Dredge Buff

Not sure if it would be too powerful/annoying / niche but I think it would be nice if he had like 2 seconds of undetectable
He could gain a speed boost similar to onryos when getting out of a locker.
Let me know what you think
A speedboost when getting out of a locked locker is a cool idea tbh.
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Yeah, would make him feel less clunky
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Mh I think an undetectable boon would be kinda pointless on him considering how much noise he makes when coming out of a locker, especially when it was locked.
A speed boost could be a thing but I feel like it might be kinda unfair on certain maps that are rather small and cramped together (looking at you, Midwich).
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i dont think it would be too unfair on smaller maps rather itd just be a nice help, but it will certainly be a help on bad maps with bad lockers.
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Speed boost when getting out of locker would be really good. I think he could also get Boat Key and Haddie's Calendar addons basekit and make survivors lock the lockers take a bit more time(1.5-2 seconds).
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i think it would be too strong. it would outshine sadako's TP's. Maybe they could make it that teleport to a locker has faster animation time to exit out of locker. I am not sure how long it takes to exit a locker as dredge, but maybe the time could be reduced by 50%. So for example if exit animation is 1.5 seconds, perhaps it could be decreased to 0.75 seconds.
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He's perfectly fine as is imo maybe some addons could be redone but what killer couldn't that be said for
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I'd rather have him something like breaking locks instantly if he teleported during chase, might make interesting gameplay.
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Would probably end with him being "too oppressive and plain unfun. TBH I prefered him before he had a strong power."
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Haste after exiting locker sounds very good.
I would like if they nerf a bit the faster locker exit (when the locker is locked) and the skull addon that makes nightfall charge faster per injured player and put that difference into his base kit.
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Maybe a speed boost after busting out of a locked locker or a speed boost after using his last teleport charge.