My concern with the anti-face camp feature coming soon

NOT TALKING ABOUT REASSURANCE. The unhooking progress will merely slow down, not stop, when another survivor is near by. Loopers are just going to run to hooks. This will force free credit for a hooked person to unhook themselves despite the killer having no intention of being near that hook. If a survivor is near a hook, the unhook timer shouldn't slow - it should entirely stop. It's a bit silly to remove killer pressure simply by a survivor heading to a hook in chase.
They tried this whole stopping the timer thing before. Survivors just used it to troll each other by keeping the person on the hook indefinitely. Not a good idea.
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In the very first ptb it was tested put in
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I used to think like that was a good idea, until it was tested before in the first ever PTB according to some veteran player back in beta 7 years ago. It simply won't work as intended and can be exploit by swf or any Survivor in communication to keep a hook survivor alive on the hook forever everytime a Survivor is near.
In a way, I think the new changes is perfect fine; as smart and aware survivors teammates will be aware that you are on the hook and will do their best to keep as much distance as possible. It not your fault if you have ill advised/bad teammates whom intentionally run to the Hook with the killer in tow; if anything that is just bad luck for your situation.
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What will Do.
is Cause survivers to further Grief the killer.
theres already
Body Blocking
Flashlight saving
Hook sabo
Borroed time basekit that Stop Tunnling.
do Bully Sqwads really need (Get out of Jail Free Cards)?
It would DESTROY The Entire Killer Community.
then survivers would hardly find any matches cause no one would play killer anymore.
then the survivers would stop playing cause they wouldnt be able to find any matches.
It would Kill the Game.
And the Game is Fine.
if a surviver gets knocked down after Borrowrd time and body Blocks by team mates.
Dont change the Game To make Bad Survivers good survivers
and Good killers bad killers.
Thats not how you balence a game.
thats how you Miss manage and Kill a Game
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summed up post "Noooo I need to camp and tunnel to win, game is fine as it is! Trust me broooo"
should just change the name of the game from Dead by Daylight to Camped by Tunnel
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That would be griefing hooked survivor. Because devs already stated that a, hook timer will substantially slow if other survivors are near hook as well as killer (risking posibility, that said survivor will be unable to unhook himself at all) b, open said freshly unhooked survivor for easy tunnel.
To sum up - it would be stupid and inefficient to swarm the hook or chase around it instead of chasing away from hook and working on gen. You as a killer will still want survivors to chase near hook.
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As far as I'm aware, the anti-camp feature hasn't been in a PTB yet. I'm not talking about reassurance. I'm talking about the timer that builds when the killer is near the hook. Once it's full, the survivor can unhook themselves. They said if a survivor is near, that this timer will continue to build but slower. How I understood it, this doesn't keep a survivor on hook longer, the anti-camp mechanic simply builds a meter that, when full, the hooked person can unhook themselves. I'd imagine they would still be going through hook phases, so I don't see how a survivor could troll the person on hook by running to them....they would still die just as fast as normal if no one unhooked them.
Long story short, a survivor could just run to the hook and loop around it which would kick in the anti-facecamp feature that will allow that person on the hook to unhook themselves.
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We don't know how fast it would trigger. So, for now, we should wait for that PTB and see what they propose.
+Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they say they would build even slower when killer is chasing someone near the hook?
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Lmao So many things people will say that will "kill the game" or "nobody will play killer" and yet we're still fine aren't we?
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Oh that's interesting. Not really sure how I feel about it. While I do think getting camped is pretty trash, sometimes you have to secure a kill and if Survivors are clouding the hook, I don't really think the hooked survivor should be given a self-unhook just because the Killer is defending the hook from others.
We already have a perk that guarantees a self-unhook if the survivor already has unhooked someone else. I think that's enough imo.
If they're camping, sure let it happen. But if they're actively in a chase near the hook, I don't think it should progress at all. It would incentivize the other survivor to either pull the Killer away from the hook or make a risky play for the hook trade.
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Aye, that's my point. It will slow - not stop - if a survivor is near. That means a survivor being chased can just loop the killer near the hook and the person on hook gets free (albeit slower) progress to unhook themselves.
That's what I'm saying. If a survivor is near the hook, the hooked survivor should not get ANY free self-unhook progress.
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Depending on speed - it could be so slow, that his next hook phase would come sooner then the actual full bar. Suppose the speed when chasing near hook took bar to get full in 120s - in this case I think it would be absolutely OK (If killer facecamped for some time and THEN people swarmed the hook for full duration, a survivor that was never hooked would probably be able to unhook himself just before he fully expires - 1 free hook state secured + easy tunnel). But again - we will see... Sure it shouldn't progress quickly if survivors are actively chasing near hook.
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Yes it's an absolutely horrible idea. There already is an anti-camp feature - it's called doing gens. Gens get done so fast now you can't afford to camp. This feature is just more capitulation to the whiny survivor class.
