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Seriously killer is just not fun

Member Posts: 1,782

I'm sorry but explain why it is that one good match means constant borage of nothing but high skill survivors also saying "survivor level doesn't matter" it kinda does the number of times I've entered lobbies and was having to go against a level 100 survivor I'm sorry but no survivor level does matter because it means their extremely skilled so no matter what I will lobby dodge because that survivor level means that oh your going to have a not fun time. I'll even know when I lost if I have four hooks and two gens are left yeah no then I already lost. Out of every possible version of matchmaking the game had here's how I rank them best to worst.

1. Skill based matchmaking(PTB)

2. Rank matchmaking

3. Skill based matchmaking(Live)

I just want to know what happened to Skill based matchmaking because the PTB version was good I faced people my skill level and had fun now all it is, is just countless times as killer high skilled survivors no matter the time of day, how many breaks or even bad marches I have. For survivor it's a mix bag but still at least a good bag I have bad teams but I can get good teams or I get good killers(skill level) or I get killers that just want to slug and camp. Playing killer now is just a massive chore of not trying to get frustrated over how the game thinks "oh yeah he can definitely face a P100, a P78 and two P14". While playing survivor is like a mine field of mainly what type of match am I going to have.

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  • Member Posts: 1,782

    I won't lie I seriously wish some of the killer perks went back to being good like NOED and Pain Residence just so I could not lose it in the match.

  • Member Posts: 189

    Eh, I got to a point where I just throw matches just to get into longer chases or do something fun. Taking perks for fun means I gimp myself from the start.

  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Kinda feel you here. Going perkless killers because I can and it's funnier, while as survivor I have 4 strict perk that I can't remove any of them so match won't end in first minutes (usually, if some "trouble-in-finding-fun-killer" decides to camp/tunnel as usual, then build doesn't matter).

    But I should make that point of "survivor is minefield" is completely true, and it's terribly frustrating, I literally start to feel pain when I start to go as survivor.

    As a killer? If it's chore, you make it chore. Game is totally "killer-centric" (I'm not saying killer-sidied, although I feel that way), killer sets the pace, the progress and how things going on. It's chore? Well, it is if you make it chore.

    I wish I could see personal statistic (how many matches I played, with who, etc), but in thousands of matches as a killer, I can't remember a loosing time when I felt "oh, it's not because of me, it's the game too unfair". Either it either I was sloppy, or unskilled, or didn't pay attention.

  • Member Posts: 1,842

    Survivor prestige level is irrelevant. It's simply the amount of bloodpoints they've invested into that particular survivor. They don't suddenly become worse at the game because they've decided to play their Prestige 6 Nea instead of their P100 Meg.

  • Member Posts: 6,140

    Except it's the same playing survivor. I can usually predict when I'm about to get a more experienced killer or a less experienced killer based on my cycle of wins and losses. I have a notepad where I record everything and it's like clockwork.

  • Member Posts: 296

    Play chill. Don't count on winning most of the time. I'm doing the anniversary with trickster which makes it difficult but fun. Almost as much fun as lightborn making the flashlight bully squads annoyed.

  • Member Posts: 451

    That's actually my bad. I misremembered who said "Killers are not allowed to play casually with fun builds most of time" and I wanted to chime in with how I play with literally any random build I have and still find a more than respectable amount of success. I thought it was the OP, but it was the first commenter.

    I read the whole thread and I mixed up who said what.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Don't read "Farm BP" as "Oh, I feel like doing my killer dailies today" but rather "My last 5 matches as survivor ended with a Terrormisu combo getting wasted by a face camping or tunneling killer and I left the match with 3k BP, time to switch sides."

    I'd have understood people doubting me because I play very few killer matches back in 6.1 when I truly started playing killer, but you don't understand how much more I'm playing killer the more patches get released.

    I'm having very little patience for survivor matches anymore. I can't put 5 times the effort I put into my Killer matches just to leave with 3 times fewer amount of points. My survivor matches are streaks of 3 days without a single escape, without progress in my tomes nor the ability to do my dailies, so lately I've been so fed up I'm giving survivor matches a few tries and if things don't go well I spend the rest of the day playing killer. And I'm not exactly someone who plays videogames an hour or two per week.

