Survivor perk tier list

DS and OTR are easy S tiers imo
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Ds is garbage. Of the record was close but it basically gets countered by 1 hit. Still has good effects to help it out. A tier for me
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Wiretap is getting heavily slept on. It is probably the best solo queue perk right now and even in SWF can have the decent benefits of seeing a killer while being chased at a tile. It’s so great for many things.
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I like wiretap. I think its a fun perk to use especially paired with darksense and alert
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Got the nastiest wire tap value on midwich yesterday in the big room with the god pallet. Dude was trying to mindgame it for a solid 30+ seconds before realizing he was never getting distance.
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I think this looks great. If I did one of these Bond would be S-tier (I'm solo Q) and I would have DH in A-tier. I get more value out of DH now than before the last nerf. AMN has been a perk in my build for a while now and some games the value is off the charts and some minimal (S-tier or B-tier) so I don't really mind the B tier but it has S-tier moments.
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Balanced Landing is low B at best.
Dead Hard should be A tier imo.
DS is atleast A tier. Doesn't help every match but when it does it can turn the whole game around.
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Ds is garbage if you expect it to do something in a deadzone, but if you're near a loop, which you should be, it's incredibly strong. Delaying tunneling is absolutely priceless.
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Even tho Of the record gives you a movement speed + iron will + hiding aura even if you got hit these effects still running. This perk way better than A tier
Reassurance gives you 30 extra sec on the hook if multiple people have it they all can give for 1 survivor 30 sec it's give way much time for some stuff and it's probably A tier or near to S.
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I dont think its a or s. Not a lot of face campers. I have gotten value out of it but most of the time you don’t really need it.
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Yeah you can delay it but then you still get tunneled and downed anyway after. Plus it can be only used once. I think its a garbage perk but thats just my opinion and I respect yours
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why balance landing in low b?
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I need to see this😭
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It was hilarious, I’ll have to see if I clipped it when I get home
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That's how all anti tunnel perks are, delaying is good enough to be impactful
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tierlists are so bad its just opinions pebble is S tier
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I don't think Unbreakable deserves S tier. It's like 1 in 20 matches where you actually get massive value from it. Sure it can win games, but it doesn't do it nearly as often as people say. Not in 2023.
Plunderer's Instincts in F tier seems a little harsh. Yeah the hatch got nerfed, and so did medkits, and toolboxes. But it's still a great way to get good items. Maybe C tier for it.
Kindred, Iron Will, and Detective's Hunch I think deserve to move up one. They're great perks just not as memorable as the current strongest. Some more love for Open Handed would be nice, because you did put Windows of Opportunity and Bond high up, which are justifiably there. I'd switch Balanced Landing and Dead Hard honestly. DH is still good, and has more applications than Balanced Landing.
Overall it's a somewhat accurate list, most survivor perks are niche but really good when that specific scenario happens, or if an entire build is dedicated to it. I disagree with a lot of the aura & healing perk's placements.
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Why would you put We'll make it over Botany? BK is 10.6 second heal with no conditional and WMI is 8 with needing to get a unhook for the perk to activate for only 90 seconds.
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It's quite niche. Can only be used in certain spots on the map rather than anywhere like Lithe or Dead Hard. Furthermore, these spots are often dead zones, meaning that on those maps where you can get value it still might be minimal. The fact you still have a slight stun means you'll also often get hit anyways trying to use this perk where you may not have otherwise if you tried looping normally.
Dead Hard, while not as consistent gives much more value and Lithe is more consistent while usually still giving more value.
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Personally I would put item perks in their own tier because none of them are extremely amazing or completely terrible they do their job and sometimes that green toolbox or a key can win you a game
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Scavenger is even more horrible than potential energy. outside them two perks your list look solid
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Wiretap got indirectly buffed when they nerfed the gen kicking meta. Had to find out the hard way (they would not kick my Blastmined gen anymore). It's time to use it again, although I don't know if perks like Jolt do anything to it. Got any idea?
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Yeah, even when I get to use Unbreakable, I don't think it's won me games. It's really weird. It feels bad when you don't have it on, but when you do it's useless. You need a team that buzzes around the killer like a fly when he downs you so he doesn't pick up.You don't even need to get up yourself but it really speeds up the process.
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Here it is lol
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i'd argue bond and dead hard should be higher. bond is like the best solo healing and info perk in the game right now and allows a lot of optimized chases where you don't hurt team mates doing gens and with the chase icons you pretty much get all the general info you'll need at a glance
dead hard while definitely worse is unexpected now and still can be game changing if you have a build to use it. kind of like a reverse deliverance and hail mary type thing to turn a bad situation around in a game changing way at times and the activatable nature makes it still really nice outside of very select match ups
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this was awesome
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The reverse stun was definitely on purpose and not me overrunning the pallet 😬
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Hope, Lightwieght, We're Gonna Live Forever, and Iron Will could go up a tier.
Hope is an A-Tier perk, it has flaws, which is why I think it wont ever be S-Tier, but it is (in my opinion) significantly better than Adrenaline since it exchanges one-time value for an extended value, which as we've seen with perks like Made For This, can be really damn strong.
We're Gonna Live Forever, in my opinion, is just really underrated. Everyone used it for Bloodpoints before, now you rarely see it. This perk, in it's current state, is amazing as an anti-snowball perk. And the new Endurance effect is pretty handy in a handful of situation.
Iron Will may be my most controversial opinion, but I believe that it's effect is still amazing even after the nerfs. 75% reduction of grunts of pain does not seem like much, but you have to consider the fact that the chase music covers the remaining 25%. You effective cannot be accurately tracked in the middle of a chase. I know someone will mention "oh but it is designed for Stridor to override Iron Will now" but most Spirits dont use Stridor anymore, because nobody uses Iron Will anymore.
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I would say its good on survivors that are quiet already. But for someone like me that mains a loud survivor (claire), it does nothing for me. Again its not bad but i wouldnt say its good either. Just mid.
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Reactive healing is a good perk, fight me.
Friendly competition is hot garbage.
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With sloopy butcher being used a whole lot, i just see being useful tbh
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DS is still plenty good. Basekit bt guarantees any pallet within 44m, so you'll go down looping. You just cant be braindead with it anymore you need actually think about your pathing.
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I disagree but thats just my opinion. I think the perk is a joke