. But honestly, and this might be because of MMR, even my solo teammates are typically pretty competent.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,208

    It depends on how you define things. I think survivors (of which I am a main) rush to call tunneling/camping way too quickly.

    That said, dedicated tunneling from the start is not the norm, but also not unusual, facecamping is rarer though seems likely when hitting a Bubba, and slugging depends whether you count slugging with two remaining, or just leaving survivors to bleed out - the former is not unusual, while the latter I can only recall a handful of times.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited June 2023

    No it's generally not as bad as people will lead you to believe.

    There's a lot of players who have such broad (incorrect) definitions of camping and tunneling that basically playing the game as killer will make them accuse you of doing it.

    Not that it doesn't happen, but it gets blown way out of proportion, especially slugging. At least in my experience.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    its not as widespread as people would have you believe. I'm pretty much a survivor main these days. yesterday I got tunneled out a bit. For the most part we get the gens done and the killer has only had time to hook 1 survivor.

    honestly it is a worse time playing killer right now than it is to play survivor. I've played less than 10 killer games in the last week and if it wasn't for this event I wouldn't have played a single killer game.

    I guess I am not a killer main anymore, at least for now... my 12 hook no tunnel no camp play style just isn't feasible anymore so I don't want to play a role where I have to feel bad for winning because I made everyone else miserable.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    Its just like any other similar complaints ya see for every game. An exaggeration

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Eh, it’s definitely a bit of an exaggeration but it’s based in the truth.

    It feels like this game has been programmed to have its on nights and it’s off nights.

    Some nights me and my duo get the most fun killers and enjoyable games and others we get 5 Blights in a row running alc ring and compound that tunnel the first dude out in 2 minutes.

    Those games stick in peoples heads as miserable experiences can overshadow enjoyable ones.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    Not true at all, there’s a reason there are so many complaints about it.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,168

    I haven't played the game in a few weeks and played again last night and today. Honestly, out of about 10 matches I'd say 7 of them has camping and tunnelling and slugging.

    It's getting bad.

  • Rootlo
    Rootlo Member Posts: 82

    Has been a lot since the anniversary started. Which sucks seeing 5 Tiramisou only for 1 survivor to be tunneled out the game immediately

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    This is exactly where I am with killer. I don't like playing sweaty, and recently it seems like when I try to play fair, I just get steamrolled. Really only play killer for challenges and dailies now.

  • Juicyman
    Juicyman Member Posts: 141

    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you OP, I very rarely get a match with explicit tunneling/camping/slugging/3-genning and I get a surprisingly large variety of killers to verse (not just Wesker all the time). I don't actually remember the last time I was intentionally bled out, kebabbed on the hook, or relentlessly tunneled. Don't get me wrong though, there's definitely opportunities in my games that if the killer decided to do one of the forbidden four we'd probably lose but I guess that's the same mercy given when a squad doesn't just dunk gens.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    I've been back since the new chapter & have had very little slugging. Some camping, some tunneling but nothing like some other people are mentioning. It doesn't mean they aren't telling the truth, it just means we have different experiences. As for solo que is so bad, that is mainly tied to the survivors/teammates you're grouped with and not the killer.

  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,400

    You mention the one anecdote and then say that it happens hundreds of times. You think the actual valid complaints about it don’t happen?? I can 100% guarantee you that I see some form of hardcore camping, tunneling, or slugging in 30-40% of my games. It’s not rare.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Tunneling is common, face camping is uncommon, proxy camping is common, slugging 2-4 survivors is rare.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 395

    Of course it happens. But nowhere near the extent some sections of the player base (looking at you DBD Twitter) make out it does.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    People have a tendency to remember the bad games more than the good ones and people also rarely talk about the good games they had.

    Basically it's easy for the game to seem worse than it actually is, because people tend to remember being camped or tunneled out of a game and then talk about those games over the ones where they didn't.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    Tunneling is also a cause to too fast gen speeds and overpowered survivor perks. Not all is black and white. Learn to see the game from both sides. Both sides have issues, but soloQ isnt as bad as people make it to be.

    Biggest issue is other survivors and how well they play the game.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324

    I play mostly survivor nowdays. I see the soloQ as it is and to me personally biggest issue is teammates that are too scared to help people on hooks, open doors run out with 0 hook on them. Self care in a corner for who knows how long. Drops every single pallet with windows leaving 0 to other survivors. Should i continue? I see this every day.

    I know there are issues, but im still big believer that if survivors play well the matches are better.

    Turbo tunneling at 5 gens its an issue but it doesnt happen in every match. I'm talking about the tunneling that happens when killers are running out of time in a match and they have to tunnel person out to put some pressure back into the game.