    Playing Killer non-competitively is far, far easier and more forgiving than playing Survivor non-competitively.

  • Member Posts: 45

    It'll get worse because I think a lot of Killer mains are going to stop playing through this event. Some nights I am running the map, others I can't do anything right. But rarely is it a mix. A few bad nights in a row and I kinda don't want to play anymore. I could see the Killer numbers drop as we go. I don't think many Killers would argue if you want to play competitively it's very hard to do it right now.

  • Member Posts: 2,657

    One of the biggest reasons is they balance both roles differently. They seem to want to balance survivor for the casual level but then turn around and balance killer for the higher level of players. This makes it so the casual killer experience is just terrible. Killers are expected to know how to run every tile correctly know every map in and out and have to Mico as well. This is why killers sweat when the role requires you to sweat or get face rolled every game.

    Maybe they will focus on the casual killers one day but they haven't in 7 years so....

  • Member Posts: 411

    I feel the opposite but I think I'm starting to feel like both sides are unfun. I can play killer for a while and never get bothered really. Three matches in as survivor though and the urge to let go on hook or dc every match sets in, until I just quit playing. What's bad is as much as I want to keep blaming teammates or camping killers, the truth is, they probably don't like the way I'm playing either.

    The options for survivor just aren't what they once were, in my eyes anyway. It's turned into either play to win, or play to have fun knowing you'll probably lose. I don't mind either but the issue is you may get matched up with 2 trying to win and 2 goofing off. I will say that the few times my brother and I play together it feels like a completely different game. Because at least I know one person will be doing something.

    I can enjoy killer for a while but I've gotten to where I find it more dull than anything.

  • Member Posts: 679

    I mean I can play non meta killers with what I would class as non meta perks and still dominate matches on a pretty regular basis so I don't think that's entirely true. I've been playing for a fairly long time without using gen regression perks now so that might have something to do with it. I quite often run only lethal pursuer as a way of practicing using only a killers power and even win pretty regular using only that.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Game may throw you bunch of potatoes that you can go against perkless if you want but don't let that confuse you. When it's a match with decent survivors, you will quickly notice how much effort you need to put in order to stay in the game. Survivor experience compared to this is walk in the park, regardless of the outcome.

  • Member Posts: 442

    The killrates are at 60%, the highest it's ever been, and we're in the middle of an event with tons of casual players.

    So no, if you want to chill as killer, you can. It's literally the best time ever.

  • Member Posts: 1,129
    edited July 2023

    Lol people still quoting 60% from almost a year ago.

    At this point that number is just a meme number.

    To OP

    I suggest not playing Killer if you aren’t having a fun time. You decide what your definition of fun is, be it using meme builds and getting 0-1 kills or meta strats and sweating for 3-4 kills. Don’t let others gaslight you into deciding what’s fun. Some people may have a different Killer experience from you, but region/time that you play/Killers that you like will influence the experience that you have.

    If you don’t like Killer already, don’t play the role for your mental health. This game isn’t worth it. You deserve better.

    Post edited by appleas on
  • Member Posts: 2,504
    edited July 2023

    Maybe Killer just isn't for you. Maybe try your hand at different killers if it's a skill issue... This game is also not for everyone. Sometimes it's better to move on to something you do find fun rather than sit in your own misery.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    idk mmr feels like it is doing its thing to me; if i'm on my main and am constantly winning, matches turn competitive real quick and when i'm playing other killers lobbies i get are quite weak. but for the current "high mmr" state of the game, it's not all that fun and memey that's for sure. there have been a fair amount of matches where i loosen up just to prolong it for points and lost because of it. it feels like there is no room to play relaxed and for fun sometimes.

  • Member Posts: 707
    edited July 2023

    Potato or chill streamers, people who suicide on hook for whatever reason, trolls, people who refuse to do totems and die to noed, people who are left to die by griefers and so on.

    You still do wonder how the kill rate is 60% on average?

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    While BHVR isn’t the best at sharing interpreted data, I would be in favor of looking at recent up to date numbers instead of dropping 60% casually. Given how much changes the game has undergone such as the addition of the Survivor HUD, the rise and fall of the gen kick meta, dead hard nerf and heal changes, the Kill rates not fluctuating much would be a surprise.

