Let's say if Springtrap was added to the game, what design would you like to see

Mr_Madness Member Posts: 1,003
edited June 2023 in General Discussions


I personally like the first since it keeps little of the color and is more of a redone version of the OG model while the second one is more of a redesign but lacks the color and looks more like it was white than yellow before decaying.

Nothing wrong with the OG Springtrap but I feel like the Art department can go wild with his design. Have a realistic skeleton in the suit, dried up blood, decomposing on the suit with wires popping out of the holes.

Also will like to hear the sounds of rusty metal scrapping bone and stretching decomposed flesh. Lastly for fun I would like to have a secret idle like Sadako but he does his hidden cutscenes in fnaf 3 while static plays.


[Edit] Pls don''t start a Debate of being added or not and also unwanted topics, don't want this closed because of negativity.
