reminder to take a break if needed

seeing an influx of frustration today. if you find yourself stressed out from dead by daylight, the game is not as fun for you anymore, you're feeling negative about the people around you, or you feel like your time is being spent in a way that doesnt make you feel satisfied, i suggest you take a break!

heres of list of things you can do for yourself:

- drink some water

- catch up on any snacks or meals you might have missed

- take any medication you need

- take a walk

- pet a dog

- talk to a friend

- sing a favorite song of yours

- make a character and imagine them doing something cool

there's other things to enjoy in life that isn't just dead by daylight! remember to reorient yourself and make peace with things today

take care of yourself :)


  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,336

    I appreciate your efforts here to help maintain our mental stability. We all have a love hate hate relationship with DBD once the hours pile up. Touching the grass is important.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    Should I take a break Skittles?

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    as much as FOMA exists, you don't need to force yourself to play. the commitment is a conscious decision and i just wanted to remind individuals that their mental, physical, and emotional health will forever be more important than a game!

    of course! glad i could help remind people to take care of themselves <3

    yes, i recommend you take a break

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    I think what drives a lot of our fascination with DBD is that this game houses a lot of our favorite killers which naturally drives our interest to play the game, and seeing popular streamers upload fun matches also fans those flames. The thing we fail to realize though, is that a lot of the time it takes said streamers multiple hours to come across a single match that's worth uploading. Not to mention, DBD is not friendly to casual gamers, nor is it an easy game to step into for new players. You quickly learn before too long that solo survivor is maddeningly difficult, and killer is a sweat fest.

    We see the fun that could be had, but sometimes the high learning curve with some killers mixed with the imbalance of skill-based matchmaking, does not make for fun experience. Sometimes the best thing we can do is shut the game off and move on.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    i understand your viewpoint! your point highlights something to me that i have been trying to discuss with others lately; the importance of the player mentality.

    yes, i agree that sometimes the best thing that can be done is to "shut the game off and move on".

    i realize that despite the many challenges and difficulties that dead by daylight may provide to an individual, that a lot of us seem to hold ourselves to a standard that implies that we HAVE to stay committed to something we are just outright blatantly not enjoying. because of that, it forms an unhealthy relationship that is always at war with the positive content or traits that the game and community itself may provide; by staying committed to an unhealthy relationship, you are blinding yourself to what could potentially be a good thing because you become so used to (and gravitate more towards) the negativity surrounding the media.

    competition naturally draws this out of people. dead by daylight at its core is a competitive game because it creates a rivalry between survivors and killers-- similar to a IRL sport like soccer, for example. with that being said, soccer can be very difficult when you play against people publicly because of the variance of skill levels, different field rules and restrictions, the conditions of the ground, the cleats you wear that day, the amount of air that's in the ball, the type of ball, etc.

    with that being said, would you continuously force yourself to try to enjoy soccer if you are not enjoying the things it has to offer? would you maybe try to improve and embrace these variables? or, would you create something of your own and try to make soccer into something that's fun and easily accessible for you?

    dead by daylight follows these same exact variables because it is the players that drives the experience. if everyone is always looking for the negativity in things, you're more bound to be pessimistic about the situation and the less likely you feel inclined to return. that's why i recommend for those who need a break, to take one. their perspective and feelings may be strained because they are consistently placing themselves in a position that causes too much tension.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    My killer is kinda taking a forced break already with these servers.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    thats okay! use the time to discover something else maybe?

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    I took a break for the longest time before hopping back in for the anniversary event. What I find funny is that I watch a lot of DBD on YouTube, which can be entertaining when you're watching people that have dedicated thousands of hours to the game, but for casual players like me, when I hopped back into the game I was quickly reminded just why I left in the first place!

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    i personally think that maybe you might need a new approach to the game yourself. maybe you can find a way to make it just as interesting even if you're not that good at the game! it's worth a shot given that you found a reason to come back for the anniversary. maybe you want to gather as much points as possible to level up your characters, or work towards a skin!

    there's always something :D

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,128

    Definitely something in the air today. Played 7 games and killers DC'd in 3 of them, and team mates DC'd in 2 of them. Everyone is on edge this last week of the event. Chill guys, get some bp.

  • UnavailableName
    UnavailableName Member Posts: 298

    As said in another post on another thread, DbD is the only game where developpers and players are advising to take a break from the gam out of frustration.

    It does not exist anywhere else being symmetrical or asymmetrical games : L4D, Evolve, Valorant, Hunt Showdown etc...

    It means there is a real problem with the game's overall balance/mechanics.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Actually in ffxiv Yoshida tells the player base to take breaks between content drought and other issues. I did and never came back haha.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    not necessarily true. you can have a very good and balanced game and still have individuals who develop an unhealthy relationship with it solely because of the reliance upon wins/losses rather than enjoying the experience. you even receive this kind of emotional response with singleplayer games!

    breaks are warranted and are a necessity for anything, even outside of video games

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336
    edited July 2023

    I can't fully agree on this - I understand what you mean but everyone is different. I personally have the willpower to quit and only continued to play out of spite and bitterness because 3 challenges did not track progress on me which later BHVR fixed or they just started working. I went around them because I'm stubborn.

