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Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Just a reminder that people will defend anything

Member Posts: 2,207

I'm getting deja vu again.

Just a reminder that some people will unironically defend anything regardless of how bad for the game it is.

Old DS, pre conspicuous nerf DS, release circle of healing, post nerf circle of healing, post post nerf circle, release mettle of man, pre nerf eruption, range nurse, pre nerf medkits, blight add ons, spirit add ons, pre nerf DH, PTB OTR, forever freddy, pre nerf spirit.

Everything mentioned has been nerfed (other than blight and spirit add ons), and were defended by some people. Looking back its easy to say that they serve no place in the game due to how unhealthy they were.

Made for this is todays version of this. It does not belong in the game and it's surprising to see it survive 2 hot fixes.

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  • Member Posts: 1,611

    I assume data shows made for this is fine and that it's not a problem against most killers, so bhvr isn't going to nerf it anytime soon. I personally haven't had any issues with it although I've basically only been playing killer since it came out.

    The only thing "worth" nerfing would be the stackablilty of haste, but doing so would open the hell of a can of worms (If haste can't stack why can regression perks stack ? If if you add a limit to how fast a survivor can be why don't you add a limit to how fast gens can be done ?).

  • Member Posts: 9,429
    edited June 2023

     the game and haddonfield are ok

    They are ok. I play just fine on these maps as killer. Yes even M1 killers, especially M1 killers.

    I also haven't struggled against Made For This as killer. As an M1 killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,369

    tbh, I do think it's being closely monitored. There are certain combinations with the perk that get broken in some situations (e.g. during endgame with Hope against a 110 killer / 115 killer that doesn't have mobility aides).

    Maybe they'll change something about the endurance in the long run - maybe they change something about haste stacking. Maybe they want to collect more data on more combinations and interactions with more killers. --- And maybe it's better to help the killers who really struggle than nerfing the perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Thr DBD ambassador Otzdarva says both of those maps are actually pretty good for most killers. And that’s pretty much what the stats bear out. Also why would they nerf survivor perks that doesn’t really decrease killrates? It seems you just don’t want survivors to have even mildly useful perks. And if that’s what you want, you should ask specifically for it. Show the world what you really are.

  • Member Posts: 3,322

    Most of the community is made up of survivor mains (or people who lean that way). They do not consider those maps unfun. The vocal minority of hard killer mains do.

  • Member Posts: 1,941

    I also like facing Nurse, because she can actually be countered. But when she brings her strongest add-ons, the strategies that counter her don't matter. How can you counter a Spirit who brings Cherry Blossom and Mother Daughter Ring? She effectively has no weakness/counter at that point. Spirit can be fun to verse, but when certain killers bring their strongest stuff they pretty much cease to have weaknesses.

    I have not played enough Singularity to know if this is true for him as well, but they should have some basekit counters. Obviously those weaknesses should not be as prevalent when they bringer rarer add-ons.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I love playing on The Game as killer. It's one of my favourite maps.

  • Member Posts: 1,838

    Very simple change to get around the problem of Made For This and Hope: Made For This deactivates when the exit gates are powered.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Remind me again why Made For This doesn't belong in the game?

  • Member Posts: 256

    Regardless of its own power (I can't comment on it myself as I don't even have it unlocked) it seemingly dwarfs the other haste perks available.

    Dark Theory only gives you a 2% boost, is only valuable when the killer is at risk of snuffing it, and requires considerable strategy and/or luck to get any value at all.

    Hope only activates once all the generators are finished, so you are running a 3 perk build for the majority of the game.

    Other perks like Blood Pact require you to heal and stay within a certain radius of a survivor to get any benefit.

    MfT on the other hand doesn't have these restrictions. You don't have to go out of your way to activate it or really change up your playstyle. You only have to be injured, which is naturally going to happen. It doesn't restrict you from using exhaustion perks either. You can choose to get as much benefit out of MfT as you want and then still DH, Lithe, etc. Out of all the options it is the perk you are reliably going to have active the most. Not to mention you can 99 a heal and negate the 1 shot risk. I struggle to really see a downside or limitation, which is something all the other perks mentioned have.

    It seemingly goes completely against BHVR's design philosophy to introduce a perk such as this. It trumps all the other haste options available by a mile. So I agree it needs a change. God knows the game has enough redundant perks as it is.

  • Member Posts: 498

    Sensible compromises such as?

    Also what would you consider an overpowered toy on the Killer side of things?

