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I Just Can't Play Singularity

I am not saying he is super weak. He is not strong but i don't think he is at weak-side. He is more like B-tier.

His power is not bad in theory. But... Whenever you use his power, it feels so clunky and bad. I don't know why but i am just not enjoying him.

After Trickster and Twins, he is in my worst 3 right now. I don't think any buff can make him enjoyable either.

Maybe he is not killer for me. What do you think? Do you enjoy with this robotic maniac?

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  • Member Posts: 5,279

    He can be A tier when played perfectly. But his power requires insane amount of work for how little reward you get.

    You need to work nonstop to plow through EMPs and keep pressure on.

    I was expecting something more from him. And the fact camera sens on consoles cannot be changed is the final straw for me. I made him P3 during event for perks and probably never play him again, maybe for daily or after they change something to make him feel better to play

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    I agree. He does feel extremely weak against a semi organized team, and his power feels like a glorified gen - checker. It just isn’t very fun. I like his lore and appearance, just his gameplay is eh.

    When you can actually use his power in chase, it can be a little fun, but it’s rare. EMPS are just everywhere.

  • Member Posts: 941

    Its like its missing something.

    Devs said during presentation "with his power survivors may not want to get close and work together to prevent spread the virus".

    This just dont work or is not significant, may not happen and wont be a big loss.

    The control gens part isnt also that insane, is not like Myers or Ghostface that you can mark if you see a feet or something, they can be a little hidden behind that gen and still work on it no problem.

    And during chase can work but require time to set up, trhow meat ball, mark survivor back to hux, survivor EMP and run to next tile, throw another meatball, mark survivor, then you can shoot survivor and THEN you have a chase power.

    Or pick Demogorgon and just M2. (Just a random example of easy chase powers).

    Dont know, on paper Hux seems cool and fine but missing something.

    Also indoors map = F

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2023

    B-tier killers are weak imo, however I brlieve singularity is A tier, I have been having a good time playing him and do not feel the cluckyness, mind you I played a lot of twins before so I feel he is much much smoother.

    However he enter the group of like 90% of the killers where if you play against a team of decent players on a good map they will mop the floor with you and you have little to no agency in the match.

    But if you wanna avoid those situations you just play the good killers the likes of blight, nurse and so on, so I think he is just an average killer that can be good.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    The killer completely fails its class design. You can’t have "with his power survivors may not want to get close and work together to prevent spread the virus", when it’s so powerful for survivors to run up to each other for altruistic EMPs.

    Many of the maps are also poorly balanced for its power. Even if a killer had psychic powers in real life, and knew exactly where a survivor was going to run too, they often wouldn’t be able to tag a survivor via a bipod, because of a combination of too many line of sight blockers, and the inability to launch bio pods ahead of the killer.

    The inability to launch bio pods ahead of the killer can happen a lot in indoor maps, but there are also outdoor maps that don’t have enough trees, or other structures that are noticeably higher up than the surrounding objects. For example, if there are jungle gyms near each other that are all the same height, but no nearby trees, then there really isn’t a good place to attach a bipod to, that can oversee that area.

  • Member Posts: 2,697
    edited July 2023

    I was trying to practice with him against the bots, but that proved to be impossible since the bots were always aware of when you're looking through a pod.

    That being said, with BHVR now letting you carry secondary items as survivor without having to sacrifice your main item, has made playing the Singularity far more difficult than it should be. Attaching a pod to a survivor is difficult enough, but knowing that a survivor can just carry an EMP forever and use it to shut down the Singularity's power at any moment, is a tad much in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I am really enjoying him, more than I thought I would.

    I only started him to get the Steam achievements and at first I found him clunky and frustrating too and I had a rough time for quite a few matches. But then it started to all fall together as his power made more sense and I have been playing him more than any other killer.

    I think he can be almost too much against most solo teams, if you know how to use him and particularly how to use his power in chase

  • Member Posts: 5,951
    edited July 2023

    Singularity is a symptom of the 2 last chapters we had, where the killers were super unfun to face. It's really not bad playing against it and the devs made sure, that there wouldn't be any situations where it felt oppressive. They played it so save on that end that they completely missed the part that the power just didn't work on release because it was constantly getting hard countered.

    Even after the hotfix anyone can counter it's power. When it's not even that strong to begin with. It might work on some loops like shack but on any filler loop? Shift + W and then loop the killer normally once overcloak is over. That is of course if you actually allow the killer to use their power. Because it really comes down to the survivor deciding when this killer's power is enabled. And that's where many people playing as the Singularity fail. To make the few opportunities you have to use this power effectively count.

    If I had to describe this killer in one word it'd be handholding. There is so much handholding for survivors here that you are always going to get countered. Even when the survivors are obviously uncoordinated and not super good in chase either. On the other hand playing this killer is quite hard. In my opinion Singularity is the killer with the highest skill floor in the game and if you lose every single match until you are good with that killer and even then you're only a somewhat good killer, why wouldn't you play an objectively stronger killer instead? They might even be more fun before you reach the skill floor.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Respectfully i disagree. B-tier killers are not weak. Sure they can get some love. Some small base-kit changes, add-on changes but B-tier killers are usually good.

    Nemmy, Doc, Demo etc are some solid B-tier killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    True, but the fact that survivors can just hold on to an EMP forever with their item and use it whenever they need it, has made playing with him really difficult against good teams. The fact that they can use an EMP mid chase, and be altruistic with their teammates makes playing as him frustratingly difficult.

  • Member Posts: 1,994

    Yup Singularity is another survivor-fantasy killer. He has brainless, built-in counters that put him at the mercy of survivors. This is the first killer in my 5 years that I won’t even spend shards on.

  • Member Posts: 76

    it could have been a fun killer but theyre so scared of upsetting survivors these days they practically force feed them an item that completely counters the power at the press of a button

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