    Your thoughts on streamers getting decimated by Killers may have some weight, but streamers don’t make up the entire playerbase.

  • Member Posts: 679

    If I'm running perkless I expect to have a hard game that's why I do it.

    So you're saying playing survivor is now easier than playing killer? No offense but if you consider playing solo queue survivor easier than killer then it might be skill issue. You can literally watch multiple people streaming killer that run random fun builds and non meta killers that barely ever lose.

  • Member Posts: 442

    What is your point? apparently the whole survivor playerbase is so bad at the game, and yet killers need to be buffed even more? How easy do you want this game to be? We are already talking of players getting HUNDREDS of wins in a row.

    You are correct, 60% is an average. Personally when I play killer I win 80% or more, which is still pretty mediocre compared to what I see on Twitch (including survivor streamers who are so bad at the game but weirdly enough when they play killer to warmup suddenly they 4k every game).

    The first time I played Nurse, I won 46 games in a row. Then I posted the VODs here to show that balance is a joke, and the first reply I got was a PH main saying how bad I was for getting only 46 wins because he got 100+.

  • Member Posts: 442

    I'm "dropping" the number 60% because it is the latest and most reasonable number that we have, once BHVR gives us a new numbers I'll say the new one. Personally I don't believe this number makes any sort of sense, there is MMR in this game so the killrate should be 50% - the fact it's not is already an absurdity by itself. It's possible that the game has become so easy that MMR can't even achieve 50% anymore, or it's possible that BHVR data is completely nonsensical and cannot be trusted at all (wouldn't surprise me given that Nightlight killrates have almost always been at ~50% regardless of patch, which makes much more sense).

    But the point is, this number was recently at the highest it's ever been, and we're in the middle of an event, so killer gameplay is likely the easiest it's ever been. If OP finds the game hard now, they might as well stop playing already because it's going to be much, much worse in 2 months when the playerbase will drop by 50%.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    eh I play blight and get super satisfying gameplay which typical 2ks.

  • Member Posts: 707

    I don't know what kind of survivors you get when you play, but the ones I do when I play as a killer don't mess around doing random stuff and do play efficiently most of the time, leaving me little room for a mistake. Meanwhile when I play as survivor if killer doesn't try to tunnel someone one out asap or camp I escape matches without too much trouble.

    What streamers do don't concern or interest me because the players they get are closer to their physical location and the ones I get are closer to mine. This means my experience can be absolutely different compared to theirs. What I can say for certain is I clearly have much more relaxed and enjoyable experience as survivor than as killer now when in past it was completely opposite.

  • Member Posts: 707

    My point is that there's no sense in bringing killer kill rate or win streak as an argument for balance when there are so many factors that can contribute to those numbers yet are completely ignored.

    I don't know what kind of streamers you do watch that 4k every game. Must be some gifted pro players out there. The ones I used to watch would get from 0k to 4k and 0e to 4e respectively during the course of the entire stream session.

  • Member Posts: 795

    How many hours on killer do you have? Anyone with thousands of hours has been obliterated by dozens of survivor groups over the span of their dbd career. If you say otherwise you are either a total liar or you play at potato MMR. Learning a new killer alone when they first come can leave you prone to getting destroyed. I don't believe you can count on 2 hand how many times you've been stomped if you have a good amount of hours. Sounds like survivor sided propaganda to me.

  • Member Posts: 1,347

    If you're not enjoying killer you might want to play survivor or play another game. DBD is finally reaching the closest we've been to balanced especially for the average killer a lot of pain points have been addressed for both sides that make the game frustrating at times.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2023

    Gotta love how killer is easy because streamer xyz with 5k-10k hours gets a 3k,4k. Yes let’s all quit our jobs stop living our lives and play dbd all day long to prove your point. I have less then 1k hours and go up against 3k-5k hours nearly every game. So you’re tellling me that’s fair as someone casually playing the game. Very flawed logic. Guessing you missed the showcase where comp survivors shitted on every killer they went up against and would do the same to every streamer you mentioned. You’re comparison isn’t fair and not well thought out.