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    The addons most agree are overtuned on the stronger killers, I'd consider that.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    I think MFT should go. Not because I think tis op but just because of its effects across the roster. The lower you go, the more you suffer. Also huntress and trickster just straight up lose at tall wall gyms if you dont play really well.

  • Member Posts: 498

    Meh, I don't really care about Blight or Nurse getting nerfed, I just accept the loss if I see them and try to play my best. They're rare enough to where I see them like once every 20 games, and only a few are good enough to end the game fast.

    I'd rather them nerf perks that killers commonly use instead, that would have a much bigger impact on my games.

    That being said, I don't think any killer perk needs a nerf right now aside from Sloppy cause its annoying.

  • Member Posts: 8,741

    I still think it's BS the nerf to Freddy's add-ons under the idea that if someone runs them with certain perks, it adds up. Feel like the better response was just to limit how much stacking you can have on things. Set a limit to how much of a percentage slowdowns/boosts can be so you don't have to nerf everything to insure the stacked values aren't busted.

  • Member Posts: 8,741

    Tombstone piece. Myers overall could use a buff, but the Tombstone piece make everyone iffy on giving him anything. I play alot of Myers, but I hate touching this thing just cuz I know how ######### it must feel to just get deleted from the game without ever going down.

  • Member Posts: 183
    edited July 2023

    Why is it "abuse" to use a good perk? Killers running Merciless Storm only when it was bugged and gamebreaking was abuse. Survivors just have their first toy to play with I'm a loooong time so of course, Killers rush to this forum and will beat the horse until it dies.

    They may as well just nerf it sooner than later because blame on any games lost involving this perk will never stop.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 1,535

    Add another overhyped "mUsT NeRf" new perk to the pile next to Fogwise, Hyperfocus, and Bloodrush.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Fair enough. But those perks didnt make M1 killers unplayable.

  • Member Posts: 1,535

    Neither does a conditional 3% haste that only works for half a chase and doesnt synergize with the most popular exhaustion perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    I've yet to see a single sensible argument detailing how the perk breaks the game in such a way that warrants receiving a nerf.

    All the complaints about it embelish MFT's effect on the average game and neglect to acknowledge the existing mechanics that allow Killers to counter and/or play around it.

    And yet, people continue to make posts talking as if everybody knows this perk is a problem.

    unfun to verse

    I'm sorry, but if this is true, you fundamentally disagree with DBD's core gameplay loop. MFT does not change Survivor gameplay in any meaningful way--it just makes Survivors slightly better at what they already do.

    Goes against BHVRs design philosophy for haste perks (look at dark theory, hope, BP etc)

    The perk follows the same logic as every other perk in the game; low impact, unconditional activation; high impact, conditional activation.

    Self-Care and Circle of Healing have long been among the most popular perks in the game, and medkits have always been understood to be the best item in the game. Dead Hard was THE most popular perk, because it gave injured Survivors a third health state. ...yet suddenly, with the release of MFT, people want to claim that "being injured is not a big deal."

    MFT is a high impact perk with the condition that Survivors need to be in their most vulnerable state. Survivors have long sought to mitigate the threat that came from being injured, so the notion that being injured is insignificant directly contradicts this game's entire history.

    Tiles, structures, maps, and killer powers are not balanced around a 20-30% longer catch up time

    Killer powers are absolutely capable of handling the distance MFT creates. There are a few (Doctor, Legion, and Trickster) who will feel pigeon-holed into running specific perks/add-ons to account for a meta-shift, but everyone else in the roster can play around MFT with their basekit ability.

    I can elaborate on what I've said already, or respond to your other bullet points, should you so desire. Otherwise, I'll leave it there for sake of brevity.

  • Member Posts: 3,515

    "It just makes Survivors slightly better at what they do", "MFT does not change Survivor gameplay in any meaningful way".

    "MFT is a high impact perk".

    So which is it? Does the perk have high impact or is it meaningless? You cant argue that it's activation condition "must be strong" while saying "the perk is weak and meaningless", it literally just contradicts what you are saying.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    The statement:

    MFT does not change Survivor gameplay in any meaningful way--it just makes Survivors slightly better at what they already do.

    refers to how MFT effects the gameplay loop. With or without MFT, nothing about the Survivors' strategy changes. They play the game the exact same way whether they are running MFT or not.

    That is all that statement is saying.

    If you noticed, that statement was in response to OP's comment that MFT is "unfun to verse."