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my concern with the upcoming "anti-camp" mesure is that its absolutely BRAIN DEAD EASY to exploit.
depending on the proximity to a gen (which is purely RNG), the survivors have the potential to get a free unhook AND a free gen if some progress is already applied on it. Survivors will simply prioritise hooks next to gens, its as simple as that.
gen rushes are already easy as hell to perform with BNP+provethyself and people run MFT with hope/adrenaline... they get endurance from hook which gives them a full FREE HEATLH STATE that they already abuse the HECK out of.
Survivors currently have ALL THE TOOLS THEY COULD NEED and then some to spare.
I am of the opinion that not only should the change not go online at all, but they should also remove endurance from hook and have healthy people come to hooks and trade in hits as this is what the original game was balanced around.
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you clearly don't follow any killer content creator that stopped posting or outright started playing fun games lol.
One I can attest to however is that most survivor mains I follow on the medias that cried that the nerf to DH would kill DBD casually switched to MFT and are very silent bout it rn.
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And? It just killed it for them, not the game
No matter what they might do and how much ppl cry about how it will "kill the game", it won't
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It probably won't until a certain game that is about to hit the scene drains the whole player base lol
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Yeah it needs to stop or just take sooo long to do build up that it's not worth. That and removing any endurance effects so if they get off they aren't protected by anything.
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How would u exploit it? If survs come to hook, progress stops. If survivor intentionally drops in 3gen, killer still has at least 3 hooks he can choose from - and all he needs is pick 1 outside of his 3gen. Or go at it in a different way and still intentionally hook at 3gen (now survs need to be away for progress to build quickly enough - not allowing to work on gens and looking as they regress, or swarm the hook and stopping whole progress).
Devs stated, that the mechanics should work for facecamp instead of proxy camp or swarming or endgame secure. I see literally no way how to abuse it at all - not to mention brain dead easy way to abuse.
Also your mft+adren combo speaks for yourself. You don't think about what you say. You play killer and want "braindead easy games" and that's it. Anything that can be said to get to that result just MUST be mentioned no matter how stupid it is...
And tge last tidbit about removing endurance - yes because it's fun to stay opposing to hook, waiting for unhook, smacki g the person while he's in animation lock and hooking such person again. Make camp+tunnel so braindead easy and consistent, that there's no way how to loose as killer (or force again for every single survivor to have to have borrowed time to have chance to play the game. But I would not be surprised for your next goal to be to remove "such unfair op and overused perk")...
Frankly, I consider that trully pathetic. But to each their own. Thankfully you can't change the game.
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Removing endurance from, speaking of brain dead easy to exploit
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I mean yeah, its an extra health that guarantee an escape in end game.
so it does not get any more brain dead than that even without it.
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read my post again, I already explained how it would get exploited.
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This mechanic doesn’t address tunneling or proxy-camping at all. Just camping while standing at the Hook.
I think a lot of survivors will be rather disappointed when it arrives.
I’m also concerned how quickly the close-range buildup occurs, given that Killers quite literally are in front of the Hook after Hooking a Survivor.
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And I still don't understand. If survivors are close to hook, the progress bar slows down. I still see no way how to exploit it. Maybe you forgot that devs said it will go very slowly if survivors are nearby?
As a killer I will be touching survivor on the hook. Let other survivors unhook. Once he's unhooked, press M1. 0 chance to bodyblock (there's no mechanics that would allow other survivors to push me away from the hook). If I have lightborn and survivors did not bring borrowed time (and hooked person breakdown), then I have LITERALLY and precisely 100% guarantee of a kill in endgame. You talk about exploiting and in the same thread suggest a thing that's braindead easy to exploit yourself.
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The devs said if survivors come near the hook, the progress for self unhook does NOT stop - it just slows.
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Yes. And we will see their implementation of the matter. Sure enough it depends how much they slow the progression. My guess would be it would take longer then single hook state. We will see the implementation.
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Honestly, trying to argue with Gandor is pointless, that person as no ability to read a post they disagree with.
It's not a hard concept to understand for the love of god.
if you give agency to the survivors by giving them free stuff, they will ALWAYS seek to maximize their benefit from it by using it in unintended ways.
for example, body blocking with the endurance from hook during end game to guarantee an escape for the entire party.
the same concept applies here, if the case where they get to unhook for free AND get endurance on top of it, you can bet your mom that they will wait for the very last moment to self unhook to waste a maximum amounts of the killer's time while their friend just circle around close enough to trick the killer into a "proxy camp" situation.
the reality of it is that sometimes, the situation dictate that the killer stay around a hook to pressure the survivor, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that, not only that, but if survivors are smart, a face camper will play to their advantage as they are free to slap on gens at the cost of, worst case scenario, a single survivor death.
Survivors have way too much freebies as is, we need to either rollback those buffs or at the very least, offer something to killers that will help balance the game once more.
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