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If you could buff Sabotour how would you do it

Member Posts: 1,373


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  • Member Posts: 463

    As long you cannot 99% hooks, idc

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    saboteur kinda fine for what it does honestly.

    I will say that sabotaging is just a weak mechanic in general. Take to long outside of the Alex toolbox and there another hook close by most of the time.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Give it a 2s base sabo speed with no cooldown The cooldown is the opportunities to get value to begin with.

  • Member Posts: 514

    Current perk is fine, we do not need the old Sabo back.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    I think the perk should reveal hooks around downed survivors as well as on the killer's shoulder. It would also be nice to have it increase sabotaging speed, just by 20% or something!

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Being able to see hook aura's always, or at least when the survivor is downed not when they're picked up. Meaning you can prepare better without communication. Also the perk should go into cooldown only when the action is completed not when you are interrupted. Maybe I wanna trade both of my health states for a teammate who's going to die on hook. But usually what happens is you get hit during your first one whing Saboing a hook, get interrupted and the perk goes on cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I also find it stupid for the same reason. I don't understand why it works this way.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Cooldown starts after destroying a hook not just touching it.

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Making it so that the perk doesn't get used up if you just tapped the hook or cancelled the sabo for any reason.

  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I've had the perk go on CD when I've meant to heal a survivor and snapped to the hook so I second this. Literally the main reason I don't use the perk.

  • Member Posts: 237

    I would make it at least a bit faster.

  • Member Posts: 302

    Please devs this right here would be the perfect Sabo. Please change perk accordingly thank you.

  • Member Posts: 4,891

    I think the Aura reading should kick in when a Survivor is put into the Dying State, to allow for better positioning. Apart from that, Saboteur is fine.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    There you go most common agreements 1, perk dosent enter cooldown when canceled or interrupted 2, hooks are shown when the survivor is downed and carried, 3 reduced cooldown

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Maybe the first two issues are glitches some players experience? It’s gone on cooldown for me (recently) when I got hit trying to sabo a hook, even though I didn’t complete the sabotage. I dunno.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It doesn't really need buffing. If you wanna do a saboing build you pretty much always wanna bring it.

    The reason it's not used much is because saboing isn't meta, not because of the perk itself.

  • Member Posts: 8,330

    Remove cooldown if canceled or interrupted. Cooldown should only happen if you successfully sabotage the hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,081

    Cooldown starts when breaking a hook and not touching it

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    I like the suggestion about the Hook Aura's being Visible when a Survivor is in the dying state, lets you get there faster and would allow you to sneak to the Hook (especially a Scourge Hook) to pop out and sabo it when the Killer is committed to that hook without you needing to run behind them giving them ample chance to drop the Survivor.

    I still think that it should be put on Cooldown if you cancel the animation, since even feigning it has value to get the Killer to drop the Survivor early.

    Though it should take highest precedence so people learn to move away from the Hook if they want to heal a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,394

    I'd be concerned about a med-kit/styptic meta that'd create if a Survivor can plant themselves in front of a Hook and use a Styptic(?.?s)+Sabo (2.5s) within the time it takes the Killer to make another Swing (2.7s).

  • Member Posts: 5,247
    edited June 2023

    Only goes on cooldown when you successfully sabo a hook (opens up more room for 'fake' sabo plays and so on)

    Reduce cooldown to 40 seconds.

    These two changes would make it a great perk but not too oppressive.

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited June 2023

    saboteur used to not go on cooldown when it was first reworked. it got nerfed from PTB because killer complained that 2.5 second sabotage is too fast sabo after they removed ability to 99 sabo hook's back when sabo used to take like 15 seconds.


    I would make it that you gain endurance status effect during sabotage and 3 second after completing it and increase sabotage speed by 40/50/75%. Maybe that is too strong for 40 sec cooldown perk. perhaps it would only be usable once per game instead on cooldown.

  • Member Posts: 1,141
    edited June 2023
    1. Regular hooks should be red and scourge hooks should be yellow, idk why it's not like this already considering scourge hooks in general are just white and regular hook auras are usually red
    2. Aura reveal range increased to 64 meters for no other reason than the number 56 being weird
    3. Perk doesnt go on cooldown unless you complete a sabotage because when you unhook someone and try to heal them and accidentally start saboing the hook and then the perk goes on cooldown its DUMB
    4. Maybe reveal the killer's aura while they're carrying but that's a bit over the top and not at all necessary
  • Member Posts: 2,073

    The reason it works like it does it to prevent abuse cases.

