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General Discussions

Made for This is just fine :')

Member Posts: 658
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

Just had this game and man I could feel Made for This. They all just stay injured and I could only get one hook on each of them. When the gates were powered I just couldn't catch anyone at all. By then I didn't have the fountains to drink from since they all decided to stay infected. If anyone tells me MfT isn't powerful I'm going to show them this game. Yes, one MfT in a lobby isn't that bad but when it's 4 of them and they have hope, I might as well just let them go. I really couldn't do anything at all. I felt completely helpless and honestly, this game made me not want to play the rest of the day. I really hope the devs look at this post and see that MfT needs some kinda change or something. Anyway, I guess I'm not going to play vomit mommy anymore...

Btw this was on Temple and I only could get two pain res bc the hook spawns were so bad.

Also Im not going to show anyone anything other than this result scene bc I don't want to edit the names of the survivor out. When I said show ppl this game I meant this result scene and say what happened. Take that as you well. I honest don't have to prove anything to any of you.

PS. As of now Im done with this thread and won't be reading any more comments.

Post edited by BlueRose on

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  • Member Posts: 658

    It is really that bad. Every chase in this match was long and drawn out since they could get to windows and pallets faster. Two of the four downs I got were just because I hit tier 3 bloodlust(something I never did before hardly as killer in my 1000+ hrs of playing). The other two were from my red vomit but after I ran out of fountains I was reduced to a tall m1 killer. Then when I got to the endgame those three hope+MfT made things worse. How is a 4 hook game where I had to depend on bloodlust tier 3 isn't "that bad"?

    Now Im forced to run Bloodecho or Fearmonge in all my plage builds just in fear of this one dumb perk. Sure it "isn't that bad" yeah right...

  • Member Posts: 658
    edited June 2023

    I don't like that either. I never liked the whole "I feel I have to run x perk to counter y perk." Its the same reason I hate playing overwatch bc I don't like the feeling of having to play a certain hero to counter another hero. I should be able to run what I want no matter what and that goes for survivor and killer.

  • Member Posts: 730

    It’s not even just perks. There are some killers I hate going against for that same reason. I never run the same builds because that’s boring to me. I’m never going to just because I might come up against this or that. But that’s also what makes it challenging and therefore fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,785

    Made for this is alright. Hope should prolly be nerfed so it doesn't stack with other perks though.

  • Member Posts: 691

    NWO is a terrible perk right now. It was already rough with the adren meta and MFT+Hope is pointless to be really running endgame stuff. If survivors are running that combo as 4 then your best option if all gens get done is to open the door and not waste time. Really good game design honestly.

    If you want to play Plague right now I would say you should either play her nasty by getting everyone infected and camping or doing a strong build. If you want to go for chases I would go something like Fearmonger, Blood echo, PR, and CI.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Wasnt just one match today. This was the worst one yet. I lost a few others with lobbies that had 4 MfT and Hope. Those lost wasn't this bad tho since I was able to get at least one kill.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Yeah, I switched out NWO for bloodecho and the next game went better. That lobby had 3 MfT. I just hate I have to change all my killer builds to include a bloodecho or fearmonger just bc of one perk.

  • Member Posts: 498
  • Member Posts: 7,009

    "why was this game the one I had?"

    Maybe because you make misplays? As you said youre not a comp level player and as far as Im aware, youre human just like the rest of us. Sure MFT had something to do with why you lost, but I can guarantee you it wasnt the sole reason why you did.

    Another thing, is you arent meant to win all your games. You win some, you lose some.

  • Member Posts: 658

    I never said I think I should win every match but to lose this badly(only 4 hooks) on a killer Im decent at is bad and I do think MfT had something to do with it. Maybe that not all the reason but it didn't help anything none and I'm left feeling bad and don't even want to play this game right now or even rest of this event. Its not fun going against 4 of the same perk that affects chase that badly.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    So we should nerf WoO because it's the most popular survivor perk atm.

    And ofcourse by that logic, some killer perks will be nerfed too. And some survivor perks as well. Because there is a lot perks which is more popular than MfT.

  • Member Posts: 658

    If it was a normal week for dbd I would just stop playing and most likely won't play the rest of the week but I want to play doing the event bc I like collecting as many cakes as I can during it to use doing the year during Bloodrush. So if I stop I miss out on the bp and on cakes. So yeah...either way Im tired of arguing. I still think MfT is too strong as it is now and needs to be changed or given a timer or something. Im just happy I'm not the only one who thinks so. I seen streamers(Otz and Scott to say two of them) and others who think the perk needs tuning down.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Temple is a bad map. MFT made you lose harder since staying injured against Plague is common. This looks like a swf which stacks the odds against you even more.

