A new anti toxicity feuature

When a killer is near you while your down, you should get free unbreakable to stop stuff like it. It's annoying and toxic. Definitely needs adjustment, but that is the general idea.
Slugging is not toxic just because you don't like it
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I’m pretty sure he means when the killer just stands on top of you and let’s you bleed out when there’s plenty of hooks available, that is toxicity and you should get a unbreakable if the killer is just standing on top of you or near you
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You are right about that but slugging in itself is not toxic
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I know that, that’s why I said I think he meant what I said, killer slugging and going after another survivor is a viable strategy for sure
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As much as I hate it, sometimes that's necessary. Especially with how meta Boil Over has been lately. I still hate that perk more than any other perk due to how those that bring it are those that tend to know how to abuse it. No perk should be a guaranteed escape, but for many survivors it is because they bring a map offering or get lucky on the map roulette.
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Again, I’m talking about the killers who want to be toxic and bm you for two minutes on the ground, if no unbreakable then at least add an option for survivors to sacrifice themselves to the entity like the endgame does if they are the last one remaining, at least at that point survivors won’t have to be bm’d on the ground and move on to the next game
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But what to the game is different than a killer being toxic even though they can hook you and you bringing Boil Over and running to a dead zone or high point with no hooks? As much as being slugged sucks, if you say are doing the challenge to kill all players in the match by any means on a killer you never play (like the current Hillbilly one, which I haven't even bothered to do cause I know I would be playing Billy the rest of the event and more than likely still not get it without resorting to "toxic" methods, which I don't find fun and that's why I wouldnt' do it) , sometimes it's not being toxic it's making sure you get the annoying challenge done.
What it boils down to is that everyone has their own ideas about what is "toxic" and "bm" and while I do agree that leaving a survivor slugged all match is toxic, some may not. I also more than likely don't agree with you on other things you find toxic and you would not agree with the things I find toxic.
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"new anti-toxicity feature, if the survivor blinds you twice in a row, survivors within 32 meters get insta-downed and mori is available to killer for the rest of the match."
that's how that suggestion sounded to me. Just because you are unhappy about the strategy used against you, doesn't make it toxic.
It's a competitive pvp game, killers are not going to bring you hugs and candies, get real.
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it's not strategy.
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I think you’re completely failing to understand what I’m saying here, slugging on the ground when you are the LAST survivor when there is so many viable hooks to be placed on is literally bming, just had a match where an oni slugged me for two minutes straight when there was plenty of hooks he could have taken me to, I even crawled underneath one, that’s called toxicity, again if you are the last survivor and the killer does this add an option to bleed yourself out so you can move on to the next game, instead of wasting my time because a killer is mad they got looped too hard
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the good thing is that the finisher mori is coming, and this "strategy" will no longer exist.
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Even with it killers will still slug you to bm for two minutes and kill you last second, so it’s still going to happen
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yes it is a strategy.
allow me to elaborate.
if you are facing a group of survivor who are playing altruisticly, with let say, the intent to do triple flashlight saves and use a combo of boil over and flip flop...
Slugging is literally the play any killer SHOULD do, its the clearest counter play. Otherwise, while it may seem "unecessary" to some, it is also at each players discretion what strategy they choose to employ, successful or not, face camping buba or not, it is not against any official rules of the game... just against the made up rules survivors have for killers for some very strange reason.
I have made up a rule that states that survivors should line up to the hook and let me kill they with no effort for free... unfortunately, that rule didn't seem to get any traction within the community so far :(
but I understand, not everyone can be so gracious as to simply take the L when outplayed, I am guilty of that vs MFT and old DH... it happens even to the best amongst us.
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No, I am not missing your point, you are missing mine. You don't get to dictate to the killer what is fun any more than they do to you. I've had it done to me, and I have done it to Boil Over users (or in my opinion, abusers.) Which is my point also.... I deem Boil Over abuse as toxic... So can I have the killer equivalent and get a free Mori if there are no hooks near a downed Boil Over user?
I know a streamer that has his "Toxic Chainsaw Massacre" joke games, where he will facecamp with Bubba and spell out the name of the chatter that redeemed for it in hits on the hook. Is it toxic? I mean, yeah. One could argue it is. But is it hilarious fun? Absolutely... and the thing is, in all the times I've seen him doing it, very few times has one of the survivors come in and laid into him. What tends to happen instead, I bet they come in with that intention, but they see him, then they go "whaat' and wait a sec, realize that he's doing it for the meme and... 9/10 times they end up a follower and when they have the points? You find them redeeming a "Toxic Chainsaw Massacre" game.
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What are you even on about, I never said anything about face camping the only thing I said was slugging as the last survivor, no one likes being bled out on the floor for 2 minutes for no reason just because the killer is mad, you’re clearly an entitled killer main
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You should only get a way to ######### quicker. Why should you get yet another free health stage? Already get too many with all those extra health stage perks like DS.
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Slugging/ camping/ tunneling and other toxic killer things are sometimes required for you to win a specific match and I'm tired of bhvr thinking they're just meanie practices and finding some way to remove them, I hope they never touch slugging
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You only get DS after you get hooked you only get one chance to use it within a 60 second timer and if you do a anything before using DS then you lose it until you get hooked again, and it deactivates when the exit gates are powered.
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The last time I play against the Plague, the killer get survivors down and never hooked anyone. No flashlight, no toxicity or anything from us.
And the dude just walking back and forth on our bodies for fun. All the game was like that.
I don't know if he was frustrated by a previous game, but that was sad and I just stop playing after a few minutes because it was no fun.
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They'd just redown you and continue to slug you.
And giving endurance on that unbreakable quickly would turn the game into an anti-pickup meta. If they can't hook you you just win outright, so put your entire build into preventing hooks.
Slugging can be frustrating, but it's often a necessarily action to win games.
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I talk about killer who keep survivors on the floor for fun. Where is the strategy here? The dude don't play to win but to ruin people experience.
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Well there is your anti-slug feature. You got a free health state perk. Now you want another?
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Of course I must be an Entitled Killer main. Is that why I have every survivor perk on every survivor at level 3 and all but the newest survivors at least P9, Claire (Jill Valentine) is P35. I don't even have all of the Killer Perks at P3. So tell me again how I am an entitled killer main?
As for what I am "on about" I am on about toxcity and the idea of fun. Do I find being slugged on the ground fun? No. But if a killer wants to do that, well... they find it fun apparently, or have some reason to do it and it's not on me to get bent out of shape. That's what I meant about the facecamping streamer. Some probably find it very toxic, even he does in a joking manner, but is it really? That's a decision you have to make for yourself, not others.
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Only if a Killer decides to slug long enough for me to use a mechanic that's like Unbreakable.
Again DS can only be used once after each hook state so it's hardly an anti-slug feature.
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I'd love for BHVR to add some anti-bm hook technology. Something like, if the killer hits the survivor on hook whilst no teammates are nearby, it stuns the killer. It would send the bm right back.