Do you think all the characters' sexual orientations should be revealed?



  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023

    Well idk if this is too much for the forums so the mods can warn me if it is.

    But when historically LGBT suicide rates are pretty high due to years and years of oppression, hatred, abuse, and even straight up murder. They forced the LGBT community to create Pride as a way to show the world that they exist and will presevere through the hatred that's 100% unwarranted.

    Pride also serves to inspire other LGBT individuals struggling with their identity to realize its not shameful or inhuman to be LGBT and they aren't alone in their struggles.

    If LGBT people were treated respectfully and kindly, do you truly believe Pride would be a thing? I doubt it.

    Most LGBT people would love it if being LGBT was irrelevant and never something that needed to be brought up outside of normal contexts, but that's not the world we live in, and non-LGBT people created the dynamic that exists today.

    If you think Pride is obnoxious and want a world where no one cares what your sexuality is, blame the people who hate LGBT folks and be an ally in fighting discrimination, together we can achieve that future.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092
    edited July 2023

    We cannot. We can fight against discrimination all we want, but it will not go away. Humanity as a species is incapable of such a development.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I don't think a world void of discrimination is possible. It will always exists in some form. However I do think how the lgbt community presents itself to the world is most important and will determine how much it becomes accepted in the future.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
    edited July 2023

    You can reduce it to the point of having the majority of people escape its harm. The entire goal of fighting is to continue the eternal struggle to minimize the effect it has on innocents.

    "Human Nature" is a lazy excuse to justify bad behavior, humans are born with freewill that we can use to overcome instinct. Not to mention just because something is deemed impossible, doesn't make it so.

    If I can be free of hatred towards most people, others are capable of it as well.

    The entire point of my post was to tell the person I quoted that LGBT people are not the attention seekers they're being painted as, so any frustration and vitriol should be aimed at the people who mistreat them to the point where they need to advertise their pride to have a community to feel safe in.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I just think its a bit pointless. Makes no difference if a gay ghosty is chasing me or not.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    Yeah, I think it's hurting now in ways that it didn't used to.

    Five years ago, I myself (as a bisexual guy) would've been annoyed that sexual orientation gets discussed and over-represented to death in every major form of media, but it frankly just didn't feel as dangerous to be LGBT back then.

    There's been such a visible increase in homophobia in society (American society in particular) and homophobic violence in general that, yeah, it suddenly feels important.

    If the idea of someone having a different sexual orientation to you bothers you, you're part of the problem.

    Because that's what you're getting at, right? You don't care about sexual orientation. You (and the people who upvoted your post) just don't want to hear about gay people. Come right out and say it. Am I wrong?

    It would just be awkward if BHVR suddenly released a huge list detailing every character's sexual orientation, but I do think there's room for more visibility.

    Nea is bisexual and you cannot change mine.

    Also, I honestly hated Renato with a passion for some reason (probably his goofy clothes and disgustingly upbeat menu theme) until I got his rift cosmetics, but now I kinda hope he's not straight.

  • Exxodus21
    Exxodus21 Member Posts: 1,170

    You watch too much news or spend too much time on social media. Homophobia violence toward members of the LGBT+ community has only decreased. It wasn't that long ago that casually using the F-slur was mainstream and the worst thing a guy could be accused of was being gay.

    Every little thing is being magnified and amplified right now because it drives clicks and makes money. Now we're at a point where most LGBT+ lifestyles are fully accepted but we still call it hate when the general populace is saying they've had enough of being told to keep accepting it when they already have.

    Maybe I'm different, but having grown up in the south I never could open up about my own orientation, or confusion around it even, but now that I can I just want to have a normal life. I don't want my entire identity to be based around my sexual attractions, and I don't want the main focus of my recreational media to be based around it either. Just give me characters I can relate to whether they're LGBT+ or not.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Is it wrong if they don’t want to hear about gay people? Or trans people? Or whatever sexuality? Doesn’t that seem like an ok thing to not want to hear about? It seems like you’re coming at them for potentially feeling that way. Do you want to hear all about my heterosexuality?

    Just because people don’t support LGBT doesn’t mean they are against them. It is FINE to have a set of beliefs that do not align with LGBT. It is FINE to not want to hear about people’s sexuality or identity, and that’s not being “homophobic”.

    People do not deserve hate for who they choose to be, but people also do not deserve hate or criticism if they don’t agree with your choices or don’t believe in them, granted they don’t interfere with you. Hence… not caring to hear about it.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,652

    First off, "worried" is the wrong the word. I'm not worried but I made a prediction. And that prediction is based on a basic understanding of cause and effect, human behaviour and observations of these. Also, care to explain why you used quotation marks on "worried"? Usually quotation marks in this setting would be used to imply that a word someone used isn't what they actually meant.

    Even in this thread there are people that imply that David is tunneled more often because he is gay. I'd say the fact that this is even an argument already proves that the focus has shifted from the actual premise of the game. It's like a car with a million little gimmicks. Yeah, they all may be nice but the more things there are in your car the more things can break. And we have seen that happen already (blackface Bubba comes to mind).

