Your Expectations from Upcoming Mid-Chapter?
Dude again just saying bug isn't a conversation. Again many bugs have been left in this game and have become intended features.
Why is something being unintended by the devs initially mean it needs to be done away with? Give me a reason? It's not what makes him strong, it has good counterplay. What is the actual reason it needs to be fixed?
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A completely undeserved Wesker nerf to reduce his pickrate as it’s unacceptable for killer players to have fun.
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Because he is strong enough, maybe without speed add-ons hug tech is better idk. But i don't wanna keep it at current state.
Wesker is fine. He is popular because people loved him. Any nerf to him will be so unfair and bad. And plus we got 3 terrible killers after him. So it's kinda their fault to not give us fun killers.
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MfT permahaste removal.
Blight addon nerfs
Singularity addon buffs & fixes
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This might be a bit of a radical expectation where this game is concerned but a chapter with NO bugs and NO errors.
Though that's too much asked. I know we'll never have a normally functioning game 😕
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I hope for a few nerfs to Blight, some changes to Garden of Misery (I can't believe it's still in this state after a whole year), multiple smaller killer tweaks (some buffs to Trapper, Myers, Freddy etc) and some nerfs to toolboxes.
What I actually expect is another disaster of a map rework. I'm curious about how bad they can break Garden of Misery.
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Do y'all really go up against the amount of nurses and Wesker's y'all claim? I find it really hard to believe. I've been on a survivor kick and while Wesker is common he isn't at all every other match, or even every 5 matches and nurse is like 1 every 15 games maybe, I main her so I would love to go against all these nurses people claim. As far as blight his base kit is fine, the sheer amount of time it takes to learn his collisions and actually be good with them consistently should be rewarding, just like Billy's curves and oni's flicks. His add-ons def need to be toned down and reworked. A bit like they did with nurse, after her addon nerf less people play her compared to double range/recharge starstruck days.
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This!! I wouldn't care about anything else. How about taking a chapter and fixing all the bugs and glitches once and for all hell take your time with it as long as they get fixed. But in reality we'll get another map and killer kill switched due to some bug they couldn't replicate in their testing but the community can 9/10 matches.
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By that logic, looping also was never intendet back then but once it people did it, they started to design the game around it.
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Trapper - Increase traps held to 3
Legion - Lower Killer Instinct Range
Blight - Addons completely overhauled
Skull Merchant - Longer Drone Cooldown
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Yes. I see wesker a TON when I play survivor. Probably 30-40% of my matches.
I hardly ever see nurse.
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It's hard to say, I don't have many things I can imagine being changed. Mostly just killer add on nerfs.
Blight - Nerfs to speed, Alc Ring, his two pinks and Adrenaline Vial
Spirit - Mother Daughter ring nerfs
Wesker - When unhooked your infection meter won't increase while in a chase or something to lessen his tunnel potential
Skull Merchant - Hopefully some nerfs to lessen her 3 gen potential. At least as a bandaid fix until they come up with a way to solve 3 genning
A couple perk buffs and nerfs for both sides (Mostly looking at Made for This)
And finally the changes they spoke about for Cowshed and Rancid