Umm bhrv I think you messed up on your on your math for yhe event

If a mod/dev could confirm that you can put over 3 points into this, that would be nice
I'm doing the math to get the crow charm and it's not good you would need 333,333.33 repeating people to complete this for 1 node and we need to do it 5 times each decreasing in difficulty
Because 1 person can only put 3 points out of 1m into it meaning 333.3k people need to participate in this challenge
Theres s lot more people playing than 30,000. And everyone can add to the challenge exceeding the three threshold.
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It's actually 1,000,000 / 3 = 333,333.33. So 10 times that. Which makes it even worse...
Post edited by Xernoton on0 -
That's weird tho. I don't even know if DbD has that much players
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I’m pretty certain you can contribute more than 3. You just have to get to 3 to unlock the reward for yourself.
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I really hope so that makes this entire post invalid if so but I can't confirm that
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I would assume that it does. Like the 10 million skill checks or whatever it was, and the personal part was only 8. That would take 1.25 million players.
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But I thought you could but like 20 or more into that one
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I think that would be roughly around the number of active players this game has. Although that is just a guess.
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Your right I forgot a decimal it's 333,333.33 people not 33k
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I just noticed my initial post came across as kind of condescending. Sorry about that. That wasn't my intention.
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You mean if you keep the challenge selected, even after completed, it still counts? I wondered about this. I was afraid you could only add in your personal challenge, which was 3 for the first in the new set.
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I remember this too. I think it was during the Halloween community challenges. It was clarified that each player can only contribute their maximum personal progress. It might be different now. It would be nice to know for sure.
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I’m like 15/3 at this moment
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You forgot the tasks that previous Community Challenges did consist of? Very likely it continues to track your actions even when you have your personally required amount completed.
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No no it's Allright I just made a typo good catch
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Is your progress showing 15/3 ? I am at 3/3 and I just selected the challenge and played another game. I got gold in Lightbringer and it still shows 3/3.
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I reckon that, if you can contribute past the 3, you’d need to have the challenge selected for it to be accredited to it.
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It shows after a match if I remember correctly.
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at the scorebord you get this reading, in the tome it's 3/3. no idea if its still contributing or a visual bug
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They set the bar way too high. At least it's just for a charm, so if we miss out we're not missing out on much. But I feel expecting that many people to care and do the rift is a bit much imo. Even if your progress counts past the initial 3, whos' going to keep that challenge selected and farm gold lightbringer/gatekeeper emblems?
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Interesting. I did play another match with the challenge selected and saw 4/3 at the end of the trial. It would be nice to get clarification as to whether or not it's counting toward overall progress. I've already finished all the anniversary survivor challenges and will gladly leave the community challenge selected if it will help reach the goal.
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Also the hard part with it is I'm sure there are plenty of players like me (in my case, vacation but in others just people who don't play nearly as often or came back for this event) and have a ton of their normal rift not completed.
Those rift challenges give me a tangible benefit (more cakes!) where doing the community challenge doesn't really do anything for me. I got my 3 personal done as necessary but I've been hammering the main rift now as I try to catch up on my rift.
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I did math wrong it's over 300k not 30k
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Yeah I have like 53/3 now. But the question remains if the difference has been added to the sum total.
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I guess we should keep in mind that the event still has a full week and a half remaining.
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I think most of the matches are only contributing 1 point to this challenge
And that means something about the state of the game right now
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yeah we're not getting the charms this time around, maybe one of the two but not both. I think a lot of people are turned off from the tome this time around do to how they've screwed up it is this time. You would think they would've atleast let everyone know about the text being wrong for encore! but no.
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I really doubt the community challenges will be done in 9 days when they require gold emblems. The last one for 3 unbroken or devout emblems is not only going to make matches more sweaty but they literally go against eachother. For unbroken you have to escape while devout you have to sacrifice so if a killer contributes 3 gold devout emblems that means there are 9-12 survivors contributing 0 towards the community challenge. A community challenge should be something BOTH sides can contribute each round.
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Unfortunately that's clearly not enough time for the challenges.
We will be lucky if at least one charm gets unlock since the progression for first challenge is so slow and then there's the next task demanding 700k emblems. I have a strong feeling those community challenges will fail, which is pity as there are people who would want to get those charms but physically can't do that on their own no matter what.
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The adjusted challenges are a lot better.
700k for the current (we're at 687k as of right now), then 200k, then 100k, then 75k.
Those numbers seem a lot more doable and I imagine if we still don't hit it they might extend it by a week. I know some people were complaining of bugged challenges and that's what they did last year if memory serves.
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"Good news, everyone!" (read out loud in the Professor's voice)
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They just dropped the limit to 700K
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This event tome is a bit too grindy, even with the recent adjustments. I get it is possible, but is it fun? Not really.
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So, Number 23221 is my third one.
I am done with this one. Wait for the next...