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General Discussions

Killer Refusing to Hook - Slug then AFKs

Member Posts: 330
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

So title pretty much sums it up. We were at Giddeons plant, with a Wraith. I was able to loop for a little while once the killer found me and Nea on a gen, and when I got downed with Knockout the killer just left me there and went on another chase. OK no biggie I guess, he downed me in bathroom. Knockout goes away, and I'm still lying there and no ones coming to get me--but I come to see that the killer is proxy camping the bathroom. So, I crawl out while he's in chase with Felix.

I get picked up, and killer immediately tunnels me down again. Rinse and repeat this until I bleed out on the floor. Mind you, I am near hooks. And there is no one else around me to save me. He just leaves me.

Once Im dead I spectate my friend who's still in, Felix, and see that this trend continues. He downs Felix, who is eventually picked up by Nea, and after say 10-15min eventually all the survivors are downed--and then you see Wraith just cloak, and run to a corner and stand there as we wait for everyone to bleed out.


I can understand slugging strategically, but this was just the most boring gameplay, and it made no sense. Dude only got like 20k BP, when he easily could of just hooked any of us for more. This is the one times where it was just childish toxicity. Like in instances like this I get the usually "Oh just browse the internet its only 4min"---great advise, tell players to stop playing your game because its boring? Is anything in the works for this?

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Member Posts: 343

    As for the AFK slugging, there should just be a surrender button that goes by majority, and if you decline then everyone who voted yes can leave and will be replaced by a bot, while the people who disagree can stay.

    as for regular slugging, we have plenty of perks to counter this, so I don’t think it’s going away

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023

    I think you can report that as griefing or not playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,105
    edited July 2023

    It’s a strat (knock out + slugging). Also, not hooking you at the end prevents 4% attempts.

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    I believe they are looking for a solution to this narrow particular form of slugging, where everyone is down or dead and there's no hope of getting up, to end the trial right then and there.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Must be a killer, who had a couple of exceedingly bad games and/or was severely BMed during that match.

    In your case, it seems more like the former and not that you did anything wrong. Carrying a grudge from one game over to the next will always hurt innocent people at best, and stoking the fires of the vicious circle at best.

    I did so a couple of times myself, in order to get back at extremely toxic survivors... until one game I slugged that Nancy that did nothing wrong and I just got carried away, jumping at shadows and projecting. I felt extremely bad about it and decided, to give future players the benefit of the doubt.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    Ironically I don't think you can. Slugging has a finite timer so bhvr won't punish killers for doing that.

  • Member Posts: 3,322
    edited July 2023

    It’s not the slugging, it’s the AFK. In the reportable section of the game it mentions AFK, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay. 🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I guess that you didn't read my entire post, because it was too long. So sad.

  • Member Posts: 16,662
    edited July 2023

    I read it. That you felt bad does not change the fact that some players are just playing to make the game miserable for the other side. Especially during the Anniversary Event.

  • Member Posts: 2,013

    I mean when all the survivors are downed it's a finite timer. It doesn't matter if killer walks around or stands still.

    Like would you report a killer for AFKing in the end game collapse? Don't get me wrong it's a ######### way to play. I kust don't think buvr will do anything about it.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    The other day I had a Sadako match that lasted 30min because she wanted to do the Mori challenge. It was absolutely abysmal. If survivors haven't been hooked after being downed more than once, then the game should really give you an option to leave the match without being penalized.

  • Member Posts: 730

    1) some players are just jerks and love being jerks and you can’t try to reason why

    2) slugging can be a tactic but there’s a fine line between strategy and straying from normal gameplay. If I notice another survivor nearby I might leave a player slugged to go after them or drop a survivor if a hook gets sabotaged. Slugging someone and then just camping them or slugging multiple people with no intention of hooking are, in my opinion, instances of taking advantage of the game and count as not participating in normal gameplay. I don’t know how people can defend it.

  • Member Posts: 273
    edited July 2023

    Well I hope you like that game because it's exactly what all of your games are going to look like once they install the anti-face camping mechanics and hook grabs are removed. It really is getting to the point where slugging people is just more efficient and less risky.

  • Member Posts: 5,105
    edited July 2023

    Please remember that tagging the Dev Role in a thread they are not already involved is against the rules here on the Forum.

    But to answer your question, a AFK can mean an IRL distraction or emergency (I personally had an IRL emergency to handle during a Nurse game 2 years ago). Or, yes, it could be Unsportsmanlike Conduct; one AFK without other rule-breaking behavior cannot discern this.

    What will be acted upon by the ACMs is the repeated AFKs; establishing the pattern of Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and refusal to play the match normally. If a player AFKs, are reported (In-Game Report REQUIRED, Support Tickets is Optional), and is reported for AFKing in other matches just like you reported for, then they will very likely be dealt with per the rules and escalation process. Or, if a player admits in postgame chat they refused to participate further, that can possibly be seen as admission of Unsportsmanlike Conduct, and reported as well.

    Tunneling, Slugging, Camping, etc are not reportable. To view the Game Rules and Report Process for violations, you can view them here:

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