    Face camping is a Bubba thing mostly and new killer tactic. I don't see 3000 hour killer doing this usually. Face camping is getting a fix.

    What do you want soloQ survivors to get. Kindred? That would be too powerful. You can't also just give perks after perk as basekit to survivors.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 127

    I think part of the problem is the perception that survivors think they've had a bad match if they don't escape. But that's not always the case. Look at things like BP and pips as well. Also, BHVR has stated the average survivor should only escape roughly 40% of the time. So the game is intended for you to not make it out. Looking at it from that perspective makes me not really care at all about escaping as long as I can get decent BP and pip/safety pip most of the time.

    When people say it's a killer-sided game, well, it is. You're not meant to escape the majority of your matches and the killer is intended to get at least one kill in every match.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited June 2023

    It's not case for me. My teammates are usually good and altruistic. But then killers are playing with very boring ways. Like tunnelling, proxy camping etc. And sadly this makes games unfun.

    And i am not even talking about Blights, sweat lords. And it's big surprise the most tunneller killer is also the strongest killer. Even Trappers are playing more fair than Nurses and Blights.

    I just want they out from tunnelling and camping. And makes different strategies stronger. Like Pop. This perk was amazing before nerf. Killers left hook for kicking gens. But genius BHVR nerfed it for no reason.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    Yeah sure. Then just “go next” instead of making your killer complaints

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited June 2023

    I do agree that i see nurses and blights have the mentality to turbo tunnel 1 person out at 5-4 gens. Which is silly since they are strong enough to play the game without tunneling.

    I've played 8 matches today as survivor. I escaped 5 so far. I died in matches where i got tunneled by a nurse and 2 matches survivors left me to hook while NOED was active. They were only hiding at the doors without even looking for the totem.

    I think escaping 5 matches is pretty damn good! I dont need to escape every match! That would be silly

    (edit 9 matches another 5 gen tunneling nurse..i died to first hook by choice)

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I got slugged yesterday after I was the only one alive, was 1 hook away from death and the killer even closed the hatch. Like what's the point of not hooking me?

    Also had a game vs a Blight where 2 went DC at 5 gens ( i think it was a server problem cause they both went at the exact same time) and I was doing a gen almost done. He didn't even let me complete, as if there was any way I would escape.

    I've also had some nice killers though. Just earlier a Michael Myers let me escape from exit gates (he got to the hatch as I was getting there).

    But I've also had killers bring Moris or go for 3gen strategies.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I've even had a Nurse camping a Dwight who I remember was a newbie, but that was prior to this event. Just made me think how un-confident that killer must feel if they resort to camping with Nurse.

    But yeah, Nurse and Blight can be sweatlords, although I gotta admit Blight is a bit more than Nurse players I've encountered (probably because he's not free, so people purchasing him do it consciously).

    With Nurse you can sometimes get a bigger variety of players (newbies trying her out, people doing her dailies etc.) instead of only mains.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    Hasn't been that bad for me, and I've been running No Mither over half my games. I got like 5 camping/tunneling killers in a row when I started playing again recently, but it died down after a little bit.

  • WeakestNurseMain
    WeakestNurseMain Member Posts: 308

    I don't really see these tactics unless my teammates is doing unusually well, despite what a lot of survivors will tell you, a lot of killers will pull their punches if they see the survivors are struggling.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Short answer: It depends/Your mileage may vary.

    Some regions are more competitive than others, certain times of day are worst than other times. Like I'm on the east coast of the US so if I play during the day till right around now 10-11pm my games are fine for the most part. If I play at 12am-7am it is gen rush city and I mean with actual full stack 4man teams spec'd out specifically to finish the game as fast as humanly possible or I get 2 and 3 man sabo teams. I call it the witching hours and basically try to never play during those times as it sucks playing killer or survivor under those conditions because I like medium length high bp scoring games and I just don't get them in that time slot.

    Events also bring out the best and worst dbd has to offer in players. Some people only play during events and ptbs at this point and range from genuinely uber chill farmers to people with attitudes that make them seem as if they are stuck in the 2017 dbd youtuber mindset where being obnoxious trolls was considered cool content. Thankfully I've not had any of that so far, but that means someone else surely is getting them.

  • DyingWish92
    DyingWish92 Member Posts: 795

    This is me as well. Maybe 1 in every 20 games do I experience full on tunneling and face camping. I think those people are salty liers.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    Tunneling and proxy camping every single game today and most of the last few days.