    The game only allows either the survivors or the killer to interact with items at any given time, which is why you can't kick a gen while it's being repaired.

    Similarly, the killer can't interact with a hook during the sabotage animation. So if the cooldown only started after the hook was broken, you could start the animation, cancel it at 95% and immediately restart it, all while blocking the hook from being used for free.

    The only way to avoid that issue would be to have the killer hook override the sabotage action, so you could hook while the sabotage was in progress but not yet finished (like how you can kick a pallet that is being lifted by any means necessary). That would completely destroy saboteur into uselessness.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Toolbox works that way and it doesn't get abused. Plus you trade a healthstate or two most of the time. It's a fair trade. On top of that the killer can go to a different hook anyway, it's not like the maps have shortage of hooks.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    2s Sabo (to fix it along with Killer's reduced hit timer from 6.7.0), maybe perk rank number of tokens with the current sabo CD per token. You can use this as 3 max sabos, or press the active button while sabo-ing to enhance a sabo to last 15s longer. That way you could perk sabo and augment this to 45s, or use all tokens to bump it to 60s. This could also be used on toolbox sabos, and enhance it up to a theoretical 90s sabo.

  • Member Posts: 2,073

    Toolbox has limited charges, which are consumed as part of the sabotage action, not taken all at once at the end of the animation. The toolbox will run out, no matter how many perks or add-ons you bring to extend it's life, or if you actually complete the animation to break a hook or not.

    If the cooldown for Saboteur didn't trigger until you had successfully broken a hook you could 95%/cancel it indefinitely.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    You're trading saboing a hook for a health state. You cannot do it indefinitely.

  • Member Posts: 9,419

    While repairing a gen with other survivors, it will randomly explode.

  • Member Posts: 141

    Introduce a new perk that provides you endurance (for, say, 2/3/4 seconds) whenever you successfully sabotage a hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,373

    Then you smack them if they do it again it's mind game time do they commit for another hit or do they fake it and you go for hook

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I think it would be cool if we got a perk that allows you to complete an action if you're more than halfway there. Like say if you're saving someone and the killer grabs you but your progress is over 50% you complete the action and then the grab is completed, same with sabo. That would be kind of cool. And you still have trade offs ofc, because you get grabbed or hit.

  • Member Posts: 730

    Add a bonus speed tier at maybe like an extra 5/10/15% nothing too over the top.

    Reduce the cooldown period and make it so it only triggers upon a successful sabotage.

    Maybe give it a buff to where the sabotaged hook stays for an extra x amount of time depending on the tier?

    Maybe grant a 1/2/3% haste within a certain range of the killer similar to Breakout, or reveal the killer aura?

    Not all of these things as that’d be too much but some ideas anyway.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    - Only make it go on cooldown after you complete the sabotage action.

    - Reduce the cooldown a bit

    Other than those two points, the perk is fine.

  • Member Posts: 869

    Explosives. I want Jake to plant a bomb on hooks and blow them up leaving nothing but a crater behind. I need to see the chaos ensue after Jake blows up another survivor and insta killing them.

  • Member Posts: 4,694

    I wouldn't. It's in a similar spot to Boil Over. Hook denial is very frustrating to play against, so I'd rather it be kept low.

  • Member Posts: 366

    Reveals the aura of hooks within the killers view, rather than every hook.

    When within 12m of a survivor being picked up, gain a 5% Haste effect for 3s, during which you will be unable to use items.

    The reasoning is that as it is now, you have to guess which nearby hook will actually be used, and if able to use items then the speed boost (intended to better reach the hook) would be exploited for flashlight saves. It helping in rushing a pallet save would also be in line with "Sabotage".

  • Member Posts: 954

    Only giving it a cooldown if you break a hook.

    As it stands, a killer interrupting you will make it so you can't sabo unless you've also got a toolbox. Can't rely on the perk alone. Or if you accidentally tap it and have to wait a minute to get it back, that also sucks.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Yes, only activate the cooldown if you complete the action.

    God knows how many times I've unhooked someone, gone to heal them, and starting sabotaging instead.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    What constitutes the 'killers view'? Direct line of sight? Because that would be useless. Killers see the aura of hooks so line of sight isn't an issue, they also see the aura of EVERY hook, so including auras wouldn't change anything.

  • Member Posts: 274

    dont make it go on CD until u fully sab a hook. would help if u do it on accident and could trick killers. start sabo, stop, save it

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