    FOMA is predatory and yes it does prey on the weak willed it also inconveniences and annoys normal users like you and I. For me I don't have the time to just casually play all the time because I'm working on game assets all the time. So sometimes if I like the content considering DBD is one of my favorite games yes I will sometimes play with the sole purpose of getting a challenge out of the way. I did this with the Ghostface battlepass because Ghostface is one of my favorite slasher villains but realistically I don't have the time and paying 1 dollar per level is stupid I'd rather buy the cosmetics straight up. These things are what makes me slowly get burned out on the game or consider just looking at DBD as a side game. My breaks on caring about that is typically when most of the contents of the battlepass is terrible and then I just outright ignore it for those months.

    Regardless - Video game addiction is a thing. I've had plenty of friends I lost contact with that I've tried to help because they could not resist playing games due to limited content. As stupid as it sounds this is a thing. I won't name the game but I've watched a friend dip into their college funds and spend $2000 on MT's because they never wanted to worry about limited content again and I genuinely asked them "Are you out of your ######### mind - Why did you do that?". That's an extreme example but anyone can fall into that rabbit hole for any game with timed content. You could say it's affected me personally quite a bit because I've watched from point A to B on how it can slowly affect people. My friend that dipped into their college funds very gradually slipped down that slope for a steady 2 years. I eventually lost contact with them and they actually had to see a therapist from what I was told through other friends who somehow knew them.

    I agree on this though - If you take a break from a game take a break from its community as well.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,697

    When the devs clarified on what qualifies as a win, I think, only helped drive people's overall negativity with the game. Telling killers that the only way you win is through kills was completely the wrong way to go about it. The game should be balanced around hooks, but because they were told kills, that's what leads to many killers face camping and tunneling. Whereas with survivors they were told you have to escape. It doesn't matter if you looped the killer for five gens, if you died at the end then it wasn't really a good match, because you lost.

    Knowing that we have devs with that kind of mind set behind this game, is going to prevent this game's community from growing, because the frustration is all too real if you're not doing exactly what the developers have said you need to do to win.

    Simply put, the game needs to be rebalanced to where kills and escapes don't matter as much as the match itself.

  • Skittlesthehusky
    Skittlesthehusky Member Posts: 750

    i wholeheartedly understand your viewpoint and agree with its premise. i was placing heavy emphasis on the ones who personally choose to go out of their way to interact with dead by daylight despite the way they personally feel towards some of the things that have been going on with it because they prioritize their self-imposed FOMA, not the ones who are preyed upon and the switch being flipped for them. the reason why i did so is because of the common language that's used on these forums in particular; "i hate this game so much", "i only ever really play now for x, y, z", "i decided to come back ONLY for the event", etc.

    sorry, my response was written in the early hours on minimal sleep, i suck at words xD

    as someone who has ADHD, i used to fear missing out on things in this game to the point where i would spend days thinking about it when my focus could be elsewhere. as a result i changed things around to better suit my health towards the game and remind myself that i am not obligated to play or catch up, and that the content is not relative to my own life. i was never a fan of MT's, i was just someone who liked to see my own results and liked to be present, so i can understand how individuals may be itching to get EVERYTHING and have also personally seen how video game addiction consumes a person as well (a part of a neglectful relationship with a past partner many years ago was the result of said addiction).

    side note: i sincerely hope your friend is doing a lot better now, you have me wondering about this individual.

    this is why i attempt to do my best to remind people that dead by daylight is not an obligation, and that it's better suited for them to take care of themselves before they attempt to "take care" of the game. there's a combination of reasons as to why someone may be sticking to dead by daylight, everybody has their own reasons! but it's a little concerning when players purposefully put themselves in positions to become infuriated with the game and start affecting the psychology of others.

    you have a fair point! i am well aware with what the developers have said, which is why i intend to go against the grain and encourage the exact opposite of the stance of their own game. i do believe that it is the combination of both the developers and the players that fuel the negativity, so it is my mission to try and start something to remedy this.

    with what you've talked about, i believe this comes back around to what i've already stated about the community determining the game for themselves. i think the competitive community's side of the story is a perfect example of this.

    their scoring system, if i'm recognizing this correctly, is based off of hooks and points rather than directly kills in order to secure their own version of a "win" for a team. there was a difference in mindset to create a goal that was not present in the game itself, and it seems to have stuck enough to the point where even the developers catered to this side of it and have started their own tournaments with these rulesets! this highlights the very thing i'm talking about, where players are able to alter an experience for themselves despite the game's foundation.

    as silly as i might sound with this, i 100% believe that you do not have to play by the rules in order to have fun. the win condition is a suggestion, but it is ultimately the choices that you allow yourself to make to enjoy dead by daylight.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Oh no it's a fair point and regardless it's a good message. I personally don't hate this game but I strongly dislike this event. However I do find that the quality of the game varies based on how the battlepass challenges are each tome and how desirable rewards are. I get why they do it but I find it to be really unhealthy with how they encourage players to keep coming back but I of course am biased due to witnessing people succumb to such tactics.

    As for the game as a whole - I enjoy it and for the most part never feel forced to play. The only time that absolutely was the case was when I was unable to play for a bit and got back on the ghostface tome with about 14 days left with zero progress on it and considering I love Scream and by extension all of the mask I absolutely no lifed the game. Took a long break after that one.