    I don't have time right now to articulate a response to this right now, but seeing as I chose to respond to Iron_Cutlass, I figured I would let you know that I will get back to this when I can. I liked your response.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    I usually don't care about data because like you said, it does not show everything. OoO users died so much and devs did not nerf this perk cuz that for years. But perk was busted asf.

    But i just don't see problem with MfT. 110% killers have range/teleport/speed powers which they hardly feel any difference. 115% killers are mostly anti-loop killers and they can play around it as well. Only problem comes with m1 killers. And maybe we should buff them instead of nerfing fun perk?

  • Member Posts: 1,980

    Don't forget that bloodlust exists for every killer, base kit, no additional effort required.

    For a perk that's hard countered by bloodlust as well as nearly every killer power, there's an awful lot of complaining.

    Pretty sure 'skill' is generally measured by how well someone can use the games base kit. If a killer is kicking pallets on cooldown, never mind games, and never throws a hatchet, that's not a perk problem.

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    For starters, I disagree with your premise that MFT and old Dead Hard are effectively the same. They may seek to achieve the same thing (reaching pallets/windows you otherwise would not have) but they go about it in very different ways, and the way DH does it has always been the community's problem.

    Dead Hard creates the illusion of victory for Killers, leading them to feel robbed when the Survivor 'presses E' and continues running away. Many feel that there is no counterplay to this interaction, putting Killers in a lose/lose situation.

    MFT does not have the "gotcha" mechanic that Dead Hard has, and thus Killers can account for the perk and play around it without the fear of feelsbad surprises.

    The counterplay for MFT is pretty much anything but following the Survivor's exact pathing and relying on math to win you the game. There will inevitably be times where that is the best strategy to employ, but by and large Killers have more at their disposal than you give them credit for.

    You went on to list a ton of Killers who are mildly inconvenienced by MFT.

    Wraith - Body block window, then take free hit or force pallet drop. Rinse and repeat.

    Billy - Downs healthy Survivors, so MFT isn't even a problem.

    Hag - Not a chase killer, so unaffected by MFT. I really need to go through these one by one? To say that all these Killers are hurt by MFT is disingenuous.

    Doctor is perhaps the biggest loser to MFT, but I don't play Doctor so someone more skilled with him than I might be able to tell us what it has been like playing him since the update. Other than that, you've named Trickster, who already struggles unless he's handed a map full of pallet loops and low LOS blockers.

    Also, why does everyone say that MFT "encourages tunneling?" How is that even remotely true? If the perk is adding 20-30+ seconds to all of your chases, you're trolling by over-committing to any one Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 5,762
    edited July 2023

    Ah yes a perk that almost counters basekit mechanics that is mandatory in the game, what a weak perk.

    Lol no, it's opposite of what you believes.

  • Member Posts: 3,115
    edited July 2023

    "the data shows" the data is only part of the balancing for something. This perk makes playing m1's miserable which is the same exact reason old COH had but even then old COH was still very strong despite only being a 50% increase in heal speed.

  • Member Posts: 1,400

    Dear lord this won’t end until the perk is dead in the ground huh.

    I think made for this is totally fine but at this point I wish they’ll nerf it so I can stop seeing these constant threads all saying the same exact thing.

  • Member Posts: 5,596

    On one hand it's more like players don't want things to change... hence the defending

    But on the other hand given the history of the game it seems like players are willing to accept things being changed if they get away from "boring" playstyles

    And having perks that are effective just add to it

  • Member Posts: 730

    And some ppl will constantly whine and defend a position that’s not worth defending because they’re wrong. While med-kits and CoH may have needed changes they are definitely not okay in their current state and saying they’re fine because they needed a nerf is just stupid. Some people will always complain about something that might be too challenging for them or what they perceive as potentially being too challenging for them.

  • Member Posts: 730

    It wasn’t though. Even in its nerfiest state -pre-loss of self-care- the healing rate was still at normal speed because while it had a 50% decrease, at tier 3 it had an all-healing speed boost of 50%. The logical thing to do would have been to instead boost the altruistic healing speed only and keep the 50% reduction speed for self-care. Instead it got nerfed into complete uselessness. Because that’s what ppl want - for one side to not have anything good.

  • Member Posts: 730

    I’m also kind of sick about hearing how “broken” dead hard was and how it couldn’t be countered. You know how you counter it? You hit them, they keep going, you keep going and hit them again. The only problem with Dead Hard was that it could’ve been used endlessly once you recovered. It’s a strong perk and needed an activation condition but making it a one-time only perk took it too far.

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