Bots shouldnt make it into live servers

Im a killer main, and yes, the game does become killer sided when a survivor disconnects.
But come on dude, i dont want to fight 2 bots and get hit with a DC penalty after the last human survivor remaining kills himself on hook.
I dont want the stupid bloodpoints, the EXP or anything. I want to PvP. If i wanted a PvE game, I'd play custom.
I think when a survivor becomes a bot, the killer should not have a DC penalty anymore. I dont want to fight a stupid computer just because some jackass decided to leave the game.
They could make the match end if there are no human players left anymore.
As long as there is at least 1 survivor human player, it's still PvP, just like you want it to be.
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There isn't many circumstances that cause a human player to DC, so that makes it more often a Killer action causing the DC in soloq. This also will help the ragequit to deny a hook perk/Mori into not occurring any more (or at least still giving the Killer value). Both ends its a win for people not acting like jerks.
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There are so many reasons why players DC, and yes a good many of those reasons are bad. However, currently many of the servers are crapping out and forcibly tossing people. And to be fair this game has always been not too stable to begin with, especially on console.
In my own experience I've manually left a game like three times or so in approaching 2k hours. But dozens of not hundreds of times I've been disconnected by lagging out, game freezing, losing the host, or a rat farting in a corner of the map. It really doesn't take much with this coding. Unless you're super duper lucky or are on the absolute strongest of gaming PC's you're experienced this for yourself. Probably far too often.
The bots aren't the best solution, but are better than what we've had for 7 years now. I do like the idea of the trial ending when all human survs are gone as well.
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Okay, that's all fine and dandy, but I can ensure you that the remaining survivors also don't want to play a 3v1.
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The entire bot system is ripe for abuse on both sides. *This should never go live*
Survivor squads who just DC at the start and trap a killer in a full bot lobby game or face disconnection.
Also can't wait for the last survivor player to be camped as a slug on the ground for 4 minutes while the other bot survivor does gens, is stuck somewhere, or is just given hatch as BM.
If they want to implement something for DC's, they should leave the disconnected player's body in the game for 30-45 seconds, then the entity eats them. No room for abuse, and killers can still get their adept/perk triggers, whatever.
This bot system will only lead to more disconnects. For some people, the only thing keeping them in a game like that is to be a good teammate and not leave the team short... But that's what the bots are for after this update...
So people will just drop more often because the bots will be the official, BHVR-sanctioned player replacements in games they don't want to play. They don't have to play the game, and the team doesn't have to be short a player. *This isn't sanctioning or condoning this behavior, but this is an observation about human nature.*
That feels like rewarding disconnecting if you aren't 100% satisfied with the match. I don't think you should be making a disconnect feel like a win-win scenario, ever. Players shouldn't be disconnecting at all, for any reason, and the game would be far better in the long run if BHVR invested even a fraction of these resources on literally any of the reasons people disconnect, instead of a bot band aid fix.
Games are overwhelmingly one-sided, to the point that at least one player doesn't get to actually play the game. Let's start with that one instead of just letting people continue to disconnect and slapping a bot in their place.
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The concerns you have would be changed once the Mori Update comes online tho.
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This content has been removed.
that was cancelled. lol
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I highly doubt it will ever get to live servers.
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Fix reasons why people disconnect, really?
How do you want to fix sore losers? Remove disconnect button?
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Source for cancellation?
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So, to be clear. You dont want to play with 3 survs and bot, because bot is not a human player, and you prefer playing only with 3 players, because they are not bots? You know you can just kill a bot and still play with 3 human players? Or ignore a bot and play just with 3 human players?
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You are suggesting that boits will encourage players to disconnects... while disconnecting players do not look back on their team. This change at least will help survs do their objective, and will help killers with achivments/challanges/daily and with some perks that require survivors
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I really don't get how anyone could argue against disconnect bots.
You have to be a hard tunneling killer main, who loves making players DC for an easy 3v1 if you think bots are a bad idea. I have no other explanation.
"Oh, I don't wanna play against a bot", then either just focus on the other human players or just easily kill the bot and get it over with. They are bots, if they loop you for a few minutes, that's a you issue
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I dont mind having 1 bot in a 4 survivor group. Maybe you should read my post before giving your opinion lmao.
I just dont want to stay in bot majority / only bot games after survivors DC.
And no, i dont tunnel. In fact, in most of my games i get the first kill at 7/12 hooks.
Now respectfully, shush. Stop trying to antagonize people.