    Camping wouldn’t have worked much unless you hooked the Survivor with Reassurance. This game was a hard one for you to comeback from the start

  • Member Posts: 405

    still waiting for the footage, you posting it?

  • Member Posts: 658

    You mostly right and I have myself to blame also since I didnt even try to tunnel. The only 4 hooks I had was on each suvivor. There was times I could had tunnel someone off hook but decided to go after the unhooker. That much I will say it was my fault.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    It’s great that you’re aware of how you could have potentially swung the game into your favor. At least you have a better idea of what to do the next time you come across such a team again.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    Well isn't that what they did with bbq, dead hard and whole lot of other perks?

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2023

    You losing doesn't really prove anything, but then it's not like actual maths and situational simulations can convince developers who are "monitoring" it for some reason or players who just deny it, there is really no way to explain how broken this perk is to those who can't accept it.

  • Member Posts: 680

    Temple at this moment is bad about some invisible wall, ok the map is pretty... But with all the killer, you got stuck with... Nothing, I have some habbit to play killer with high mobility (Leg, Wesker, Blight) but even when I play trapper, Knight or whatever, each loop, I got stuck for no reason

    It seems that dev have some work to do about the hitbox in a lot of map, borgo, I look at you

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    It's because they stayed infected and pretty much denied you your power. Even when MfT wasn't around this was the counterplay to Plague, granted everyone was co-ordinated obviously.

  • Member Posts: 658

    Oh yeah that is completely true but MfT also completely rewards this type of play style against her and hurts plague even more. I kinda wish there was a addon on plague right now that exhausted a survivor if they fully infected for x amount of time or something. Right now with MfT this counter to plague is even stronger than before since it kinda removes the risk of being infected. Who cares I'm broken and injured when I can move 3% faster against a tall 115% woman who can only m1....

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    So you make a thread based on a match you had that went poorly for you, complaining about a perk and calling for BHVR's attention to this thread to get it nerfed, but when asked for the footage of the match, you say no you have nothing to prove to us?

    Yes you do. Otherwise your thread and your entire complaint about MfT is null, void & should not be given any serious attention.

    When you bring a thread like this up, the onus on burden of proof is on YOU. No one else. YOU are the one making this thread and trying to show a result scoreboard as proof. That means very little because people want to see how you played, what decisions you made, your pathing, etc. All that matters a lot more than a simple scoreboard screenshot.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    It's just unlucky that the current meta perk is a strong counter to her. But many killers have strong counters as perks. Like if everyone ran Calm Spirit against a Doc (or old Iron Will vs Spirit), then he'd also have a very difficult game, as he'd lose a core part of his gameplay, which is the information his power offers him (unless he brings specific add-ons). But as survivors don't know the killer they're up against, they can't counterpick perks.

    Resilience also becomes stronger vs killers you have to stay injured (like Plague or Legion).

    The problem is that they MfT, while also emplyong a counter strategy. Do you think if they cleansed and gave you your power, you'd have any trouble hitting them even if they all brought MfT?

  • Member Posts: 1,941
    edited June 2023

    Yeah, this forum also houses the same people who told you to let go when your teammate was about to go down when Eruption made you incapacitated, and that you could tell when that was about to happen if you would just bring Empathy.

    Pretty embarrassing ngl.

  • Member Posts: 658

    If the mods don't like this thread then are more than happy to remove it, I don't care. I posted this because I wanted to and I have no reason to share anything with a bunch of strangers on the internet. If you don't like this thread then don't read it and move on with your life. I honestly don't care if you like it or not since you know I don't know you and honestly don't want to know you. Have a blessed day...

  • Member Posts: 405

    only when it causes you inconvenience. if it were the other way around. youd be just fine. Problem with OP is it offers nothing to show the perk was the reason he lost. and yet all hes doing is showing us the final score. then blaming it on a perk.

  • Member Posts: 1,188
    edited June 2023

    Its not about liking a thread or not, lol. Its a forum thread to check out, thats all. Liking it or not has no relevance in terms of agreeing or disagreeing with you.