    I play on east coast Usa, Ps4 somewhere between 5pm-1am.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    UK servers here. It's certainly nothing like what those individuals are saying from my experience. In the last 25 soloq survivor matches, I have escaped 19 times (5 by hatch, 1 of which the killer gave me). However, I can see what makes people believe it's worse since the 2 games which stand-out are when a Wraith and Huntress got extremely pissed-off and smacked me persistently on the hook.

    However, for the other losses and wins the trials have been tough, yet fun. When putting into perspective, it's been enjoyable.

    My guess is that some do indeed have real bad luck in matches or are screwed by the system. However, I feel most are either: a). Focused on the negative experiences too much, b). Lying to try and influence BHVR to change aspects of the game, c). Protecting their ego, d) Brought it upon themselves by being toxic or e). Trolling.

    Again, there will be some who have just the worst luck and I would feel for them. At some point I am definitely due some real ######### luck! However, I do feel it's just a bunch of amateur dramatics.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    No, it has to do with the last 3 killers that have been released, who have been all very very #########.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 543

    This is the majority of my games these days. 1 guy gets hard tunneled and lasts about 10 seconds per chase, other 2 survivors struggle to find a generator. Lose at 3 or 4 gens.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    i mean he probably did win all them games that day (happy for him) but of course WE KNOW his average win rate in solo q is no where near that . We can look at top survivors streamers like skermz, jmr, swarm class, probzz and see none of these people have a 75% excape rate when just solo q. yeah these streamers rarely lose in a two man let alone more....but solo q a different story.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,579

    Game 1:

    Facecamped and BMed on hook... what did I do? I ran the Killer for too long and died to T3 Bloodlust at an unsafe pallet. They could have left chase at any point but decided to not do so, they lost the match because of it, and apparently it's my fault.

    Once I died on hook, they DCed to make sure that nobody remaining in the match got Bloodpoints for escaping through the Exit Gates. Truly the highest level of pettiness.

    Killer harassed me and my friend in the post-game, apparently I deserved it for running a "genrush build" despite the only Generator thing I brought was a toolbox, and I only used that for Blast Mine.

    Game 2:

    Facecamped and BMed on hook by a Wesker at 5 Generators remaining... what did I do? I Blast Mined them. Yep. That's all I did to deserve being facecamped. Blast Mine.

    Game 3:

    Now, you might see the hooks and instantly think "this guy is camping for pressure" but nope. This guy had been camping literally every single hook they got and failing horribly at it.

    Camping for pressure is definitely a strategy, but unironically they lost this match because they camped too much and did a poor job at it.

    Game 4:

    Oh, this time that I got camped by a Nurse at the start of the match... they are staring right at a Survivor in this screenshot, but they dont actually go for them. They just come back to the hook and hit me on hook.

    What did I do? Well, I think you can connect the dots from the previous stuff, people really hate Blast Mine apparently.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,365

    yeah people do tend to focus on the negative but i don't think people over hyping how bad solo q is. Also congrats on the games dude. I don't think you should conclude "it's just a bunch of amateur dramatics" just base on a good streak of solo q games tho. I had 30 plus streaks with pig using brown addons, and Myers using vanity mirror (all with little to no tactics or slow down). I wouldn't say these characters are fine even base on my own personal experience.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited June 2023

    My biggest issue is that most survivors that complain about soloQ put it purely on the killers fault. People need to see some fault in the team and even in themselfs sometimes.

    If you all die at 5 gens left something had to happen. Eather the killer was way above your MMR rating or you guys were hiding and doing totems instead of gens.

    Tunneling and camping sucks when it happens straight at 5 gens, but not every single game can be like that. If so i feel for you thats some bad luck.

    If killer camps from 5 gens good survivors will still get 2-3 man out of that match usually. Tunneling is a different story. if the killer tunnels the weaker link then yeah the group is screwed since they will go down fast instead of looping the killer for long.

    I played 4 hours today. I'd say my matches were pretty good. I escaped little over half of my matches and i think thats enough. We had few 4man outs few 3 man outs and some 1-2 man outs and hatch matches. No slugging happened. No camping. Not even hard tunneling today <3

    Of course there will always be people that just want to be toxic jerks. Nothing you can do about it, but not everyone is like that so when someone is slugging on the ground for 4 minutes don't blame the whole killer playerbase for always slugging and tunneling and camping. Also same goes for survivor. :)

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,127

    More like 56%, which is still impressive (the game doesn't count hatch as an escape, it's considered null/neutral)

  • Belzher
    Belzher Member Posts: 471

    I am seeing a lot of tunnelers this event. The slug since the beginning is pretty rare, but they often slug the third person for the 4k which is still boring if you ask me.