idea to fix genrush

Boons123 Member Posts: 970

The idea is instead of killing all gen perk we modify the generators themselves

The idea is to reverse the penalty generator repair

So instead of putting a penalty on the players for fixing the generators together, we put a penalty on them if they fix the generators on their own.

This may benefit the killer so that instead of finding one survivor, he will find two or more

The penalty is reduced in the event of the death of one of the survivors, and it is completely removed if there are 2 survivors left

Additional modification: Toolbox does not stack with another toolbox


  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    the reason there is a penalty for multiple people on a single gen is to impose diminishing returns: basically preventing it from progressing at 200/300/400% speed.

    My idea is to have gen speeds rubber band to survivors left alive: Gens would start slower than they do currently, but get faster each time a survivor dies to make up for the efficiency cap. Incentivizes spreading hooks rather than tunneling, and gives a comeback factor if anyone gets tunneled out.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Terrible idea, i am sorry.

    Survivors are strong when they have numbers. Even you make gens faster for each killed survivor, you can still pressure on them.

    One survivor died. Gens are now faster. But another survivor is on hook. So one of other survivors have to go hook save. So only one survivor is doing gen. Gens will feel so slow because how fast gens can be progressed by one survivor?

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    You don't even have any values, awfully quick to dismiss the idea. If 2 survivors left can do gens in something like 30 seconds each for example, then one person distracting the killer becomes considerably more meaningful. The numbers for all 4 tiers of speed would need to be worked on and carefully balanced, but the point is to assuage your exact fear: not being able to cover the efficiency gap from losing each person, and even discourages tunneling to boot.

    Currently the speed of gens is balanced around roughly 3.25 survivors, which is why I would recommend making the 4 man speed slower than it is now, with dramatic increases at lower numbers to even out the snowballing factor. Thats what rubberbanding means.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited June 2023

    But how you will fix slugging issue with this? Because this will make just slugging even stronger. Gens are slower. So if you don't kill any survivor, you are safe. You just need to use slug builds and then whenever you get everyone down, start to hook.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,966

    If the values are affected too much you can make slugged/hooked survivors count for half a tier, similar to how they affect the EGC timer. Gens can get done stupid fast right now with the right combination of perks/items/etc, which is something i've always been against (the current variation between how fast/slow gens can be making them hard to balance.) Slugging for pressure (one down while chasing another) is a valid strategy for slowing gens down, its literally a pressure method.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    My idea would be to nuke Tunneling/camping. Like erase it from the history books. Also at the very least nuke Blights add-ons along with Nurse.

    Then erase gen-progression then proceed to change survivor spawns to all spawn together no matter what.

    Then monitor closely.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,913
    edited June 2023

    Gen speeds are not fine, because unless they nerf maps so that the average chase (both hits) lasts 25 seconds, you will never have enough time against an efficient team. And just holding shift + w with the speed boost you get will at minimum extend the chase another 13 seconds. Or you'll guarantee losing 3 gens in the first chase. Which leads to 3-genning being more of a strategy which everyone seems to hate.

    What they need to do is even the game out, so that the killer is stronger in the early game, but weaker in the late game. (such that their power is relatively static, barring differences in the killers themselves) That way the game isn't completely decided in the first 45 seconds of a match going on and that the game isn't about snowballing to victory so hard that the other side has a terrible match.

    The game should be fun for both sides whether they win or lose. Right now, the game is always miserable to some person or person(s) in the game.

  • ElodieSimp
    ElodieSimp Member Posts: 388

    Outside of fixing maps (the main problem). I would, in my own opinion, make something like Deadlock basekit. Survivors keep their progress and informs the killer what generator would pop next instead of seeing 2-3 go at once.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Do it on health state then, if all survs are healthy slower speeds, if one is injured and 1 is on hook speed it up if one is slugged speed it up

    The game knows if they're being chased or on hook or slugged.