What type of perk do you prefer?
Depending on enjoying it and not just on increasing the probability of winning and focusing on the outcome of the match
You are free to choose whether you enjoy the benefit of perk, or you like designing the perk type, or both
Edit: If you do not know any of these types of perks or do not know one of them
Here are links about each type of perks (from Dead by daylight wiki)
- Hex Perks : https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Hex_Perks?so=search
- Teamwork perks : https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Teamwork_Perks?so=search
- Scourge Hook Perks :https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Scourge_Hook_Perks?so=search
- Boon Perks : https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Boon_Perks?so=search
What type of perk do you prefer? 34 votes
Seeing someone have We'll Make It when the killer runs Sloppy Butcher is always nice to see and experience.
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Do you know these two perks exist?
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Yeah, they are only seen if I play with a SWF so I'm fine with it if they know what they're doing. Usually solo queue teammates don't use those perks which is really good. By teamwork I meant more like Prove Thyself, Botany Knowledge and Kindred.
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Well, I didn't expect anyone to choose (Teamwork), I thought it was forgotten 😂
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I honestly like all of them, but I'm fond of Hexes, as someone who loves Hag =D
They're not perfect, some of them are a meh at best, but I love em.
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Scourge Hook
Hexes need a HUGE rework. Scourge hooks are fun because it's like a mini game to hook survivors in the right hook
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Strange, when it was ruin mate nobody said Hex was bad and needed to be reworked
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Who would have thought that Boon would be the least chosen
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Teamwork perks honestly have a painful activation, and it's much easier for killers to get easy pressure. Boons can be destroyed in seconds, and scourge hooks are luck dependant.
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Excuse me, but here we are talking about how much you enjoy it and not increasing the chances of winning or putting pressure on the match
It's okay if you're having fun with Hex, but I wanted to make this point clear (What do you enjoy)
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Ok my bad
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I added an edit to the post description
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Oh my god Boon forgotten