Can I still get the adept Nancy and Steve achievements?

The achievements still show up on Steam, but the perks are not showing above the bloodweb (I assume because the DLC got removed), can I still get the achievement?
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No - they aren't. Unsure why yours are appearing on Steam, they don't appear there for me and I unlocked them back when Steve/Nancy were available.
They were replaced by the following achievements:
First to the Punch (Killer)
Tools of the Trade (Killer)
Expert Generalist (Survivor)
Skilled Generalist (Survivor)
0 -
Yeah for some reason (either it's a translation issue that hasn't changed the name/description) you have the old description/name but the new achievement requirements. This is it in English - note it has the new icon and the '8' requirement same as yours.
Mine is showing it as 'incomplete' on the progress because I unlocked Adept Nancy on 22nd September 2019, but it's carried over the 'unlock'.
I got this achievement, but it says 0/8? Which I am confused by