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Im going to Quit DBD

Now, before this comes over as some kind of Youtube Video, it's not.

Im not an important individual and just like you are just a random Stranger on the internet sharing a discussion.

For you personally reading this, you can either just read through it or also share your opinion.

I have been playing DBD for over 3 Years now and i must say, im getting tired.

When i first played this game in 2020. I absoloutely loved it.

It was scary, you could collect and upgrade your characters and i would say in that age of time.

But most importantly, it wasn't sour. I wasn't flying down onto a map without meaning and just picking up a gun to shoot the next guy i see. It was like i was really going into some kind of important horror trial with something creepy lurking around any corner.

And the gameplay couldn't have been simpler. Repair Generator or Run away from creepy famous Killer before he bonks you on the head.

It was all just so interesting.

However, i have lost that feeling of scare and gameplay fun after the years.

I love playing as a Survivor, i main Nancy, my favorite character from Stranger Things that initially brought me into DBD after i saw her on a Youtube Video and didn't even know what DBD was.

But the gameplay has become too linear.

Each time you do the same and are either left with Boredom or just straight up a Bad feeling because you got camped, tunneled, slugged or whatever.

But what the Main Point of this game was that just bugged me all the Time, was playing as a Killer.

I personally never wanted to play as Killer, but it shortly became clear that on the EU Servers on the mark of 8 PM you can Kiss looking for Survivor Matches Goodbye and needed to take on the role as Killer.

I tried really hard to find a Killer that suits me, but never really found one.

I did main the Pig and the Nurse, but whilst their lore and gameplay makes me fall in love with them but their entire playstyle makes you feel: "I want to throw my monitor out of the window and then myself."

One Killer is extremely good at Sweating with and getting to Survivors Easily, but doesnt get rewarded in the game + You also need to be playing Extremely well all the time because one mistake can lead to your doom.

That was not the image i have recieved whilst picking a Killer literally called: "The Nurse".

And to the other? I seem to be doing too many things wrong or maybe shes just a bad Killer to play as?

I feel limited, like an old grandma. Crouching is slow, Dash Attacks are Slow and the unecessary punishments she still has implemented from her release time just are too hideous to look at.

I think it's just me, but i've tried EVERY possible route with her and it just didnt fit.

And to any other Killer? Their Stories just dont fit or Interest me.

I dont see myself in one of these Killers where i can say: "Woah, that could be me" or "Woah, thats a really interesting Story."

Not actually true, i could almost relate to Spirit...If she wasnt literally a Dead mindless Corpse and one of the most Toxic Killers in the game.


  • Bobitslapis
    Bobitslapis Member Posts: 86

    Whoops. Seems like i posted it incomplete.

    If youre reading this just dont reply. It isnt finished.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    Any game will get stale after a while.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    I've only been here for a few months now. I guess, lucky for me, I don't have that experience.

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2023

    I was hoping the Iron Maiden rumors were true. Killing with Eddie to Maiden tracks? That's not a game, that's a legit pastime. 😁

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    I'd wait until after the event tbh.

    I know people don't like playing the games they hate but if you liked the game enough to play it so much might as well grind out some terrormisu you can use later to cut back on some of the grind for new content.

  • Wearevenom1484
    Wearevenom1484 Member Posts: 8

    I’m on the verge of quitting as well. I can’t take playing Wesker more than half my games. I shouldn’t ever get a killer 5 matches in a row, it’s ridiculous.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Never had him that many times in a row. Three is my longest streak. I hate him.

  • Bobitslapis
    Bobitslapis Member Posts: 86

    I currently am doing that because if i leave for sure, i want to have one Side on my Killer or Survivor deck at least at P30.

    Nancy seems to be the better choice since she has already been P20 For me before the event and i recently picked her up again.

    To Killers: I have 5 Killers Equipped with 50 Stacks of Terrorismu and will keep doing so.

    To say, i really liked this event at the start, especially the oppurtunity to farm much BP, but for me yet again, it has become linear.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,392

    Only had one today but he helped me find hatch after one team mate went afk and the other 2 gave up on first hook. He was a nice Wesker.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184
    edited June 2023

    Yeah, Pig is very much a product of her time. Pig dash doesn't really work the higher you go unless they're trapped in some dead end corner, so you kind of stick to hit and run fundamentals. The traps are still really good at buying time, especially with double gears. But I do love stealth killers.

    As for the game in general, you might need a hard break. I felt utterly bored a little after the artist was released, so I stopped playing for a year and some change. Coming back, I enjoy the game again. Also Cassidy getting his new sticky bomb was giving me flashbacks of ultra defensive comps from ow1.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,150

    Sorry, I didn't read this long goodbye letter but from the comments I gather the game got stale for you.

    And that isn't surprising at all.

    Survivor DO THE SAME EVERY MATCH against one of 30+ characters that bring variety.

    Meanwhile killer all play a little differently but ultimately AGAINST THE SAME EVERY MATCH.

    It is inevitable that DBD becomes stale for lost and I am fascinated that so many people can stuck to this game for thousands and tens of thousands of hours without dying of boredom.

    My personal longest time in one game is league of legends with something around a few thousand hours and that ONLY because i had friends to play it with.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Just ditch the lore and play blight or wesker. Put time into learning them and if you take to it, it will rekindle your love for dbd. Amen brother.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Sometimes the character we like cause of the lore doesn't translate well into characters we like gameplay wise. So if you ever come back I would advice you to just try killers and see who you like gameplay-wise. I really like the idea of Twins from a lore point, but their gameplay just seems uninteresting to me, so they are pretty down my list. But Wesker I could see playing although I don't care about his lore that much, because he just has a fun gameplay (and many people agree with me, that's why he's so popular) while also being a strong killer.

    This happens on every game, a character may appeal to you from a lore perspective and aesthetic perspective but may not speak to you gameplay-wise.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 612
    edited June 2023

    Can we not pretend like this is not true of both sides? It's not like survivor is the ONLY side that does this. A lot of killers tunnel (including me, if I care about winning) because oftentimes it's the best thing to do to win and that makes up a lot of matches as solo q survivor where you or your teammate gets hard tunneled out to get a 3v1 which is objectively an easier game. It's not some magical whimsical thing that survivors are the only side of the game that tries to win and bring strong things/do the best strategy.

  • Vlarian
    Vlarian Member Posts: 163

    That's completely fine.

    Taking a long, LONG, break is a great idea. I also said that I essentially "quit" the game almost 10 months ago and now I've been playing and started enjoying it again.

    Play some other games, maybe find a new hobby, etc, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like to do.

    And some time far in the future you can decide if you wanna pick up this old saddle once again.

    I salute you chief, good luck

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
    edited June 2023

    If you have been playing this game for 3 years non-stop is normal that you eventually get bored.

    I started playing this game in 2018 one week or two after The Spirit was released and I have "only" 1750 hours. I took numerous breaks, sometimes for weeks and I usually don't play more than 5-6 matches per day unless there are an event. Anyway this is my most played game by a long shot with Black Desert being the second with almost 900 hours. I think I didn't get bored because I don't play that muchs and due the numerous breaks I take.

    One important thing to no get bored is having friends to play in SWF, I play duo sometimes, but my friend don't want to play always so when I play survivor I play mostly solo Q which are way less fun and way more frustrating than SWF. That's the main reason why I'm killer main.