    Up until now BHVR have handled this situation with as much respect and dignity as possible. I'm sure there will be more LGBTQ+ characters in the future and really for those who care, I think that's a good thing. But using already existing characters and just putting a new label on them can easily feel forced, rushed and disrespectful as a lazy attempt to create diversity without putting actual thought into it. And that would be sure to upset pretty much everyone.

    In my opinion it is the right course of action to have most characters (with only a few exceptions) stay ambiguous. That way you don't alienate anyone from a majority of characters but can still add representatives of a certain group or culture for the people, who care.

    I disagree. You can point out that there is a lot of representation in the horror genre (and you would be right) but that doesn't mean it's intertwined. When I think off horror I don't think about LGBTQ+ at all. Not even a little. If I see them represented, then that's perfectly fine and I'm sure there are a lot of people who are happy about that.

    But really when I think about horror I either think of an uncomfortable atmosphere reinforced by the strange feeling that something terrible is about to happen or graphic horror like gore. You can have a horror film full of LGBTQ+ and you can have basically the same film without any of it. The only real difference is representation. (And maybe the setting. It'd be hard to have a film without LGBTQ+ representation set at a pride parade.)

    Think of the original Halloween film for example. There was absolutely no focus on LGBTQ+ related topics and it definitely fit the horror genre. In Halloween Kills on the other hand, there is a gay couple. And that gay couple doesn't define the film. Because the characters are not defined by their sexuality either. Instead, a gay couple is used as a means for representation, which is a nice way to relate to a wider audience.

    Another example are the Nightmare on Elmstreet films. In the first movie there is no focus on LGBTQ+ related topics and it is classified as a horror film (although you can't deny how goofy some of it is). Compare that to (I believe) the third one in the series where there was gay representation. Did it change the premise of the film? No. Could you have had basically the same film by adjusting only that part? Yes. Because sexuality and gender don't define horror and ideally they don't define characters (mostly because then you'd have to conform to stereotypes).

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    I don't see the point, we are all human, why let race, gender, sexual orientation etc ruin that.

  • JocelynAwakens
    JocelynAwakens Member, Administrator, Mod, Co-ordinator Posts: 1,618

    In an ideal world, perhaps, but for the world we live in, this representation matters.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564
    edited July 2023

    I was thinking to reveal all characters whatever they are (straight or LGBT+) but leaving them to our headcanon is also works. For example, Kate and Mikaela are straight girls for me but for someone else they can be lesbian or whatever they want.

    I agree with you for new characters. They should leave existed characters however they are. We have no clue about most of them. So leaving them to people who plays them is good idea. But they can add new characters for different reps. Like lesbian rep or trans rep. I'd support this tho.

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Why though? If he's determined to be hetero gay or bi what difference does it make? Nothing fundamentally changes about who he is. He isn't real, and most importantly sexuality doesn't define who he is, or who he will be. It doesn't determine if he will be brave or a coward. It doesn't determine if he will be the most successful kite flyer ever. it changes absolutely nothing about him.

    Nothing changes. Sexuality doesn't define who people are and shouldn't play a single factor in character design. Why not just leave it as a blank slate and just give everyone cosmetics that support pride in some way?

    Everyone wants someone they can relate too and if its a blank slate you can choose who you relate too most based on who the character is. Not by sexuality, but by their actions, where they come from and what they've done.

    Having said that, anyone else hope we one day could get some rocky horror picture show cosmetics?

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2023

    Keep hearing this. Still would like a reason why this matters. Its important to those who it is important to, I understand this and will not discount it. But I still seek education on why. if its different for everyone individually, then nvm. That would be enough for me to understand.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    You're exactly right. Its important to who it is important to. The notion of "representation matters" is not a universally held belief. It doesn't matter to everyone. In fact I'd argue most people don't care about this. I believe it is a complete waste of time and resources to try and represent the diversity of the world in fiction because it might resonate with someone out there. Instead I think creating characters that will appeal to as many people is possible is a much better pursuit. This is why I mentioned super heroes earlier. They appeal to large amounts of people even though they are often completely different from everyone in the world.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I think it’s best to leave some characters to our own imaginations. Not everything has to be assigned something concrete.

    besides, sometimes it’s nice to have some mystery in life.

  • Gorik
    Gorik Member Posts: 175

    But why promote our differences as a means of solving the issue?

    If you are you, and I am me, and we are human, then surely we don't need to add anything else to it.

    If we segregate ourselves into all these groups, then all we are doing is bringing attention to our differences like they are something to be analyzed, rather then saying I am a human just like you, so I am going to act like a human and do what we humans do.

    My Dad once said something to me that never left me.

    He said, "Back when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s, all I wanted was to be able to walk down the road safely, and to be treated like everybody else, like a human being, rather then be treated like I was some abomination or different to anyone else around me, nothing more."

    That changed my perspective forever, he didn't want pride marches, special representation and to be singled out for the way he was born, he just wanted to live his life like everyone else.

