Flip all 5 offerings at the same time

It doesn't make sense to me that each player's offering flips one at a time. It's an unnecessary time waste because the players aren't even loading at this point. The new Bloodweb is awesome, so you guys should do the same with the pre-match offering screen. Flip everyone's card at once and add an extra second if you want people to be able to register everything coming in. It'll still shave 10 seconds off that screen.
I hope this does nothing actually, because game should be loading in the background already (even during flipping animation).
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I'm pretty sure it's not. The game doesn't start loading until after they all flip which is why I suggested it. If it is loading at that time, it'd be fine, but You don't get the progress bar until after that scene.
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Then the actual correct fix should be for the game to start loading sooner
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I mean sure, but maybe they can't start the game loading until the Offering screen completes. Either way, it seems like a waste of time.