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Let's say if Springtrap was added to the game, what design would you like to see

I personally like the first since it keeps little of the color and is more of a redone version of the OG model while the second one is more of a redesign but lacks the color and looks more like it was white than yellow before decaying.
Nothing wrong with the OG Springtrap but I feel like the Art department can go wild with his design. Have a realistic skeleton in the suit, dried up blood, decomposing on the suit with wires popping out of the holes.
Also will like to hear the sounds of rusty metal scrapping bone and stretching decomposed flesh. Lastly for fun I would like to have a secret idle like Sadako but he does his hidden cutscenes in fnaf 3 while static plays.
[Edit] Pls don''t start a Debate of being added or not and also unwanted topics, don't want this closed because of negativity.
Hey, the obligatory new FNAF thread for this quarter.
Still curious if and/or when the devs finally cave in and make it reality.
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Really dude, right after I made the edit.
I just made this cause everyone was fighting over every other thing besides what he would look like.
Also I saw no one talking about fnaf so I though this might be a interesting topic and not get shot by people
Post edited by Mr_Madness on0 -
I’m hoping the original fnaf3 design because all the other ones looked bad
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Yeah I can see that, tbh I just want the design to be more gory and horrific since it is a person that got impaled in a suit full of gears and then trapped in a closed room for 30 years.
Since DBD uses high quality graphics I think would be neat to add some neat changes to the OG model to make it more threatning
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OG design
idk what the hell they were thinking when making the other ones
Post edited by EQWashu on5 -
Also meant like would you like his OG model of fnaf 3 or a alternate made by Bhvr similar to the pics I shown.
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They would probably need to completely redesign Springtrap due to the FNAF games being more cartoony than realistic, the classic FNAF3 design just wouldn't work in DbD.
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100% correct mate
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They should use the fnaf AR model.
edit : or even the FNAF VR model. Maybe even the FNAF VR 2 model if he is in that game coming out later this year.
But yeah it should be the fnaf 3 one.
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We don't need robots from a children's game
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Definitely a more detailed of version of the FNAF 3 model, it's his most iconic design that manages to be genuinely scary when you really think about it's implications and look at the details
Honestly the hardest part of adding Springtrap to DBD wouldn't really be the model, but rather then animations, he'd have to maintain a balance between robotic and human, like someone desperately struggling to move despite being trapped in a walking coffin, you can't go too far in one of those directions without fundamentally losing part of Springtrap's character
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Ironically the Fnaf AR from mobile game is pretty impressive......for a phone game lol. Textures are little off but seen people make fixes for it which look nice which here is an example
Though I do hope they make his skeleton realistic or at least a decomposing body since the OG model does look scary but wears off after a while when you realize it does not even look like a real corpse.
Also they better not give him Springtrap AR skins except molten one.......I hate them very much but mostly Clown Afton.
We don't need Survivors in Pajamas or Clown Dressing like the Chicken from Family guy but here we are.
Very true about the animations but the complete version would be phenomenal and beat most killer animations in the game visually. I do watch some Fnaf animations which are mostly VHS since they are extremely entertaining. My favorite series is by Spectre, which takes a different approach to the animations and story. here is a play list of all 4 tapes, He even matches the animatronic motions for the models which is very impressive.
Most adaptations make Springtrap more fluid than trying to move with the suit which I hate so much. The suit does have limitations on what movements can be possible so if BHVR manages to keep the animatronic movements while also involving animations that represent Afton fighting the suit to move in a certain way.
Overall Springtrap visually ingame would be amazing since BHVR would be given a set of rules to follow so Afton matches his OG counterpart while also being more terrifying visually. The image of seeing a corpse fighting with in a mechanical suit just to chase and kill you while hearing his bones scrap and rusty gears clank would be very DBD themed.
Post edited by Mr_Madness on3 -
High quality graphics
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Yup, as long does not break people's pc's lol.
Help Wanted they sadly had to get rid of the wires out of the broken animatronics since would lag or even crash the game.
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IF anything from FNAF was added, I wouldn't really care about the design.
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Ah ok, well hope only Springtrap is added. I will cringe if they make legendary skins for survivors or killers that make them into fnaf animatronics.
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I doubt that would happen, but BHVR is BHVR.
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And that is what scares me, as much I like fnaf. If you worry about Springtrap brining kids then asking Legendary skins for other characters into Fnaf animatronics would 100% bring kids to the game but the most annoying ones you will ever seen.
Chads will get Springtrap but fortnite kids would buy Freddy Fazbear skin for Trickster.
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Next Chapter is Jason or someone else since Fnaf we never see any human being breach ugh.
If he would come with a map it would probably be a big version of Fazbear's fright attraction with various references and relics from past fnaf games. Endgame triggers the place starts aflame and burn down.
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Sorta, it's like a haunted house. A building they make look old with decorations from the past Fazbear Locations including animatronic parts like mask and limbs they put on display on the walls, floor, or on stands.
Also comes with a security office which is meant to be an interactive event where guests can interact with the security guard before leaving through the exit door.
Camp Crystal lake would be an epic map tbh
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Same, I get that we get maps to new killers but want more scary maps like the Silent hill one.
Would have been epic to get a castle map like one we see in Blight Trailer or a Alchemic/Torture chamber.
[Edit] Just realized if Afton gets in then we have 2 British mad scientist killers in dbd.
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Singularity skin is probably going to be the best we get at this point.
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We don't, and if they want to waste artists time doing that then its fine. Wasting a chapter on it though will probably be their biggest financial flop
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This is what springtrap looks like as revealed in the fnaf movie trailer which just dropped today 😮
I guess if he ever came to DBD a kitchen knife could be his weapon.
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Gotta be Mr Negative don't you?
Maybe, I was thinking more of modifying his arms to be claw-like or have a fire axe since knives are bit overused in this game.
Also gonna watch trailer now since confused now since why does he have white eyes and not the Animatronics.
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simply, green
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With a hint of black mold
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eh not really, doubt BHVR would go all the trouble for making a new model including new animations just for a reskin when they can just make Springtrap into a killer and make more money.
It would be like making Jason into a trapper skin.