Killers need a meta "shake up"
Over 90% of my rounds I see killers using pain res, deadlock, sloppy butcher, pentimento and play thing. These perks are SO boring for gameplay, especially pentimento which is insanely overpowered because solo q teammates lack the logic of going back to a totem they cleansed and leave other teammates to do it despite not knowing where the totem is.
Also with these perks being the killer meta they are seen EVERY round yet when survivors use a perk often it gets nerfed, including survivor perks that are weak i.e., spine chill and MoM yet sloppy butcher for example was already meta before it got buffed but dev's still buffed it to the disgusting state it's in now.
Another example is thanatophobia which got buffed even though it was already meta then when devs realised what a massive mistake they'd made they reverted it but I'm yet to see a sloppy revert.
If dev's like to "shake up the meta" then why are the killer perks I've listed still the only killer perks being used, or does shaking up the meta only apply to survivor perks? The meta "shake up" destroyed survivor perks i.e., DS & Iron Will so they're never seen anymore but I'm still seeing killer perks that were apparently "nerfed" in the meta shake up, this is evidence the perk changes are unbalanced in killers favour. Why does "nerfing" survivor perks mean outright obliterate yet "nerfing" killer perks means slight power reduction so it's at least still useable?
Just be honest and admit you want every single killer perk to be terrible. Killers use slowdown perks because it's necessary, especially with every survivor running ridiculous endgame builds now. Nobody actually enjoys running them, but they're a necessary evil. And nerfing these perks isn't going to stop killers from running them, because they are essential to function.
"when survivors use a perk often it gets nerfed"
Every major powerful survivor perk, even ridiculously overpowered ones got to keep their strength for years, and in some cases like Dead Hard were repeatedly buffed for quite some time. The original Decisive Strike let you break out of the killer's grasp for free once per match (so 4 times per match) with no meaningful counterplay so that a killer could potentially get d-striked 4 times before his first hook. This lasted for 2.5 years before the perk got reworked. It is killers who are used to their perks getting nerfed every few months. Do you think killers would ever get a perk like Made for This and have it actually make it to the live build?
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The devs recently nerfed a bunch of regression perks and killers adapted. At some point you just have to realize that it's a skill issue.
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The only perk I think needs nerfing is sloppy.
But I have to ask, why are killers not allowed to use meta perks without being called boring?
I dont really care what perks are in play as long as I feel I can outplay it and win which I mostly do. Gen kick meta definitely is the exception but current killer meta is fine.
Besides, any further killer nerfs will either lead to basekit buffs or a very harsh survivor nerf again which I don't want.
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After a year or so of playing I finally had a match where I got a full 5 stacks of Pentimento last week and it took a meme build on hag where I like to pretend I’m a grumpy old person who wishes those neighborhood kids would stay off my totems. I have been seeing it more recently than in the past as survivor but it’s not that bad.
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Average (expected) killer main response, and the nerfs were pathetic/ nothing on the scale of constant survivor perk obliterations which is the point of this thread. Killer nerfs do not equal survivor nerfs, with killer perks still being viable after said "nerfs" unlike surv ones.
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The gen slowdown should not be the first stack, 30% is too much considering doing gens is arguably the most boring part of survivor anyway.
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And I suppose when a survivor is tunnelled or camped it's their stupidity that's to blame as well, eh? (Spot the killer main: easy mode.)
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I'm seeing Dead Hard and Iron Will a lot more now that MfT is out, because they work really well together. Survivor perks really weren't killed that much. But hey, stay mad that you fail to adapt to the balance changes.
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Uhhh where did I say I didn’t adapt? I’ve never used dead hard before or after it’s multiple nerfs?My current build is literally a healing build because I enjoy using a variety of builds so please don’t make assumptions when the topic of the thread is on how survivor nerfs are heavier than killer nerfs regardless of adapting to said nerfs.
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You went on tirade about how survivor perks get nuked despite that not being the case.
It's very clear you just don't want any survivor nerfs and only killer nerfs. Which just comes across as a skill issue.
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It is very much the case, take decisive strike and spine chill for example. The drop in usage in any nerfed killer perk is nothing compared to the survivor ones. Again with the incorrect assumptions..? (Average killer main jumping to conclusions and putting words in a casual survivor players mouth) What I want is equal nerfs on both sides.
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Killer mains are very fast to attack a genuine criticism with insults and assumptions it seems. I’ve been called “mad”, been told I have no skill and had multiple words put in my mouth for making a genuine obvious observation lol. U guys are too easy to trigger and that wasn’t even the intention of the thread, then again if I wanted praise off you all I’d just make a thread about nerfing MFT then you’d all be happy.
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i've been seeing a variety of perks and builds being used as far as "meta" goes...
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Joke aside, for me Plaything and Penti are the most fun slowdown to play against as survivor. Its not about adding extra 5min to Gens.