  • Member Posts: 442

    How weird though when these same streamers play survivor suddenly they barely even escape 50% of the time. By your logic since the game is so skill-based then we should see plenty of survivors with a consistent ~80% winrate too, right? The survivor playerbase is 4x larger than killer, so statistically, you should have no trouble finding several of them, can you even name one? Momo is at 1000-winstreak right now, SupaAlf at 100+, but how weird, nobody is even attempting a streak as survivor?

    And the neat part, you don't need to have 5k hours to achieve these results. You just need to play killer and tunnel the f*ck out of every game. I have ~200 hours at killer and my killrate is above 80%. The first time I picked Nurse I won 30+ games in a row.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    I was originally a killer main starting all the way back to Halloween chapter but then started playing both sides about even, but the last month I dropped killwr completely. It's just a miserable experience now which is a real shame. It's not even about getting 4ks or 0ks, but the match just isn't fun feeling like you are getting kicked in the teeth the entire match whether you win or lose. I just want to have fun as killer but I just don't see that happening again unfortunately.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2023

    Again terrible comparison if the streamer is playing solo q there are a number of variables. Last time I saw Momo play in a comp match he had 1 kill and was lucky to get that. You can always tell who’s a survivor main by the way they talk. They bring out all the xyz streamer and use insane examples like nurse and blight win streaks. Like u said u have no hours on killer so why not go play killer and come back when your opinion is coming from a place of personal knowledge. Let us see your insane win streak on every killer 🤡 funny you mention tunnel yet killers are so op they don’t need to tunnel. It’s laughable how everyone arguing in your position states killers don’t need to tunnel yet push comes to shove they start losing the match and the camp tunnel comes out. It’s a tired argument give it up.

  • Member Posts: 79

    According to saiph it’s easy tho otzdarva does it why can’t u 🤡

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Oh I'm not even arguing about getting wins or not. I don't care about that. I do get bothered about having a miserable experience whether i win or lose

  • Member Posts: 1,170

    The 60% number contains matches where survivors suicide on hook which almost always ends in the other 3 survivors dying as well unless one gets the hatch. So 60% is artificially high.

    iirc the kill rate at high mmr, or maybe it was when a swf was invovled, was around 40% - 45%

  • Member Posts: 79

    Yep the same stats that pointed as nurse being the worst killer. Saiph just doesn’t get it. To be fair tho he is speaking from a place of ignorance which is pretty common amongst survivors mains.

  • Member Posts: 442

    Momo has a winstreak on most killers in the game not just Blight. Otz has a 50-winstreak with every killer in the game, and yes he's better than most players but he did it with no offering and no perks so there is a lot of margin. By using perks and exploiting things like map offerings, VPN and lobby dodging average players can easily do winstreaks too. As said I reached 30+ with Nurse (don't remember if it was 36 or 46).

    I then reached 10+ with Spirit, Trapper, Clown, Trickster, Huntress and Artist.

    Not worth uploading any of these because it's literally wasted effort, it will take me 2 hours and then you'll immediatly dismiss it because either the killer I used was too strong, or add-ons were too strong, or the survivors did not use enough BNPs, or they weren't enough SWFs, or whatever. You deny the official killrates of 60% but when somebody gives any other sort of evidence you say they are a survivor main lol. Devs must be so survivor biased since it's them who published the killrates.

  • Member Posts: 442

    The 60% number also contains hatch which has 1/2 chance of giving an escape to the last survivor for free. You could have your whole team die at 5 gens and get slugged then have the hatch spawn below you still resulting in an escape. So the killrates are artificially lower due to hatch, approximately by 25% / 2 = 12.5%. In reality the adjusted killrate would be 72.5%. See I can do the same.

    The kill rate at high MMR was not 40% or 45%, no. It was 61%, shared by the devs themselves.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2023

    Talk to me when he has a comp win streak. Your argument is weak. 700 or more of his games came from eruption era prob the strongest killer has been. All you would need to do is play an average killer and link your vod very easy to do. You don’t need to upload anything stream it link the vod easy. According to your data nurse is the worst killer. Flawed logic flawed numbers what more flawed points do u have to make? Disconnects yes are taken into account but people giving up on hook when the game is still very much in play kills everyone else. What don’t you get about that and that’s the majority of the player base.

  • Member Posts: 79
    edited July 2023

    This guy is really something else he is in for a reality check once he actually plays killer. 🤡

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