    Sure, you can rant. Go at it, man. I've done it before too. Most of us have. The difference is when you call for nerfs on things w/o anything more than a result scoreboard screenshot and then when asked to show footage or actual evidence, you clapback 'nope sorry this is enough and i dont need anything else'. So everyone should just take your word and believe it?

    Ahh, yes lets call everyone clowns who disagrees with you when they have every right to, especially considering you have 0 real proof. What people want to see is the match, you don't want to upload it or don't have the footage. But I'm willing to bet you made some dumb decisions or mistakes and there''s probably room for critique on your part.

    You surprised not everyone agrees with you or has the same take? Wow who could have seen that coming. And whether you want to know me or not doesn't matter. You made a baseless thread to rant in because you had a bad match and I decided to reply to it. Fair is fair. Likewise to you, enjoy your day.

  • Member Posts: 4,796

    Not to be too petty, but you did kinda do this exact same thing a couple weeks back, just with Blight instead.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    They said in the first post the survivors stayed injured, when I infered the survivors didn't cleanse they seemed to agree with me (at least that's how I read their reply to me), so this is more a post about survivors using the counterplay to deny Plague hey power. MfT was just the nail on the coffin.

  • Member Posts: 680

    You just want easy game, admit it

    You cry when a healing perk come out for survivor

    You cry when a gen perks come out for survivor

    Now that DH was dead, you even cry for perks who give the possibility to see the aura of the pallet, windows or killer and haste perks

    The dev listen to you, you don't want healing perks, you don't want gen rush perks, look, dev give to survivor a loop perks

    And again, you cry for a perks where, it seems that survivor are more confident to play only injuried

    I'm asking again... What do you want that survivor can play?

  • Member Posts: 2,167

    I was set to be sympathic based off the first few sentences until I saw that it was plague. If the survivors come with a heal build, plague literally makes it worthless. If the survivors come prepared to be injured the whole match, plague is in trouble.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    When I saw this perk for the first time I thought "Oh, it is just 3% I bet it is barely noticeable" but hell it is a game changer. This perk on the hands of potatoes barely does a thing indeed, but on the hands of a decent survivor that knows how to loop it extends the chase so much for absolute no reason. I'm just not playing Deathslinger until this abomination gets nerfed, it simply makes the game unplayable for 110% ranged killers.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Don't you think there should exist certain perks that have a high skill floor? For items atm it's Flashlights and they still get hard-countered by Lightborn and Franklin's. DH could be an earned exhaustion perk, although time will tell how good it is. But shouldn't some perks for survivors be stronger/stronger when it's a good survivor piloting it? With killer powers this is quite true, it's why we accept killers like Nurse and Blight to exist in their current state, because their skill floor (as well as skill ceiling) is considered high. If everyone could play Nurse, she would have been addressed ages ago. But her and Blight are not countered by MfT. Maybe we need a perk that's strong against strong killers in the right survivor hands? (DH pre nerf was quite good vs Nurse and Blight, but the problem was that it was also good against most of the killer roster). But not as impactful against average to low tier killers?

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    One issue many killer mains have with MFT and perks like it, is that they’re universally practical (and thereby good). They aren’t situationally valuable—like Calm Spirit or Distortion; perks that counter specific powers/perk scenarios. Survivors don’t have many perks with broad practicality. But killer mains only seem to complain about those survivor perks that always work.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    Having perks that work in specific situation will make this game even more chaotic in solo survivor. Survivors can't counterpick anything the killer brings from the lobby, cause they have no info. But killers can definitely counterpick survivor items. With Plague you don't even need to bring Sloppy to counter medkits. And for all the other items they can bring Franklin's.

    Killer's also have perks that synergize with all killers, or have had at some point. 6 months ago everyone was running Eruption+CoB, and Lethal is useful on almost all killers, if they want to apply pressure from the beginning of the game.

  • Member Posts: 913

    I've been running Machine Learning/PWYF/NOED/Rancor on Tombstone Piece Myers, and survivors I play against probably feel pretty similarly.

    I haven't seen a whole lot of MFT yet, but it's a broken perk on paper.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    Think those “Don’t chase Survivors with MFT” comments would make more sense if the Killer had some sort of indicator that the Survivor was running MFT.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    The problem isn't the perk having a high skill floor, Flashbang has a high skill floor and it is fine. The problem is that MFT is so absurd when you reach that skill floor that throws balance out of the window.

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