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We've seen Pentimento already with gen slowdown not being the first stack and it made the perk too weak. On the Artist PTB, the perk was bugged so that the healing slowdown was first, followed by the gen slowdown second. It wasn't good.
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Ah yes a meta shakeup is needed because "Perkz R pickd 2 Mucch!!!!11!1!" guess we should do a survivor emta shakeup because windows and adrenaline are carrying everyone, right?
killers got their shakeup 2 months ago. or did you just happen to forget CoB and overcharge are dead perks? Along with a pain res nerf? You seem to have the idea "grr rar devs baby killers only nerfing survivors grr" which is stupid. Not only would it be stupid from a business standpoint but its just not true. Like bestie did you just happen to forget they straight up deleted the gen kick meta? And the ruin pop meta. And also added multiple basekit buffs to survivor to counter tunneling and soloQ?
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none of the perks you complain about are a problem whatsoever.
killer meta will always be slowdown they just change over time and this the healthiest slowdown meta we ever had cuz all slowdown perks are weaker than their predecessors and not oppressive.
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Personally I feel like most survivor perks that have an effect that’s worth anything are gated behind very situational triggers or have drawbacks that make them potentially useful but more often wasted or undesirable like sprint burst. Take x protection hits, x seconds of endurance immediately after healing to full, free wiggle if you’re carried and fall from a height, etc.
Conversely, some of the more effective killer perks have situational triggers that they’ll be doing every match anyway. Kick a gen. hook a survivor. Worst case, vault a window.
It feels like killers get value from their perks effortlessly, just through the flow of the game. Survivors usually have to set up some series of events or circumstances to get a single use off their perks.
Perks where this approaches not being the case like MfT get whined about endlessly.
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I want BHVR to move away from obliterating perks on either side because of usage rate. I want them to introduce stronger perks that incentivize choosing them over other things. It’s good when matches feel like a tug of war rather than a stomp.
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This was the meta shake up.
Eruption/CoB/Overcharge was the meta a couple months ago.
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I get it man, you are roar and you gotta stick to your bit. But you realize killers have gone through several more metas than survivors by far? You realize survivors have had basically 2 metas ever and killers have had what at least 8? In my time playing. Ruin/undying got deleted, Gen kick perk meta got deleted, more slowdowns got nerfed. What's left? Deadlock, Jolt, pain res and corrupt(eruption isn't even meta but not terrible.
What has survivor lost? DS and IW got nuked but both can work in their respective builds, IW in made for this build and DS in anti tunnel build. I guess spine chill got nuked but honestly whatever. That's 3 now? What other perks got nuked tell me.
You are just beyond survivor biased and will probably hit me with average killer main response even though I mostly played survivor since 6.1.0.
Go look at otz recent tier lists. There are far more viable perks for survivors than killers right now(A tier and above). Otz isn't the end all be all in this game but I feel far more free on survivor.
Again you are just self centered lmao.
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what about adapting and using the perks and playstiles that counters them , boring? dude all of them are interactive perks.
you can ignore plaything - no pentimento for the killer , easy.
also COUNTERFORCE destroys that playstile.deadlock? just 99 your gen and leave others to reach 99 as well to finish it.
sloppy---literally forces everyone to smash gens or to rely on strong medkits , either waay unless you against a spirit or wraith , that perk is bad on many killers because addons exist with the effect itself on a lot of them.
plaything has a counter, just be more aware of not lossing LOS of the killer , if he isnt chasing anyone , means is going to you , and viceversa + you have a HUD use it to your favor.
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In what world was thanatophobia meta prior to 6.1.0? Most public opinion was that it was good on legion and plague exclusively.
6.1.0 hit and the perk got double buffed(a direct numbers buff as well as an indirect buff via gen time getting increased). People started shifting opinion and it was seen on more killers. However due to the original problem of it being garbage on everyone not plague and legion the fact that it was now good for everyone else meant it was ridiculously strong for those two.
It was quickly kicked down to be even worse than it's pre 6.1.0 state and remains (just like it has for 99% of its lifetime) been a garbage pick for all killers who are not plague and legion
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You know what is boring? To play same 4 perks for 7 years. Time passes, but survivor meta stays the same-adrenaline, sprint boost, borrowed time(now basekit but still meta), unbreakable. It’s just stupid how survivor meta stayed the same for 7 years with minor changes, but you complain to killer meta which changes with every freaking patch.
Devs need to make major survivor meta shake up. Nerf all meta perks used by survivors for 7 years and sent them into graveyard, how they sent there killer perks with every patch. Pop, scourge hook pain res, call of brine, overcharge, eruption, hex ruin, thana are some examples of meta killer perks that got nerfed into oblivion. How many survivor meta perks got nerfed into oblivion? Zero? I can think of only CoH.