    I think the world we live in now is many, many times better then the world my Dad grew up in, now a days if you walk down the road holding hands with a same sex partner, or in clothes people don't think you belong in, sure maybe a few people will be idiotic, but that number is significantly smaller then it was, and gets smaller every day.

    All the battles have been one, all we are waiting for is the War to end, and time will see to that.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Why does it matter in a horror video game where the characters are literally being murdered? I understand that in REAL life it absolutely does matter and it IS important, but not in a murder game... For example GTA is a better platform than this one for something like representation because a open world environment where you can choose whether you're good or bad and have free roam for a variety of activities in game, it makes more sense for people seeking representation in a game that mirrors a more extreme version of life with a ton of gameplay options, however why does it matter in a game where they're gonna be slaughtered and more likely to be targets of harassment? It seems like that's what people want to happen apparently because last time I checked this game only has the option of being a maniac killer or trying to survive being slaughtered by said maniac.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,699

    I feel like representation is BHVR's bread and butter.

    I may not always agree with their design and balance choices, but presently I feel as though they are setting the industry standard for representation in a live service game.

    The way and rate in which they are diversifying their roster feels incredibly natural, so I'd say they should keep doing what they are doing. If there are people who still feel underrepresented in the game, I hope for their sake that something they can relate to will find it's way into the game sooner rather than later.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295

    I prefer if they go the route of revealing that specific information for everyone if it's relevant to the story in some way and each character has personality in lobby somehow. It feels pointless telling a backstory for a character or even adding to it when most characters don't have personality past their cosmetics. Gabriel for example has voice acting in the opening of DBD and in the lobby and I think that's awesome. I want more of that and even developing relationships and interactions of survivors around the campfire as they work together to survive. It's not necessary in game but it would help a lot in the lobby if BHVR wanted to expand on characters more.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,652

    Agreed. Adding new characters specifically as members of the LGBTQ+ community is probably the most sensible way to handle this topic. More representation is not a bad thing (quite the opposite) but the more ambiguous characters there are in the game, the less you alienate players from them. And you might even upset people by defining just one character's sexual orientation.

    Imagine if it was clarified that Yui was straight. Many see her as lesbian (and I see where they're coming from) and making her straight will upset them. The same thing could happen, if she was revealed as lesbian. In David's case (as far as I know) there wasn't really any speculation, which is why it worked as a 'fill in the blank'.

    In BHVR's case, I think it's best to let them handle this naturally. They have proven that they will not stand for discrimination and support diversity in the most responsible way and the more naturally it happens the less problems you cause.

  • Slurpin
    Slurpin Member Posts: 107

    I've responded to the other person regarding this and I clarified that I found obsessing over every character's sexual orientation is very strange to me and borders on unhealthy. Knowing every character's orientation isn't about representation anymore, it borders on obsession. This applies also to people who put way too much attention to it, barring academic work.

    Representation is fine. I think its importance in generic media is severely overvalued, but I'm actually fine with it. I do not think the notion itself is close to unhealthy.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    You can be whatever sexual orientation you want, but it doesn't mean you have to put out a memo regarding it. I can see a same sex couple holding hands, and think that's great and good for them, it doesn't mean i need written confirmation of their sexuality.

    So has Diablo, so has Guldan, so has Nagash in Warhammer and Deckard Cain.

    Plenty of fantasy characters have massive amounts of lore, but they don't all include what they got up to in the bedroom.

  • devotedDBDenjoyer
    devotedDBDenjoyer Member Posts: 269

    "You can be whatever sexual orientation you want, but it doesn't mean you have to put out a memo regarding it. I can see a same sex couple holding hands, and think that's great and good for them, it doesn't mean i need written confirmation of their sexuality"

    their lore is where we learn about the characters, not them holding hands... because this game is not a game where characters hold hands at any point.

    there is no other way other than lore to find this information out. so a "written confirmation" actually holds weight...

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Just like David, they could make em gay and it won't change much I guess. I don't care that much, being some guy after all. But it's whatever.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I completely agree. It seems counterproductive to the cause when people segregate themselves into groups revolved around gender and sexuality. Now there are flags for specific genders and sexualities. What is the point of it all? It all seems very narcissistic to me. I don't see how any of this brings lgbt people any closer to being accepted in the world. I think its much more effective to simply create characters and implement them in stories the same way any other character would be. Not being set apart or highlighted because your gender or sexuality is outside the norm.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    I'm sorry, I'm sort of boomer, not "woke" or any of this stuff.

    I think who ######### who and in which positions should be left in the bedroom. It's a personal matter of people.

    I agree that legal rights should be provided for everyone, but on jurisdicional level. No "quotas", "marches" or similar .

    So, please, let the characters alone, ffs.

    (interesting how quickly I'm gonna be banned for controversial opinion)

  • Olokun
    Olokun Member Posts: 266

    My answer is No ... Why ?

    Because it cause too many Problems than it solve. it séparate the community instead of unite it.

    in a real story game like rpgs yes but not in a horror multiplayer game.