Pharmacy change

C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

Is it possible for Pharmacy to have 1 token. And able to rummage a chest once for a Green medkit? Because the current Pharmacy is so pointless to use.

Im used Pharmacy to get a Green medkit early, to give a teammate or use for my self later.

The change make it injured, which is its either escape from a chase (which is hard since killers usually commit), or after unhooked, but then, why should I run and spend time to find a chest, spend time to open a chest, spend time to self healing in 24sec. While I can stay there and let a teammate heal me for 16sec?


    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    but you can already bring a medkit with you for the trial, pharmacy allows you to get more when you need them.

    if they made it like you're asking it seems like it would be making the perk worse.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919

    Chances are though that by the time you need the med kit all the chests have already been searched. One guaranteed med kit anytime you want is better than possibly 3 while you are injured.

    You could still bring a med kit and then rummage a chest when you need it later. You don't have to do it at the start, but if you want to the option is still there. So it's not a nerf outside of the rare scenarios where you can search all 3 chests.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Just revert it tbh, it's already bad enough with the med kit nerf, you're better off just not taking the perk since you're just getting a brown medkit at that point when you already have a decent chance to find one

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Yes, even just reverting it would be already nice.

    But if the perk get putting in line with Scavenger (rummage for a Toolbox) or RM (rummage for a Flashlight), which able to rummage for a Green medkit, would be great.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 755

    If it was up to me to make Pharmacy worth it, Revert the Olds changes where your first search, regardless of injured state or not; give you a guaranteed high quality medkit. And make It a purple medkit, to make it worth your while. And gives the passive faster open chest speed and passive silent opening regardless if you are injured or not.

  • jeffkillsyou96
    jeffkillsyou96 Member Posts: 249

    Well the perk is limited to the amount of chest in the trial also taking the time to find and rummage through the chest along with the healing I kinda compare it to a BTL medkit I like to bring

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    I think the perk will be really bad even if they made it best of both worlds (you can rummage each chest 1 time for any-rarity-medkit-really no matter your health state). Finding chest, opening it taking item and then healing with it takes so long, that you must be in very unique situation for this to be worth it more then just staying injured and pushing gen instead.

    Medkit nerf made this perk so useless I wonder why even bother trying to make this perk tiny-better. Just forget it exists. Makes no change anyway.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    I agree with you, I've also been considering it that it should allow you to rummage, and rummage perks should also show you the auras of opened chests. At least it could come in clutch in end game if your team has abandoned you and you are injured.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I used to use Pharmacy with Chest focus build (Plunderer, Ace in hole...) to get a really good Green medkit and give it to a teammate. It saves alot of time consider them dont spend time to find another teammate, heal in 10sec and go back to the game.

    The nerf of being injured, the nerf of self healing. Make this perk so bard in time exchange. And not really worth to get the Medkit for later match because now Green or Brown Medkit do the same thing to you.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Honestly it soesnt even matter the rarity anymore, it could be a brown medkit and still the same

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i don't know. i think its pretty underrated for a perk. I would be cautious in buffing it. what if they made it give you 50% med-kit efficiency when it is active. I think your under-selling the value in being able to heal yourself.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Why just not bring a medkit and free up a slot for something way more useful? Even a brown medkit does that same job as a green one if you're self-healing with it.

    The perk doesn't even allow you to see the aura of chests, so you could run around quite a bit before you find any. And does it become useless if all chests have been opened before you can get your medkit? Extremelly weak perk.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    opening a chest takes 10 seconds. Pharmacy allows you to open chests 80% faster which is 5.5 second of opening. you get 1 self-heal for doing so. To heal yourself with old COH, you would need to bless a totem for 14 seconds and then heal yourself. Of course the totem lasts indefinately and could be use multiple times. If Pharmercy healed you enough times, it could become the next COH.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    No one is asking Pharmacy for multiple healing. People are asking to revert the change, 1 single heal.

    Plus, are you thinking:

    • spending time to run around finding 1 totem
    • spending time to bless totem for Boon
    • spending time to run around finding 1st chest
    • spending time to unlock 1st chest
    • spending time to run back to Boon for 12sec healing
    • spending time to run around finding 2nd chest
    • spending time to unlock 2nd chest
    • spending time to run back to Boon for 12sec healing
    • spending time to run around finding 3rd chest
    • spending time to unlock 3rd chest
    • spending time to run back to totem for 12sec healing

    Sounds powerful to you?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Imagine comparing Pharmacy to old CoH...

    I don't think anyone wants multiple heals from Pharmacy, they just want a guaranteed medkit find. Plus there are more totems around than chests anyway. And like I said, if all chests have been opened at the start of the game this perk is useless...And going around injured opening chests to get 3 medkits is a very risky idea, to maximize it. Plus time-consuming.

    They just want to be able to guarantee a medkit at an emergency, which will also be single use. Not to mention that self-healing with a medkit is also slower than it use to be.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    It's obvious he does not use it, it just sounds powerful to him on paper. But people were also complaining about a bunch of perks no one even uses. Re-assurance never fixed the issue of camping as it was advertised to do. People were afraid Blood Rush would be strong and what do you know, no one even uses Blood Rush...

    Like some perks are supposed to be ok/good if you're solo, so you can be self-reliant. I don't understand why we can't have that. A team being SWF with experience won't need WoO because they can communicate which pallets they used in what area. They don't need Pharmacy cause they can find and heal each other easily and faster anyway. They don't need Bond cause they can communicate their position to each other, so of course Bond is a perk that is strong in solo. It's really weird how negative they are to perks that have no benefit whatsoever in a good SWF.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,286

    Give 50% efficiency and it's very good perk - especially if you take medkit to the game already. But that's no tiny buff. Heal is useful, but you yourself should agree, that self-care on it's own is bad perk even if it provides you "infinite ultra slow medkits" - because time efficiency...

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730

    Pharmacy is already useless due to the medkit nerfs. You’re better off just bringing a basic kit with good add-ons.

  • ChronoSeth
    ChronoSeth Member Posts: 55

    Pharmacy - You have a knack for finding medicine.

    Let's focus on the "finding" part of the wording.

    The auras of all chests on the Trial are revealed to you.

    You unlock chests 40/60/80% faster and the hearing range for noises from unlocking chests are reduced by 8 meters.

    While injured, guarantees an Emergency Med-kit whenever you find an item within a chest by any means.