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That hasn't always been the survivor meta. Update 6.1 literally happened because killers were sick of lack of variety over survivor perks. The meta used to be DS, DH, IW, SC, UB, give or take.
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I wonder why all killer bring these perks.
There was lots of perks killer could use,i wonder where they go.
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You had OTR (better DS) and basekit HUD (better spin chill and basekit). If anything that’s a huge buff.
The killer meta is narrow because they nuked almost everything. Meanwhile you can run perk roulette on survivor and have a good match.
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I like meta shake ups. Why limit it to killers? Survivor meta was extremely stale for over 4 years, with the same 6 perks in every match before the first meta shake up.
Lets have a shake up for everyone every 3 months.
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DH is still a meta, UB is still a meta, SC NEVER was a meta. DS got light nerf, it’s still viable perk, its only problem that there’s killers like nurse, blight, rin that catch up lost distance real quick. Iron will? Probably yes, nerf from 100% is obviously signifance. Anyway that doesn’t change the fact that you could’ve used adrenaline, sprint boost, unbreakable and borrowed time in 2016, return in the game 7 years after, and that will still be a meta build.
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Holy, where is plaything and pentimento based on your claim, what the, sloppy 13%.
Wow, look at survivor perks, 30% usage rate.
Idk which one is more stale than others
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Uhh boy, one of the most survivor biased people on the forum strikes again.
Just the multiple attacks calling people killer mains alone are hilarious, seeing the irony.
And completely and intentionally disregarding and ignoring for example facts like this:
The two previous gen slowdown metas completely crushed but go one with "hurrdurr, killer never get a meta shake up".
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They might need it.
Almost every round I see Sloppy, Franklin's, and Deadlock or DMS, Pain Res...
But if they do have that shake up, let it be through BUFFING unused perks. BHVR is on the right track with that last midchapter having more buffs to niche perks.
As much as seeing the same perks often annoys me, none of them are OP at the moment and it would achieve nothing to nerf them.
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Man, killers on nightlight are so nice running bbq/lethal so much.
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Ha ha op comment gave me the best laugh I've had in ages
You need to stop smoking whatever it is because it's having a detrimental effect on your perception.
But thanks for the laugh.
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As long as Slowdown-Perks are the easiest Perks to use, this will not change. It is just the fact that Killers can replace a lot of skill needed (as if there is much in DBD anyway) by just dragging out the match as long as possible.
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90% of your killers have 5 perks?
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Most killer perks are basically passives that either require no set up or only need the killer to engage in regular killer activities. None of the ridiculous, must take x protection hits under a full moon while mid-fast vault, single use crap most survivor perks are designed as.
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You mean after survivor meta perks...
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I´m still surprised that so many killers use BBQ. Either they don´t know that BBQ doesn´t give bonus points, or they really don´t want to camp/tunnel.
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I use BBQ quite often.
It consistently gives you information you need at the exact moment you need it, not like it's super strong, but it's a nice perk to have if you are playing chill.
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30% is too much I agree, but gen slowdown needs to be the first stack, as that's the priority order for survivor objectives. 15-20% would be fine.
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It's not about that.
If you have a lot of experience you don't really need info perks aside from the very beginning of the game, you'll know which gens are important and which gens survivors will try to complete.
If you are skilled enough, you can make your chases end faster.
But no amount of skill or experience can make gens go back or prevent survivors that are committed to gens from popping them fast.
Hence, gen slowdown will always be meta. That's a niche you can only fill with perks.
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I mean, I really don't want to camp or tunnel.
Info is severely underrated, particularly on stealth killers, and I'd rather hook everyone three times than let anyone die on their first hook.
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I dropped BBQ and WGLF after they nerfed them.
That being said, most people that use BBQ are playing more chill. Avoiding to camp. Which is a good thing
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Absolutely. I think it could use a QoL buff though. Something that further helps players that don't want to camp.
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Knowing exactly where survivors are and actively preventing them from repairing gens absolutely can replace slowdown.
My full aura builds are just as successful as my slowdown builds.
Enough info plus the skill to use it, you can keep survivors perpetually occupied by always having one on a hook, and always pressuring the correct gen.
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That really really depends on killer you are playing and the map you are playing. Can Blight, Wesker or Oni go for a full info build? Sure. But you can't do that if you are playing Wraith on Garden of Joy.
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I use it with Ghostface and Pig. Wraith could also benefit from it quite well as a stealth killer.
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Those are also exceptions, Pig has basekit slowdown, and Ghostface is the only real stealth killer.
Wraith is a different matter though, his stealth is for stomping newer players who don't pay attention and don't know where to run when they see him.
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nah killers have many builds to have fun with as well e.g., aura reading, anti healing but they just chose the gen slow down because they sweat like their family is on the line rather than just playing for fun like most casual survs do